Policies Flashcards
Dept Policy
Department ________ are written directives that convey the same authority.
( Policy 1.01 /PAGE 4 )
Dept Policy
Which is not a department directive ? (Policy 1.01 /PAGE 4 )
a. Legal Updates
b. Orders
c. Policies
d. Memorandum of Understanding
d. Memorandum of Understanding
Dept Policy
All members shall access Department directives via the Resource Library on the LAN or ____ systems in accordance with Department Procedure 1.01
(Policy 1.01 /PAGE 4 ):
Automated Field Reporting (AFR)
Dept Policy
Titles shall be used to identify particular ______ .
(Policy 1.02 /PAGE 4 )
ranks and groups under the charge of those ranks
Dept Policy
A violator _______ be pursued to the point where the life of the officer, the violator or others is placed in jeopardy.
(Policy 1.03 /PAGE 4 )
Shall Not
Dept Policy
Officers shall be prepared to _______ the pursuit if it becomes unre asonable under the circumstances.
(Policy 1.03 /PAGE 4 )
Dept Policy
Members shall only use force in accordance with ______________________ . Members ________ use more force than is reasonably necessary under the circumstances.
(Policy 1.04 /PAGE 4 )
law and established Department procedures
Shall not
Dept Policy
Department policy places a greater value on t he _________ than on the _____________.
(Policy 1.04 /PAGE 4 )
Preservation of life, apprehension of criminal offenders
Dept Policy
Deadly force shall be used only when all reasonable alternatives _________ or ___________.
(Policy 1.05 /PAGE 5 )
have been exhausted
appear impractical
Dept Policy
Firearms shall be considered to be _________ weapons, to be used only when necessary to protect human life o r to prevent serious bodily injury. (Policy 1.05 /PAGE 5 )
Dept Policy
Members shall not draw or display firearms in the performance of duty except in situations known, or reasonably believed ___________. (Policy 1.0 5 /PAGE 5 )
to be dangerous
Dept Policy
According to Department Policy 1.06, _______shall only be used under circumstances when it is necessary to overcome violent physical force or resistanc e likely to result in injury to either the suspect, officer(s), or others present.
(Policy 1.06 /PAGE 5 )
Liquid chemical agent
Dept Policy
Any _______ trained in its use shall be authorized to use a Taser.
(Policy 1.07 /PAGE 5 )
Dept Policy
A Taser may be used when _____________________
(Policy 1.07 /PAGE 5 )
a . lethal force is not justifiable or necessary
b . attempts to subdue the suspect have been or will be ineffective
c. it will be unsafe for officers to approach within contact range of the suspect.
d. All of the Above
d. All of the Above
Dept Policy
Officers shall comply with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation and the __________ for carrying firearms while on board aircraft.
(Policy 1.09 /PAGE 5 )
Federal Aviation Agency
Dept Policy
Members ______ encourage citizens to bring forward legitimate grievances regarding inadequate police service or misconduct by members; and those complaints shall be received courteously and without delay.
(Policy 1.10 /PAGE 5 )
Dept Policy
The San Diego Police Department shall generally accept for service all criminal, civil, and Civil Service Commission subpoenas if received a minimum of ____ court days prior to the court appearance date.
(Policy 1.11 /PAGE 6 )
Dept Policy
Officers _______ _____ individually served up to the court appearance date and ______ ______ refuse service due to the court appearance date. (Policy 1.11 /PAGE 6 )
May be
May not
Dept Policy
Seat belts _____ be used at all times by all Department employees, sworn, and non-sworn either driving or _______________ Department vehicle.
(Policy 1.12 /PAGE 6 )
riding in the front seats of any
Dept Policy
Members involved in a police equipment accident, shall notify the ________, render first aid as necessary and assist at the scene until additional police units arrive.
(Policy 1.12 /PAGE 6 )
Radio Dispatcher
Dept Policy
Members ____________ use their personal vehicle for any assignment while on duty unless authorized to do so by their ____________.
(Policy 1.12 /PAGE 6 )
Shall not
Commanding officer
Dept Policy
While responding to emergency calls, officers shall __________ _ ____ using the highway.
(Policy 1.13 /PAGE 7 )
Drive with due regard for the safety of all persons
Dept Policy
____________ shall be responsible for addressing inadequate or poor driving habits of their subordinates. (Policy 1.14 /PAGE 7 )
Commanding Officers
Dept Policy
Security procedures are confidential and shall not be disclosed to __________ .
(Policy 1.15 /PAGE 7 )
any member of the public or news media
Dept Policy
City owned vehicles shall not be ___ _____ ___ unless specifically authorized by a____ __ _____.
(Policy 1.16 /PAGE 7 )
taken home or used outside of norma l working hours
commanding officer or higher authority
Dept Policy
______________ shall follow City regulations to administer overtime in a manner consistent with fiscal responsibility and sound management.
(Policy 1.20 /PAGE 8 )
The Chief of Police
Dept Policy
Authority shall be delegated to each ____________ and ____________ in the department to manage overtime.
(Policy 1.20 /PAGE 9 )
Dept Policy
Equipment supplied by the Department, must be surrendered immediately, in good condition before:
(Policy 1.23 /PAGE 8 )
a . An extended leave of absence, or suspension
b. Discharge or retirement
c. Resignation
d. All of the above
d. All of the above
Dept Policy
All Department equipment issued to members shall be maintained in proper order. Loss or damage to such equipment shall be promptly reported to ________.
(Policy 1.23 /PAGE 8 )
the members supervisor
Dept Policy
All inquiries to the City Manager’s Office, Mayor and Council shall be handled by_______.
(Policy 1.24 /PAGE 8 )
the Chief of Police or designee
Dept Policy
Every __________, in furtherance of Department goals and priorities, shall maintain accountability through the conduct of required ______________ . (Policy 1.25 /PAGE 9 )
Commanding Officer
inspections or audits of all personnel, equipment and functions assigned to the command
Dept Policy
Members _______ remove or copy official records or reports from a police installation only in accordance with established Department procedures.
(Policy 1.26 /PAGE 9 )
Dept Policy
Members shall provide factual, accurate and timely information to all news media on a fair and equal basis without, _____________.
(Policy 1.30 /PAGE 9 )
a . jeopardizing the rights of crime victims or of persons accused of c rime
b. without compromising the security of any investigation
c. breaching any confidential relationship
d. All of the above
e. A and B
d. All of the above
Dept Policy
The use of Department computer equipment, electronic systems, and electronic data, including E-mail and the Internet, is subject to the City’s Administrative Regulation 90.62….. There shall be _________ of privacy in relation to information stored in or sent through the se systems.
(Policy 1.45 /PAGE 10 )
No expectation
Dept Policy
The Inquiry Frequency shall be used for ______________.
(Policy 2.01 /PAGE 11 )
a . Special requests and checking for wants/ warrants on persons
b. Queries in computer systems
c. Officer to Officer communication during incidents
d. All of th e above
e. A and B only
e. A and B only
Dept Policy
The ___________ shall be responsible for the administration and coordination of unit designators.
(Policy 2.02 /PAGE 11 )
Commanding Officer of Communications
Dept Policy
Officers shall ______________when psychotherapists contact the Department regarding one of their patients who may seriously injure another person.
(Policy 2.06 /PAGE 11 )
Ensure the safety of potential victims and try to locate the suspect
Dept Policy
______________ shall be used as a means of advising the general public of emergency conditions that may exist within the county.
(Policy 2.07)
Sigalert bulletins
Dept Policy
San Diego Police Department requests for air ambulances are generally channeled through ____________to the San Diego Fire and Life Safety Services (F&LSS) Department.
(Policy 2.08)
Communications Division
Dept Policy
Department ______________are for business use. Personal use is discouraged. (Policy 2.10)
a . Landlines
b. Telephones and fax machines
c. Wireless cellular devices
d. All of the above
e. a and b
d. All of the above
Dept Policy
______________ shall be responsible for verification of all long distance calls charged to phones under their command.
(Policy 2.10 P11 )
Commanding Officers
Dept Policy
Centralized units shall be classified as either ______________ or ______________.
(Policy 3.01 p12)
Dept Policy
It shall be the responsibility of ______________ to establish the ownership of property impounded by the Police Department.
(Policy 3.03 p12)
Police personnel
Dept Policy
Impounded property, which has the original identification marks or numbers removed, changed, covered, or defaced, ______________.
(Policy 3.05 p12)
shall be marked before being released to the owner(s)
Dept Policy
Alcoholic beverages required as evidence in felony cases, DWI cases, and, suspected stolen alcoholic beverages ______________in accordance with impound procedures.
(Policy 3.06 p13)
Shall be impounded
Dept Policy
_____________shall comply with approved crime case management procedures and review of case procedures as defined in the Investigative Procedures Manual and i n Department Procedure 1.25.
(Policy 3.07 p13)
a . Investigative supervisors
b. Lieutenants
c. Captains
d. All of the above
e. A and C
d. All of the above
Dept Policy
Arrested juveniles shall be placed in detention (confinement) if it is compatible with the best interest of the juvenile and the community. Permission for detention shall first be obtained from the _________. (Policy 3.08)
a . Field Supervisor
b. Field Lieutenant
c. Watch Commander
d. All of the above
e. B and C
e. B and C
Dept Policy
- All narcotics coming into the possession of members shall be impounded _________.
(Policy 3.13 p13)
without exception
Dept Policy
Missing Person reports shall be taken on all persons who have disappeared under ___________ circumstances. There is no waiting period before a missing person report can be filed.
(Policy 3.17 p14)
Other than normal
Dept Policy
Officers generally _______arrest a subject for being under the influence of drugs or alcohol when that subject is currently admitted, or enroute, to an emergency facility or other authorized treatment center, and when that person has not violated any other laws. This _______ when relatives or friends call the police on behalf of the subject.
(Policy 4.12 p15)
shall not
also applies
Dept Policy
Members _________ maintain case files, records, photographs or recordings of investigations, contacts, or arrests of individuals for their own use, or as a private or personal file separate from the official police file or record which shall be stored and maintained at the San Diego Police Department.
(Policy 4.13 p15)
Shall not
Dept Policy
To ensure the lawfulness of the search/sweep, a _____________ is to be present and actively involved anytime a residence or building is searched pursuant to a parole or probation condition. Acting sergeants __________ acceptable for this task.
(Policy 4.15)
Are not
Dept Policy
An Operation Plan shall be completed prior to any _______________.
(Policy 4.15 p15)
a . pre-planned knock and talk search
b. parole or probation search
c. high-risk entry or search warrant service
d. All of the above
Dept Policy
If the execution of a warrant requires the involvement of SWAT, the ______________ shall be notified at the earliest opportunity
(Policy 4.15 p15)
SWAT unit commander
Dept Policy
If forced entry is required, the supervisor shall decide if the entry should be attempted. Entry shall be made in accordance with Knock and Notice as outlined in 844PC. When a forced entry is anticipated, mission planners shall use _____________ as a g uideline.
(Policy 4.15 p16)
the Regional High-Risk Entry Checklist
Dept Policy
Members shall _______ any on- uty injury or illness to their supervisor. Off–duty members who are unable to report for duty due to illness or injury, shall report the fact immediately to their command or, in unavailable to the Watch Commander, no later than_________ prior to going on duty.
(Policy 5.01 p17)
immediately report
1 hour
Dept Policy
Members shall not feign or falsely report illness or injury, or attempt to deceive any supervisor of the Department as to the condition of their health. If abuse is suspected, supervisors may visit a member who is off-duty with a reported illness or injury. Unless the attending physician recommends otherwise, supervisors shall be granted access to the member _______ .
(Policy 5.01 /PAGE 1 7 )
at any reasonable hour
Dept Policy
The ____________ shall administer the grievance process and shall establish and maintain a routing and control procedure fo r all grievances originating with in the Department.
(Policy 5.04 /PAGE 17 )
Human Resources Captain
Dept Policy
While on duty, members shall not smoke or use smokeless tobacco _________.
( Policy 5.05 /PAGE 17 )
a. while conducting an investigation or interview
b. under other circumstances when it could be offensive to other individuals
c. where smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco is prohibited
d. All of the above
e. a and b
d. All of the above
Dept Policy
__________or designee shall have the responsibility of assigning and transferring personnel within the organization and will reserve the right to make any transfers deemed appropriate.
( Policy 5.07 /PAGE 18 )
The Chief of Police
Dept Policy
Employment interviews for the purpose of selecting sworn personnel for investigative and specialized assignments or new hires and promotions shall be conducted by supervisors who have completed the formal _____________through the City Personnel Department.
(Policy 5.09 /PAGE 18 )
Appointing Authority Interview Training
Dept Policy
Members seeking outside employment shall first obtain approval from their ______________.
(Policy 5.12 /PAGE 19 )
Commanding Officers
Dept Policy
____________________ shall be awarded to Department members who recruit employees that successfully complete specified training and/or probation.
(Policy 5.15 /PAGE 19 )
Discretionary Leave
Dept Policy
__________shall qualify for a cash award on the basis of exceptional sustained performance and/or exceptional performance on a project or assignment.
(Policy 5.16 /PAGE 19 )
Non - sworn employees
Dept Policy
- Members shall be eligible for discretionary leave with pay for _______.
( Policy 5.18 /PAGE 19 )
Exceptional performance in their class of employment
Dept Policy
Officers shall handcuff all prisoners with their hands behind them. Prisoners shall remain handcuffed ____________ , unless such handcuff procedure would hamper the conduct of any investigation or the physical condition of the prisoner would preclude such use .
( Policy 6.01 /PAGE 20 )
Whenever they are outside the confines of jail
Dept Policy
In most major crime cases the ____________ shall be responsible for making the preliminary investigation .
( Policy 6.06 /PAGE 20 )
first uniformed officer to arrive at the scene
Dept Policy
The _________________________ shall be used as a safety device to eliminate or reduce physical hazards in the restraining of violent or potentially violent prisoners.
(Policy 6.01 /PAGE 20 )
Cord-cuff leg restrainer
Dept Policy
The _________________ shall be responsible for furnishing a report of all felony and specified misdemeanor sex crimes to the State.
(Policy 6.04 /PAGE 20 )
Chief of Police
Dept Policy
___________shall be the official repository for crime and arrest statistics generated by the Department.
(Policy 6.04 /PAGE 20 )
Crime Analysis
Dept Policy
Officers may destroy injured animals _______, if it can be done with complete safety and it would be more humane to do so based on the severit y of the injuries.
(Policy 6.09 /PAGE 21 )
With a service weapon
Dept Policy
Officers transporting persons in need of emergency medical treatment shall take them _______. ( Policy 6.12 /PAGE 21 )
To the nearest primary emergency facility
Dept Policy
At no time shall officers and uniformed non-sworn members accept:
(Policy 6.14 /PAGE 21 )
a. Free meals or drinks,
b. Reduced prices
c. Any other consideration that is not regularly enjoyed by the public
d. All of the above
e. A and B
d. All of the above
Dept Policy
Officers ________ initiate police contact solely because a person is suspected of being in violation of immigration laws.
(Policy 6.18 /PAGE 22 )
shall not
Dept Policy
Officers arresting military personnel for minor misdemeanors shall, at their discretion and with the consent of those arrested, release them to the custody of ______________.
(Policy 6.22 /PAGE 22 )
Military Authorities
Dept Policy
Officers arresting military personnel for minor misdemeanors shall at their discretion and _________ release them to the custody of military authorities. \
( Policy 6.22 /PAGE 22 )
with the consent of those arrested
Dept Policy
The proper investigation of reported crimes motivated by race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability or gender is the responsibility of ____________________________.
(Policy 6.26 /PAGE 22 )
a . All San Diego Police Department members
b. The reporting Officer
c. All sworn personnel
d. Command Investigations
All San Diego Police Department members
Dept Policy
Officers shall investigate all collisions which come to their attention that occur on a public street or highway, and all collisions that occur off-road on public or private property that involve _____________________ .
(Policy 7.02 /PAGE 23 )
a . death, injury
b. drinking driver, hit and run
c. extensive property damage
d. All of the above
e. A and B
Dept Policy
Officers shall stop and offer assistance to stranded motorists on freeways and to motorists stranded on surface streets___________________.
( Policy 7.05 /PAGE 23 )
when it appears assistance can be rendered safely
Dept Policy
Police protective details are generally limited to the President or Vice President of the United States, or other dignitaries with prior approval of the ______________________.
(Policy 7.09 /PAGE 23 )
Traffic Division Captain
Dept Policy
The ______________will have the primary responsibility for protective details.
(Policy 7.09 /PAGE 23 )
San Diego Police Department Motorcycle Unit
Dept Policy
Every effort shall be made in the management of critical incidents to restore order, prevent injuries or loss of life and reduce the potential of property damage utilizing the ______________________.
(Policy 8.02 /PAGE 24 )
Incident Command System
Dept Policy
The SWAT unit _______ be used in support of the Incident Commander and given its mission from ____________.
(Policy 8.05 /PAGE 24 )
shall always
that ranking officer
Dept Policy
Off-duty sworn officers and civilian personnel who become aware of a large scale disaster or critical incident ______________.
(Policy 8.07 /PAGE 24 )
shall report for duty to their assigned duty station
Dept Policy
The _________ shall be responsible for requesting Mutual Aid when the Department is involved in a critical incident which may become or is already beyond the control of the Depar tment’s resources.
(Policy 8.10 /PAGE 24 )
Chief of Police
Dept Policy
__________ shall make the preliminary investigation at the scene of any suspected arson fire or bombing. _______________________ shall be responsible for bomb threats within their jurisdiction.
(Policy 8.15 /PAGE 25 )
Metro Arson Strike Team (MAST) investigators
Area command investigators
Dept Policy
Officers shall be prohibited from making in-water rescues unless __________.
( Policy 8.18 /PAGE 25 )
There is an immediate threat to the life of the victim
Dept Policy
Prior to taking law enforcement action when off duty, officers who observe or who are told of criminal activity ______________.
(Policy 9.01 /PAGE 27 )
a . should not become involved if they are not armed
b. shall first consider contacting the appropriate law enforcement agency and have on duty officers respond
c. shall first consider contacting the appropriate law enforcement agency only
d. shall only have on duty officers respond If they have enough ammunition
b. shall first consider contacting the appropriate law enforcement agency and have on duty officers respond
Dept Policy
When within the State of California, officers shall assist in which of the following circumstances:
(Policy 9.01 /PAGE 27 )
a . when any law enforcement officer who appears to be in need of immediate assistance
b. in the prevention of the commission of any felony
c. in the apprehension of any felon
d. All of the above
e. A or C
d. All of the above
Dept Policy
If an off duty officer intervenes in the criminal conduct, he/she must, if reasonably possible,____________.
(Policy 9.01 /PAGE 27 )
identify themselves, their agency and their intent to stop the criminal conduct
Dept Policy
Members shall not commit any acts nor fail to perform any acts that constitute a violation of which of the following?
(Policy 9.02 /PAGE 27 )
a . the policies, procedures, directives or orders of the Department,
b. the City of San Diego Administrative Regulations
c. the Civil Service Rules, or the City Charter
d. All of the above
e. A and C only
d. All of the above
Dept Policy
If any member is arrested, charged, indicted, or is knowingly under investigation for a criminal offense, excluding traffic infractions and parking violations, that member shall immediately report the incident to _____.
( Policy 9.03 /PAGE 27 )
his or her supervisor or the watch commander, in person or by telephone
Dept Policy
Per Obedience to laws policy: To report the incident, Text messages and voice messages ____ .
(Policy 9.03 /PAGE 27 )
are not acceptable
Dept Policy
Members shall _________________. While on duty and in the presence of others, members shall address superior officers by their titles.
(Policy 9.04 /PAGE 28 )
promptly obey any lawful orders of superiors. This includes orders relayed from a supervisor by someone of the same or lesser rank.
Dept Policy
Members who are given an otherwise proper order which is in conflict with a previous order, policy, procedure or directive shall ______________.
(Policy 9.05 /PAGE 28 )
respectfully inform the superior issuing the order of the conflict
Dept Policy
Officers shall conduct themselves, _____________, in such a manner as to reflect favorably on the Department.
(Policy 9.06 /PAGE 28 )
both on and off duty
Dept Policy
- “Gift” or “Gratuity” as used herein, includes, but is not limited to,
(Policy 9.08 /PAGE 28 )
or entertainment
Dept Policy
While on duty, members _________ for any goods, products or services obtained.
(Policy 9.08 /PAGE 29 )
shall pay full price
Dept Policy
Members shall not use their official position, official identification cards or badges for
- _______________ 2. _________________ 3. ________________.
(Policy 9.09 /PAGE 29 )
- Personal or financial gain
- Obtaining privileges not otherwise available to them except in the performance of duty
- Avoiding consequences of illegal acts
Dept Policy
- Members shall not permit or authorize the use of their names, photographs or official titles in connection with testimonials or advertisements of any commodity or commercial enterprise if such use identifies the person as a member of the San Diego Police Department without the prior approval of ________________.
(Policy 9.09 /PAGE 29 )
the Chief of Police
Dept Policy
Members in an official capacity shall not recommend or suggest, in any manner, the employment or procurement of a particular product, or private professional of a commercial service such as _______________.
( Policy 9.10 /PAGE 29 )
Bondsman, Attorney ambulance service, towing service, crime prevention materials, private investigators ect.. Attorney ambulance service, towing service, crime prevention materials, private investigators ect..
Dept Policy
Members shall not maintain associations or dealings with persons, whom they know or should know, are ________________or persons under criminal investigation or indictment that may adversely affect Department operations . ( Policy 9.11 /PAGE 30 )
a . felons or suspected felons
b. registered sex offenders
c. involved in illicit narcotic activity; involved in violent crimes
d . All of the Above
d . All of the Above
Dept Policy
Members shall not use or give the appearance of using their official status at any time or place for the purpose of soliciting contributions or attempting to exert influence in respect to any election for political office. This includes (Policy 9.14 /PAGE 30 )
a . the use of title, wearing of the uniform or other apparel or badge
b. posing for campaign photographs in uniform
c. engage in any political activity outside of working hours
d. All of the above
e. A and B
e. A and B
Dept Policy
Which of the following will NOT be considered prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory performance for all members: (Policy 9.15 /PAGE 31 )
a . repeated poor performance evaluations
b. a written record of repeated infractions of the Department’s policies, procedures
c. repeated verbal warnings of violations of directives or orders
d. All of the above are considered prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory performance
c. repeated verbal warnings of violations of directives or orders
Dept Policy
Absence from duty without leave for a period of _______ shall be considered a resignation and may be processed as such.
(Policy 9.17 /PAGE 31 )
3 days
Dept Policy
Members shall remain awake on duty. If unable to do so, they shall advise their superior who shall ________________.
(Policy 9.18 /PAGE 32 )
determine the proper course of action
Dept Policy
Whether on or off duty, officers and reserve officers shall carry or have in their immediate possession, ____________ , except when impractical, dangerous fo r their safety or when the act would hamper an investigation.
(Policy 9.19 /PAGE 32 )
their Department identification card
Dept Policy
If an officer chooses to carry a firearm, __________ shall be carried.
( Policy 9.19 /PAGE 32 )
both the Department identification card and badge
Dept Policy
Members shall be tactful in the performance of their duties, shall ____________.
(Policy 9.20 /PAGE 32 )
a . control their tempers
b. exercise the utmost patience and discretion
c. shall not engage in argumentative discussion even in the face of extreme provocation
d. All of the a bove
e. A and B only
e. A and B only
Dept Policy
- No member shall use coarse, profane or violent language, except:
(Policy 9.20 /PAGE 32 )
except when necessary to establish control during a violent or dangerous situation
Dept Policy
When any person requests assistance or advice, or makes complaints or reports, either by telephone or in person, all pertinent information shall be obtained in a professional and courteous manner and shall be ____________, consistent with established Department procedures. (Policy 9.21 /PAGE 32 )
a . properly and judiciously acted upon
b. promptly and properly acted upon
c. dispatched to appropriate personnel
d. investigated immediately
a. properly and judiciously acted upon
Dept Policy
During the playing of the National Anthem, members in uniform shall:
(Policy 9.22 /PAGE 33 )
stand at attention and render a military salute
Dept Policy
During the Pledge of Allegiance, members in uniform shall:
(Policy 9.22 /PAGE 33 )
stand at attention and place their right hand over their heart
Dept Policy
Members in civilian attire shall __________ during either the National Anthem or the Pledge of Allegiance.
(Policy 9.22)
stand at attention and place their right hand over their heart
Dept Policy
Members shall not bring into, nor store, alcoholic beverages, non-prescribed controlled substances, narcotics or hallucinogens in any police facility or vehicle, except ____________ .
(Policy 9.23 p33)
as authorized by the Chief of Police
Dept Policy
Members shall not appear for duty, nor be on duty, while under the influence of illeg al drugs or intoxicants or with an odor of intoxicants on their breath. Unjustifiable positive test results for illegal drugs or a blood alcohol level of _____, or above, for alcohol shall be considered a violation of this policy.
(Policy 9.24 p33)
Dept Policy
Members, while off duty, shall refrain from consuming intoxicating beverages within _________of the beginning of a scheduled shift or overtime assignment, or to the extent that it results in a level of impairment, intoxicatio n, or obnoxious or offensive behavior which would discredit them or the Department, or render them unfit to report for their next regular shift.
(Policy 9.24 p34)
8 hours
Dept Policy
Members shall not undertake any financial obligations that they know or should know they will be unable to meet. Repeat instances of financial difficulty may be cause for disciplinary action when the employee’s job performance is adversely affected or Department operations are impaired.
Non-payment of debts in dispute between members and creditors ____be the subject of disciplinary action.
(Policy 9.25 p34)
shall not
Dept Policy
Financial difficulties stemming from unforeseen medical expenses or personal disaster shall not be cause for discipline, provided that a _______ to settle all accounts is undertaken.
( Policy 9.25 p34 )
Good faith effort
Dept Policy
Members shall reside within ___________ and maintain the ability to respond for duty within________.
( Policy 9.26 p34)
the state of California
90 minutes
Dept Policy
Newly appointed members to the Department who reside outside the residential location requirement shall take up residence within the required distance ______________.
(Policy 9.26 p34)
no later than the completion of their probationary period
Dept Policy
Members shall not conduct any investigation, or other official action not part of their regular duties, without first obtaining permission from ______________, unless the urgency of the situation requires immediate police action.
(Policy 9.27 p34)
their superior
Dept Policy
Upon the order of the Chief of Police or his designee, and in accordance with Constitutional and contractual guarantees, officers shall submit to ___________that are specifically directed and narrowly related to a particular internal investigation being cond ucted by the Department. (Policy 9.30 p35)
a . any psychological, medical tests
b. any ballistics, chemical tests or any other tests
c. photographs or lineups
d. All of the above
e. A and B only
d. All of the above
Dept Policy
A Department member who, in his or her official capacity, becomes involved in any incident or investigation where a potential conflict of interest exists shall immediately inform his or her supervisor of such involvement. The decision as to whether the member may continue to be involved with the incident or invest igation will be at the discretion of _____________. (Policy 9.32 p35)
a. the member’s supervisor
b. another ranking member of the Department
c. the commanding officer
d. All the above
e. A and B
e. A and B
Dept Policy
Members ________report misconduct by another member.
(Policy 9.33 p36)
shall immediately
Dept Policy
If any member has credible knowledge of another member’s misconduct they shall _________.
(Policy 9.33 p36)
take immediate, reasonable action to stop the misconduct, and the member shall report the misconduct to a supervisor as soon as possible
Dept Policy
Supervisors shall assess the validity of any allegation of misconduct by a member. If there is evidence of misconduct, or the allegation appears credible, then the supervisor shall immediately notify ______________.
(Policy 9.34 p36)
their chain of command and/or the watch commander’s office
Dept Policy
All department members assigned to the Background and Investigations Unit shall abide by ____________ in addition to the Backgrounds and Recruiting Operations Manual.
(Policy 9.34 p36 )
Established POST standards and guidelines