Political And Governmental Change 1945-1989 Flashcards
When did Germany surrender in ww2?
7th May 1945
Who took control of the German government after Germany surrendered in ww2?
USA, France, UK, USSR
What happened to Hitler?
He committed suicide in May 1945
What happened to the institutions and currency?
Institutions did not function and the currency had collapsed
When was the Yalta Conference and what was decided?
February 1945
-Germany to be divided into 4 zones between US, USSR, GB and France
-an Allied Control Council representing all 4 powers would be created to oversee all 4 zones
What was decided at the Potsdam conference and when was it?
June 1945
De-nazification : former Nazis brought to trial to face justice for war crimes
De-militarisation : to ensure that Germany could never wage aggressive wars again
Deindustrialisation : dismantling large industrial concerns in order to keep Germany weak as well as compensate the USSR
Democratisation : Germany should be made democratic
What is Trizonia and when was in formed?
June 1948
British, American and French zones unified one zone known as Trizonia
What was the new currency known as?
Berlin Blockade
24th June 1948, Stalin attempted to force allies out of Berlin by cutting of all land and water connections into non-soviet Berlin and stopping all rail and road traffic. He cut off water and food supply.
Allied powers launched a massive airlift to bring supplies into Berlin. At one stage, planes full of supplies reached Berlin every 30 seconds. Stalin’s blockade had failed and on 12 may 1949 he lifted it
What did Trizonia become and when
Federal Republic of Germany, 23rd May 1949
What did the Soviets do in response to the creation of FRG?
Established east Germany as the German Democratic Republic (GDR)
What was the CDU?
-1945 = two Church based groups were set up
-Christian democratic Union
-Christian Social union of Bavaria
-had a Christian outlook, idea of social support for the poorest was common amongst these faith based groups
Summary of the SPD in the FRG
-June 1945 = SPD reformed
-many leaders had been in concentration camps so SPD used this to gain a moral ‘advantage’ and used this to urge the Allies to give Germans a greater say in establishing as government
-polices were more radical than the KPD e.g nationalisation of banks
Summary of the KPD in the FRG
-first political party to be reformed in June 1945
-did not want a soviet style system
-key message was to control extremism
-wanted ‘German socialism’ not capitalism, with land reform, new education system and democratic government
-had to change because they are in a capitalist area
Summary of the FDP in the FRG
-1947, a number of small liberal groups formed the Free Democratic Party and pursued centrist policies
What was the Basic law?
The new constitution
What is a federal system?
When power is divided up between states
How was the form of government different in the Basic Law and the Weimar constitution?
-weimar = parliamentary republic with a president as a head of state
-did not explicitly say a federal state
-basic law = federal parliamentary republic with a president as the head of state and a chancellor as the head of government
-Article 1 : “Germany is a democratic and social federal state”
How was the separation of powers different in the Weimar constitution and the basic law?
- both provided a separation for powers between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government
- Weimar’s article 1 and basic law’s article 20 both establish the principle of the rule of law and provide independence of the judiciary
How were the democratic principles different in weimar and basic law?
-both establish democracy as the foundation
-Weimar’s article 1 and basic law’s article 20 both declare Germany as democratic state and that all state authority is derived from the people
How were the powers of the president different in weimar and basic law?
-weimar = president had extensive powers = power to dissolve reichstag, appoint and dismiss chancellors, rule by decree in certain circumstances
-whereas basic aw = large ceremonial role , serves for unity of people.
-article 58 = president has power to appoint and dismiss the chancellor but this power is largely symbolic and is exercised on the advice of the Bundestag
How is the protection of individual rights different in weimar and the basic law?
-basic law = more extensive and detailed list of fundamental rights than weimar
-article 2 of basic law =right to free development of personality
-also contains provisions for protecting human dignity, which were absent in weimar
-article 39 = protect individual rights, independent constitutional court + constitutionality of laws
How is the electoral system different in weimar and basic law?
-weimar = proportional representation =often led to unstable coalition governments
-basic law = mixed-member proportional representation = combines single-member constituencies with party-list proportional representation, aiming to produce more stable governments
How were emergency powers different from Weimar to basic law?
-weimar = provisions for the use of emergency powers which were often abused by nazis
-basic law = provisions for use of emergency powers but the are more limited and subject t strict constitutional oversight
-article 81 = state of emergency to be declared in case of a threat to the existence or the free democratic basic order of the federation or a state but such declaration must be approved by the Bundestag
How is the federal structure different in weimar and basic law?
-both establish federal system of government where power is shared between central government and the individual states
-weimar article 18 and basic law article 20 both establish principle of federalism and provide for the division of powers between federal government and individual states
How was the military different in the weimar constitution than the basic law?
-weimar = provided standing army and gave president the power to declare war and make peace
-basic law = established Bundeswehr as the armed forces of Germany and limits use of military force to defensive purposes
-basic law requires approval of the Bundestag for any deployment of the Bundeswehr abroad
Similarities between the nazi state and the FRG
Both had emergency powers
Both used elections
Both banned political parties : hitler in 1933, KPD banned in 1956
What were the election trends in the FRG between 1949 and 1963?
-CDU always had majority of votes : 31% in 1949, 46% in 1961
-CDU support did decrease slightly 1957 = 50.3%, 1961 = 46%
-FDP always had fewest votes : 11.9% in 1949, 12.1% in 1961
Facts about Konrad Adenauer 1949-1965
-formed CDU
-promoted public works scheme after Great Depression such as building motorways
-first chancellor of FRG and instrumental in writing Basic law so benefitted from it
-1960 = other members of the CDU put pressure on him to retire = he advocated a change in the constitution so he could serve as president for foreign affairs
What qualities did Adenauer have?
Could be arrogant and dictorial and clung onto power for too long.
Dear Spiegel Affair in 1963 = saw his government accused of press censorship and unfair imprisonment
What was Adenauer’s propaganda similar to?
Hitler’s propaganda
What did Adenauer do with former Nazis?
Embraced them as well as emigrants from Eastern Europe and GDR
How did Adenauer attract support?
He used strong anti-communist sentiment during the 1950s which was fermented further during the Cold War tensions between USA and USSR
Who did Adenaur’s polices appeal to?
Urban and rural voters and attracted the middle ground of politics as they appealed to moderates who favoured stability over experiment
What simple slogans did Adenauer use to attract support?
‘Affluence for all’
‘No experiments’
=appealed to conservative workers
What did Adenauer introduce?
Domestic polices and foreign policy
What was the Equalisation of Burdens act?
1952 = offered compensation to the victims of the wartime bombing campaigns on Germany and those expelled by lands in the east
=saw the most significant redistribution of income in German history.= tax of 5% on every citizen with a net worth of more than DM 5,000 payable in 30 instalments = by 1983, DM126 billion had been raised by this measure
What was the Construction law?
1950= grants provided to Lander and cities to encourage large scale building projects and to reduce the need for temporary accommodation
=by 1957 resulted in the building of 4 million new homes for Germans and helped German refugees and those expelled from other countries become integrated into FRG
What was the Work Consultation law?
1952 = encouraged the establishment of worker consultative councils in any enterprise where 20 or more people were employed
=reduced tensions between employers and employees and allowed Adenauer’s government to focus on continuing to grow the economy dung this period. = more stable industrial relations meant fewer strikes
How did Adenauer think long term stability could be achieved?
Strong relations with Western Europe and the United States.
Adenauer saw this as a priority rather than focusing on German unification
What did the FRG enter and when?
Entry into the Council of Europe and Organisation for European Economic Co-operation 1949
When was the FRG admitted to NATO?
May 1955
Summary of the FRG and the EEC
By the early 1960s, Adenauer saw the FRG’s role in a strong Western Europe as important economically as as a means to ensure they did not become too drawn to the USA.
What did Adenauer believe the UK would do to the EEC?
Undermine it because of its economic and political ties to the USA and therefore supported France in blocking British membership in 1963
What were the 2 types of challenges to Adenauer?
Re-emergence of the SPD
His own mistakes
Summary of the re-emergence of the SPD which challenged Adenauer
-by the late 1950s, SPD had re-emerged as a stronger rival to the CDU and had changed their policies to embrace much of the CDU’s economic goals and had moved to become less associated with strong left wing socialism. = more practical ruling party for the German voters
What were Adenauer’s own mistakes?
-criticised for not immediately visiting Berlin in 1961 when the Berlin was was constructed by the East German government = by 1961, CDU had lost majority in parliament
-criticised for attempting to disobey the German constitution in 1959 by trying to make himself president whilst still being chancellor, uniting 2 roles was a serious error in judgement =(given previous history)
What was the Der Spiegel Affair?
1962: editors of magazine arrested as magazine had written articles criticising the army’ ability to defend the country. There were widespread protests as many feared that the government was becoming to authoritarian
Summary of what Ludwig Erhard did
-CDU leader and chancellor who replaced Adenauer in 1963
-continued to support development of the economic and social policies that had earned widespread approval during the Adenauer years
-launched a new social and economic programme which encouraged growth of cooperation within a social market economy
-this caused inflation to rise in 1966 so Erhard was forced to reduce spending and raise interest rates
Summary of Kurt Georg Kiesinger
-CDU leader 166-1969
-entered ‘grand coalition’ and Willy Brandt became his deputy and foreign minister
-criticised by political opponents for being a former member of the nazi party
-formed a coalition with the SPD and CDU due to economic challenges
-criticised due to amendment of constitution to establish elected committee that could enact emergency measures when confronted with serious threat
-German’s on left opposed policy viewing it as authoritianism and endangering individuals freedoms and democracy within the FRG
Summary of Willy Brandt
-led first SPD government in FRG and people had high expectations of his ministry
-spoke on daring more democracy
-introduced policy of Ostpolitik : compromising with the GDR and building better relations between the two countries
Summary of Helmut Schmidt
-elections of 1976, formed coalition with FDP
-continued to support Ostpolitik and showed ability to deal with serious threats such as terrorism form the RAF in late 1970s
-party suffered from divisions such as policies aimed at reducing inflation, growing tensions with the FDP
Summary of Helmut Kohl
-introduced new economic policies and returned to supporting ‘social market economy’ by Erhard
-called for new elections in March 1983 = new coalition government which faced difficulties such as rising unemployment
-criticised for not dealing with corruption linked to members of the FDP and German big businesses such as Flick Corporation
Name the 4 big points that were threats to the stability of the FRG?
- East/west relations
- Opposition from smaller parties and pressure groups
- The economy
- Scandals and corruption
Summary of east and west relations that threaten the stability of the FRG
How might they not threaten the stability
-East Germany = communist state, those resisting the government were spied on and imprisoned by secret police (stasi), anyone trying to cross the border would be shot
-Hallstein doctrine adopted by Adenauer made a strong stand against communist east Germany. Abandoning this makes it seem like FRG was no longer committed to Western democracy
East and west shared common language, traditions, culture, advantages in trade = FRG and GDR remain in the medium term and negotiate better relationship
Policy of Ostpolitik
Summary of how opposition from smaller parties ad pressure groups threatened the stability of the FRG
-late 1960s, took part in public protests which occasionally ended in violence
-German Federation of Trade Unions = umbrella organisation of trade unions founded in 1949 which helped the workers have a stronger and more united voice
-west german communist party (DKP) part replaced banned one in 1966 as being anti-democratic : received financing from the GDR but never had more than 50,000 members and won little electoral support in local and national elections
-Greens = reformed into political party in 980, won increasing share of the vote
How did the economy threaten the stability of the FRG?
-oil crisis in 1973 and 1977, unemployment and inflation in late 1970s and mid 1980s
-increase in public spending in 1970s = national debt rose form 16% in 1970 to 40% by 1982
-Kohl’s polices of cost cutting and privatisation in 1980s were unpopular and caused trade union opposition. : powerful campaign for 35 hour week and significant strikes in 1984 in printing and metal industries although industrials relations were good in Germany at this time
Heavy industries decline in Ruhr, microelectronic industries grew = adaptability of German economy
How did scandals and corruption cause a threat to the FRG?
-Flick Affair : FDP finance minister had to resign 1984 due to scandal over tax exemptions. Company had been allowed to sell shares without paying usual taxes. Later discovered all other major parties had behaved in a similar way
-The Barschel-Engholm Affair:1989, press alleged that president of the state of Schleswig (Holstein) had bugged offices of his main rival in order to find evidence that he as guilty of tax evasion: Barschel forced to resign and later committed suicide in a Swiss hotel