Policy Tab Flashcards
Learn Policy
Reporting all complaints of harassment and/or discrimination to the EDS (Employment Diversity Section) Whether witnessed pr reported formally or informally? (T/F)
What are the 2 options for addressing sustained complaints (2)
- Supervisory intervention
2. Formal dicipline
What are some of the most significant benefits of EIIP (EARLY IDENTIFICATION AND INTERVENTION PROGRAM) (5)
- Improving supervision
- Identifying trends and patterns in employee behavior early on
- Strengthening the culture of integrity and accountability within the LVMPD
- Reducing litigation costs,
- Bringing the LVMPD to the forefront of the file by adopting proven best practices
First line supervisors will review their employees blue team dash board on a ___ Basis and respond to EIIP notifications within ____ calendar days
- Monthly Basis
2. 14 Days
421 Calls
Officers will be dispatched ton calls which (5)
- Are suspicious in nature
- Are related to unknown trouble calls
- involve injuries as a result of criminal activity or traffic accident.
- Are the result of a gunshot.
- Other circumstances indicate a need for police involvement
Officers will not be dispatched to 421 calls which include, but are not limited to (4)
- Injuries from falls or accidents
- General illness,
- Heart attacks
- Accidental overdoses
Response to Homicides and suspicious deaths, The supervisor will (4)
- Respond to the crime scene
- Confirm with the Patrol officer the death is suspicious or homicide
- Ensure crime scene analysts have been requested
- Ensure detectives from Homicide have been notified.
What is the ideal deployment for a dog encounter
A sergeant
an officer with the catch pole
one officer on a less lethal option
and one on lethal coverage.
What is the criteria for a STAR (3)
- There is credible information the subject is armed with a firearm or other dangerous weapon (not simulated or unseen)
- Subject is acting an a threatening manner with the weapon.
- Will not include Open carry, pocket knifes , when carrying the weapon is the sole purpose of the call.
Star protocol sgt will ___A__ _____. If unavailable will ensure communcations requests a ___B___/______ from another area command to respond
A. Self dispatch
B. Sergeant/ LT
STAR protocol is dispatched a supervisor will (5)
- Be responsible for tactics.
- Announce their Acknowledgment and respond.
- make the determination for the use of a shotgun, rifle, arrest team, less lethal option or other tools/ resources (shield, air unit, k9 and swat)
- Rifle deployment will be determined by dept. policy.
- Call or direct an officer to contact ANSEC to get a complete work up on the subject when necessary
What is the criteria to meet to activate an amber alert.
(4) all elements must be met
- Confirmed abduction
- Child is under 18 years old
- Threat of serious bodily harm or death
- Information on suspect and/or vehicle.
FIT will be notified on all (5)
- In custody deaths, or death or critical bodily harm where there is police involvement
- Use of deadly force incidents
- Incidents where the force use by officer lead to critical injury to the subject whom the force was applied.
- Any incident wherein the department member, during the course of official duties, is the victim of a violent crime and sustains critical injury.
CIRT will be notified on all (6)
- In custody deaths, or death or critical bodily harm where there is police involvement
- Use of deadly force incidents
- Incidents where the force use by officer lead to critical injury to the subject whom the force was applied.
- Any incident wherein the department member, during the course of official duties, is the victim of a violent crime and sustains critical injury.
- Attempted suicides in Detention Services Division
All commissioned members responding to investigate a vehicle collision involving another member will also activate the BWC until completion of the investigation.
Once the investigation is complete, all members with BWC will manually label and categorize the video as ____
Pending Review
During rifle deployment
Area Supervisor will (2)
- Proceed immediately to the incident involving the rifle deployment ad assume tactical control
- Ensure that rifle deployment is appropriate for the incident. If rifle deployment is inappropriate for the incident , modify or countermand deployment
What four things need to go into the blue team after a rifle deployment
- Details of the incident
- Justification per policy as to the rifle deployment
- Nature of the threat resulting in decision to deploy rife.
- Number and locations of all rifle deployed officers in the incident
What is the exception to this
Communications will not dispatch a unit out of this jurisdiction to respond to wanted or missing subjects, or to handle recovered stolen vehicles.
Unless approved by the area lieutenant or a hold has been placed by this department. 1
The area supervisor will be notified immediately of emergency calls that are pending. If no patrol units are available, communications will dispatch the area supervisor to the emergency. (T/F)
Non- Emergency calls
Report calls will not be held for a cadet or PSR when area units are clear and not responding to higher priority calls. (T/F)
Sergeants will keep dispatcher advised of the following (4)
- Schedule changes
- Training
- Special Assignments.
BWC: Investigating reportable force SGT will (5)
The last 2 prongs of this are for specialized units w no bwc
- Access video on scene in presence of involved officer
- Record the interview of tghe subjecton citizen
- NOT record subject officer during interview
- Review BWC with officer as soon as practical prior to UOF report completed
- Ensure the reviw of BWC is documented in the narraqtive tof the investigative comments and ensure it is catagorized
How must a BWC malfunction be documented?
- Officers must notify a supervisor whenever there is a malfunction or damage to the BWC and document the malfunction/damage in an email submitted to the Body Camera Section at BodyCamera@LVMPD.com.
- Following an officer involved shooting or other use of deadly force, involved personnel and/or any supervisor will not view the BWC recording prior to Force Investigative Team (FIT) or Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) viewing the footage, except when articulable exigent circumstances exist. (T/F)
The supervisor will record the officers public safety statement after and OIS. (T/F)
The supervisor taking the involved officer’s Public Safety Statement will also ensure that BWC are not used to record any part of the officer’s Public Safety Statement
What are the retention auto assignments for the BWC (disposition based)
Arrest 10 Years
Citation 5 Years
Report only 1 Year
Minimum Retention 90 Days
What are the Manual holding times for BWC
Short-term (Non-BWC evidence) 4 Years
Mid-term (Risk Management, Legal, 401s) 7 Years
Long-term (OIS, S/A, etc.) 20 Years
Indefinite (Homicide, pending, NPRA, Training) None
What are the 2 items that do not require a property report
- Latent prints
- Specialized forensic collection kits (blood alcohol, urine, buccal swab, sexual assault, offender and sex registrant DNA kits.)
What are the four main catagories of Property
- Money
- Guns
- Drugs
- Jewlery
What weight is considered overweight for evidence boxes?
An evidence box that has hand holes will be considered secured after being closed and the handles for carrying left alone. (T/F)
If the box hands hand holes then first place clear packing tape, and then evidence seals across the hand holes.
Metal cans will only be used to impound the following (5)
- Liquid items that may leak
- Unknown liquids
- arson evidence
- Large volume of sharps
Firearms and firearm related items can be impounded together. (Holsters magazines, etc) T/F
The LVMPD will impound firearms to safekeep them while an owner is out of town. (T/F)
LVMPD will only impound firearms for law enforcement purposes.
What should be written on the Evidence tag if the firearm is being suspected of being used in a crime
“DNA” in red ink on the evidence lablel
How many days does an officer have to respond to an evidence error.
Seven days
Anything over seven days his chain of command will be notified of any unresolved errors.
In Field Force Extractons.
The Incident commander will designate an officer to make contact with protesters and request them to release and disperse. If they refuse the dispersal order will be give ____ times in ____ increments and Document who read the order and times issued.
3 seperate times,
In 10 minute incriments.
Threat assessment Bombs (10)
- When did the item show up
- How long has it been there (surveillance? witnesses?)
- Did anyone see who left it
- Where is it placed. ( strip holtel? abandoned lot? entry way or exits? crowded waiting area?
- How is it placed. ( does it look hidden in a populated area)
- Have there been any recent threats?
- What does it look like (wires, switches, modifications, sounds, exceeding heavy looking, anything else 425
- If you feel the item is clear based on the totality of the circumstances? Did an EDD (explosives dog) alert on the item
- People and property are the most valued targets by terrorists
- Is the item suspicious, abandoned or temporairlily unattended.
When a ranking field supervisor requests ARMOR, a responsible person from the establishment will be advised, by the field supevisor , of the ptential for explosion and an evacuation of the premisis weill be initiated (how many stories in a high rise)
At least two floors above and two floors below
Regardless of the size or type of incident, what are the top 3 priorities of the incident commander., (3)
- Life safety
- Incident stabilization
- Property preservation
Subjects that are suicidal and pose and immideate or demonstrated threat to the public will be handled as barricaded subjects. ( T/F)
In a CBRNE incident
If an incident results in multiple casualties (in excess of ___) The Clark county mass casualty plan will be Implemented.
Medical attention will be summoned for the following uses of force applications, regardless of visible injury or complaint of injury
- Baton/Impact weapons- any strikes to the head, neck or groing
- Canine- all bites
- ECD- probe strikes to the head, neck or groing area
4 LVNR- when applied - OC- direct exposure to face
- UOF w firearm
a. LL Shotgun-all strikes
b. 40mm specialty impact weapon- all strikes
c. handgun/shotgun 00buck& slug/ rifle - any discharge - UOF with a vehicle.
a. pit -over 40
b. stationar vehicle immobilization technique (pinching) all
c. blocking contact with an occupied vehicle.
d. ramming - all
Vehicle Blocking
In circumstances where the officer initiates contact, it is reportable use of force. If the subject initiates contact, this will be investigated as a traffic incident (T/F)
When multiple officer deploy rifles during a single incident, the supervisor shall designate one deploying officer to complete the rifle deployment report in blue team, listing all officers that deployed a rifle a “ witness officers” in the report. (T/F)
The officers will be listed as “involved officers”
What are the 7 exceptions to reportable UOF
- Low profile pat down/ high profile pat down/ arm lock/ standing search.
- Routine handcuffing
- Felony prone handcuffing (front and rear)
- Felony Prone search/ felony kneeling
- Baton escort technique
- takedwon
- Blocking without contact.
Complaints of harassment and discrimination may be reported to any one or a combination of the following (3)
- Any supervisor
- The EDS supervisor
- The IAB Commander
Complaints of harassment and discrimination will be documented on an ____1___ and forwarded to the director of ___2___
2. EDS
All internal inestiagions should be completed within ___ days
What are the two options for addressing sustained complaints
- Supervisory intervention
2. Formal disipline
Definitions; Social Media Policy
The specific portion of a social media website where content is dispplayed and managed by an individual or individuals with administrative rights.
Definitions; Social Media Policy
Content an individual shares on a social media site or the act of publishing content on a site
Definitions; Social Media Policy
Personal information that a user provides ona social media site.
Definitions; Social Media Policy
Public concern
Topics that relate to a matter of political, social, or other concern to the community. It does not include topics that relate to employment/ personnel matters or information learned in the course of employment.
Definitions; Social Media Policy
Social Media
A category of electronic resources that integrate user-generated content and user participation , such as facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube, snapchat, etc. and smart phone or other portable device applications.
Definitions; Social Media Policy
Expressions or communication of thoughts or opinions in spoken words, in writing, by expressive conduct, symbolism or images.
Domestic dog encounters
It is thepolicy of this department to consider the implentation of options other than deadly force (4)
- OC Spray
- LL Shot gun
- Catchpole.