Opposition, Control And Consent 1918-1933 Flashcards
What was the ‘stab in the back myth’?
Another factor that undermined the new German democracy
WW1 was not lost by military but by the betrayal of socialists, communists, Jews and politicians
Who was seen to blame for the stab in the back myth?
Jews, centre party
What was Woodrow’s 14 points?
A statement for peace at the end of ww1
Was Germany involved with the peace negotiations of the ToV?
How did the ToV affect the Weimar Republic?
-reparations blamed for the problems of the German economy and were reply resented. 1923, french occupied the Ruhr to demand reparation payments which caused non-co-operation
-demobilisation of armed forces was a condition of the treaty but was resented so did not fully take place. Tight restrictions on the army were a source of grievance for ex-soldiers.
What were the economic consequences?
Hyper-inflationary crisis 1923, workers resisted with strikes, sabotage and disruption
Munich beer hall putsch 1923
Political effects from ToV affecting Weimar
-treaty forced germany to surrender colonies in Africa, Asia
-reduced size of military
Terms of the ToV
-Germany to pay for all damage done to allied civilians
-no tanks, military aircrafts, big guns
-German navy to be limited : 6 battleships, 6 cruisers, 12 destroyers, 12 torpedo boats, no submarines
What was Article 231?
Germany forced to sign the war guilt clause therefore accepting responsibility for loss and damage.
Were economic reparations significant?
No but people on the right thought that they were.
What happens when the economy is doing badly?
Votes for extremists increase
Spartakist uprising
January 1919
This was a radicalism group that wanted to replace Germany’s capitalist government with a network of local soviets made up of workers and soldiers now controlled Berlin.
Ebert determined to end this and restore authority of the government so used defence minister Gustav Noske to use army to crush the revolution. Also used brutal force : 100 workers killed
Bavarian Republic
March 1919
Soviet Republic was declared in Bavaria = saw the establishment of worker councils and battalions of Red Guards committed to defending worker’s power.
But in may 1919, the revolutionary government was crushed by the Freikorps and a right wing party was put in charge of Bavaria
Ruhr Uprising
March 1920
Communists formed army of approximately 50,000 workers. Known as the ‘Red Army’ which controlled large parts of the Ruhr for several weeks
But the reliance on the army created a difficult position for the government, needed help from the groups which supported Kapp Putsch. This demonstrated the fractured nature of German political opponents of democracy
The Red Fighting League
This was a parliamentary organisation dominated by the KPD
Involved in street clashes with the SA, 1929 a celebration of international worker’s day led to 30 deaths in Berlin.
Well organised by age and region and had its own newspaper
But it only lasted 5 years and was disbanded b he government in 1929. Politically it was not completely united, up to half the members were not KPD
examples of the opposition of the extreme left?
-spartikist Uprising
-Bavarian republic
-Ruhr uprising
-The Red Fighting League
The Kapp Putsch
This was the first major right wing challenge to the Weimar Republic which seized control of the German capital and established new alternative government. Disbarment and demilitarisation required by ToV was an immediate cause
But it only lasted 5 days and was put down by a general strike and it lacked support
Organisation Consul
This was a parliamentary terrorise group dominated by the Freikorps units angry at ToV. At their peak they had up to 5000 men, most with military training. In total they murdered over 350 people: e.g Matthias Erzberger (politician) and German foreign minister Walter Rathenau (1922)
But they were faced to disband in a legal order in the mid 1920s
The Munich Putsch
Intended to seize control of Munich and then Berlin.
Hitler amassed a force of 3000 men to march on the centre of Munich, may of them ex soldiers.
SA was able to take control of the Army Headquarters in Munich
But president ebert declared a national state of emergency and ordered General Seeckt to use army to crush the revolt which was successful
Hitler and Ludendorff were arrested and put on trial for treason
The SA and the NSDAP
-members of the SA were involved in street fights with the communists in many major German cities
-1929, SA added a Motor Corps for better mobility and a faster mustering of units.
-grew with importance, 400,000 men by january 1932
-1930s= Nazis expanded and so did SA
Examples of opposition from the extreme right
-Kapp Putsch
-Munich Putsch
-Organisation Consul
What are conservative elites?
Upper class groups with power and wealth in the Kaiserreich and keen to maintain the new republic. Held right wing views and traditional values. May were monarchists
Who were Junkers?
A rich landowning class mostly based in Prussia with strong influence in the army. Conservative and nationalist organisation which opposed communism.
Who were the industrialists and businessmen?
Manly based in industrial areas such as Ruhr basin
Controlled Germnay’s biggest companies such as Mercedes Benz cars
Attacked social policies of the Weimar Republic
Who were Administrators and bureaucrats?
The dominant group in the institutions of germany. : civil service, army, judiciary = cooperated with the government buy also undermined it.
Examples of actions from administrators and bureaucrats
Judiciary did not use powers when finance minister Rathenau was murdered in 1922. A gang of conspirators responsible but only one man brought to justice for murder
How significant was the opposition of the extreme left and right to the strength of Weimar?
Extreme left lacked coordination to succeed
Extreme right perceived as thuggish and undisciplined
Which class supported the republic?
-majority of working class until 1930 = new legal rights +secure position = negotiate with business leaders
-middle class = less than working class, 1919 = threatened by new democracy
Women in support of the republic?
-less willing to vote for extremist parties, voted for z party (60%) as they shared strong religious message
-women workers involved in strikes which brought monarchy down
How was support for Weimar weakening from 1928?
Industrialists becoming increasingly unwilling to honour agreements
Middle class resented rising costs and increased taxes of a welfare state
The Weimar Republic never won the support of the mass of the German people?
No, initial support as in 1919, 80% of votes were pro-Weimar
Support decreased due to Great Depression in 1930s so people starting voting for extremist parties instead. 1932 = only 35.2% of votes were pro-weimar
Key ways of government control
-banning extremist parties
-confronting and controlling extremism : use of Article 48
-controlling the left : 1918, Ebert-Groener Pact = army defend new regime against the left + negotiations with employers and workers.
What were the main methods used by the Weimar government to control/win over the people?
- Legislation : Reichstag could pass laws, president could use emergency powers
- Propaganda : ‘young plan’ (attempt to settle issues from ww1) and ‘black horror’ (allegations of widespread crimes)
- Compromise with the Nazis