Police Contract Flashcards
Article 4 Management Rights
Police Contract
Should the exercising of the above referenced rights materially affect or impact upon the wages, hours, or terms and conditions of employment of bargaining unit members, the City agrees to give 30 calendar days written advanced notice to the president of the FOP.
Article 6 City Property
Police Contract
When an employee leaves the City’s employment, the City has the right to demand and receive any and all City property in the possession of said employee before making final payment to the employee.
Article 7 FOP Representation
Police Contract
The bargaining committee of the FOP shall consist of not more than five (5) representatives, three (3) of which may attend negotiations without loss of pay.
Article 7 FOP Representation
Police Contract
Arrangements for any special conferences shall be made five (5) calendar days in advance whenever possible, and an agenda of the matters to be taken up at the meeting shall be presented in writing at the time the conference is requested.
Article 7 FOP Representation
Police Contract
Matters taken up in special conferences shall be confined to those included in the agenda and FOP representatives shall be limited to no more than three (3) at any one conference.
Article 12 Workweek-Scheduling-Recall
Police Contract
It is agreed that, if the work schedule of an entire unit or division is to be changed, the Chief of Police will provide fourteen (14) calendar days notice.
In the case of all other changes of schedules and/or assignments, seven (7) calendar days notice will be given.
Article 12 Workweek-Scheduling-Recall
Police Contract
Overtime rate will be one and one-half times their regular rate of pay.
Call out pay will be 2 hour minimum at one and one half times regular rate of pay provided you actually respond to work.
If called out within 60 min before shift or within 60 minutes after shirt there will be no guaranteed minimum.
Article 12 Workweek-Scheduling-Recall
Police Contract
Elected comp time will be granted at one and one half (1 1/2) hours for each hour of overtime worked.
To take comp time if sufficient manpower exist must have advanced proper notice of 24 hours.
Comp may never exceed 80hours.
Article 12 Workweek-Scheduling-Recall
Police Contract
The term base rate of pay is a reference to an employee’s hourly rate of pay as reflected in the pay plan which includes longevity.
The term regular rate of pay is a reference to the employee’s base rate of pay adjusted by assignment pay, supplemental pay, and education incentive pay.
Midnight differential for officers and sergeants is 5%
Article 14 Annual Leave
Police Contract
A leave form for vacation leave may be submitted six (6) months in advance.
The Leave Form will be approved/disapproved within three (3) months of the date the vacation is requested to commence.
Should an employee request a change in his or her previously scheduled annual leave, a written request for such change shall be submitted to the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, seven (7) days prior to the original scheduled annual leave date and it is agreed that such a request will not be unreasonably denied.
Article 14 Annual Leave
Police Contract
In the event that a non-probationary, full-time employee retires,resigns, or is terminated, said employee will be paid for all accrued but unused annual leave at his or her base rate of pay.
In case of death, such payment will be made to the employee’s estate and/or designated beneficiary
During the term of this 2015-2018 Agreement, the parties agree to participate in a labor management committee to develop a uniform citywide Leave donation program.
Article 14 Annual Leave
Police Contract
Annual leave time may be taken all at one (1) time, or may be split into increments of no less than one-half (1/2) hour at the employee’s choice, if first approved by the chief of police.
Requests for annual leave must be submitted (and approved), at a minimum on the business day before the requested leave date.
Annual leave (plus up to (8) hours of sick leave annually) at the option of the employee may be donated (on an hour for hour basis) to any FOP bargaining unit member who is in need of such “extra time off” due to a serious illness or injury.
Article 14 Annual Leave
Police Contract
Annual leave carry over cap (290)
If made repeated attempts in good faith to use vacation and not go over cap but was denied due to manpower reasons City will give additional period (up to 180 days) to utilize excess annual leave.
Annual leave will be paid at the employee’s regular rate of pay
Article 14 Annual Leave
Police Contract
Employees will be allowed, one time each year, the option of receiving a cash payment of 100% for up to forty (40) hours of accrued annual leave, provided however that no such cash payment shall be paid to the extent that such cash payment will cause the employee’s accrued annual leave bank to fall below eighty (80) hours as of the first pay period before Sep 15th of each year.
In order to elect this cash payment the employee must submit a written request to the Human Resource Department no later than Sep 1, of each year.
Payments will be made in the first pay period after Sep 15th each year.
Article 14 Annual Leave
Police Contract
Annual leave time may be taken as earned.
Annual leave time may be taken all at one (1) time, or may be split into increments of no less than (1/2) hour at the employee’s choice, if first approved by the chief of Police.
Article 14 Annual Leave
Police Contract
Requests for annual leave must be submitted (and approved), at a minimum, on the business day before the requested leave date.
Annual leave (plus up to eight (8) hours of sick leave annually) at the option of the employee may be donated (on an hour for hour basis) to any FOP bargaining unit member who is in need of such “extra time off” due to serious illness or injury.
Article 14 Annual Leave
Police Contract
In the event that a non-probationary, full-time employee retires, resigns, or is terminated, said employee will be paid for all accrued but unused annual leave at his or her base rate of pay.
In case of death, such payment will be made to the employee’s estate and/or designated beneficiary.
Article 14 Annual Leave
Police Contract
During the term of this 2015-2018 Agreement, the parties agree to participate in a labor management committee to develop a uniform Citywide leave donation program.
Article 15 Sick Leave
Police Contract
Sick leave shall be earned at the rate of 1.84 hours per week, for each week worked (including annual leave, sick leave and other authorized paid leave).
For employee’s who work the full year, this is 96 hours.
There is no waiting period for an employee to utilize sick leave.
Article 15 Sick Leave
Police Contract
No employee who misses work due to illness or injury may work an off-duty police detail within twenty-four (24) hours of the scheduled starting time of the missed shift.
Article 15 Sick Leave
Police Contract
An employee who has provided a notice of resignation cannot use accrued sick leave for paid time-off unless the employee provides a doctors note from a doctor who treated the employee on the day that the employee seeks to be paid from accrued sick leave (or before the employee seeks to use accrued sick leave).
If no doctors note is provided, then the time that the employee is out of work will be charged to annual leave or no pay status.
Article 15 Sick Leave
Police Contract
Sick leave is to be used for the following reasons:
Personal illness or physical incapacity to such an extent that the employee is rendered unable to satisfactorily perform duties of his or her position. After three (3) calendar days, a doctor’s slip justifying illness or injury may be required by the Chief of Police.
Enforced quarantine when established by the Department of Health or other competent authority for the period of such quarantine.
Article 15 Sick Leave
Police Contract
An employee may accrue unlimited days of earned sick leave for legitimate sick leave usage purposes. For the purposes of sick leave payoff upon “separation” from employment:
Employees will be paid for one-half (1/2) of their accumulated sick leave upon retirement and one-quarter (1/4) of their accumulated sick leave upon resignation.
Upon the death of an employee in the line of duty, the City will compensate such employees beneficiary or other person designated by the employee in writing for 100% of the employees accumulated sick leave within thirty (30) days of the death.
The payoff amount will be calculated on the basis of the employees base rate of pay at the time of “separation”. However, employees fired for just cause, as determined by the Chief of Police, will forfeit all accrued sick leave.
Article 16 Funeral Leave
Police Contract
Employees covered by this Agreement, upon approval of the Chief of Police, will be granted three (3) working days leave with pay (at their regular rate of pay) in order to attend the funeral in the event of a death in the employee’s immediate family, as defined in Section 2 below.
In the event the funeral is held out of state, the employee shall be granted up to four (4) consecutive work days leave with pay (at their regular rate of pay) in order to attend the funeral, except that employees who work a five (5) day, eight (8) hour schedule will be granted five (5) consecutive work days to attend an out of state funeral.