P&P Chap 35 RRR Flashcards
Chap 35 RRR
The _________ used in response to resistance is the amount of effort required by the police to compel compliance from a person. This includes any physical response to resistance occurring while the officer is acting in an official law enforcement capacity, including all specialized assignments, special details, reserve officers, action taken when an officer is off-duty
Probable Cause/Reasonable Belief
Chap 35 RRR
A set of facts and circumstances within the officers knowledge that is sufficient to warrant a reasonable person to believe that a threat is real.
Great Bodily Injury
Chap 35 RRR
An injury or potential injury of a graver and more serious character than ordinary battery.
Excessive Force
Chap 35 RRR
That amount of force which is beyond the need and circumstances of the particular event or which is not justified in light of all the circumstances.
Appropriate Medical Aid
Chap 35 RRR
May include increased observation to detect obvious changes in condition, flushing chemical agents from the eyes, applying first aid, evaluation by paramedics, or for more serious or life threatening incidents, immediate aid by medical professionals.
Subject Resistance Levels
Chap 35 RRR
Passive Resistance, Active Resistance, Aggressive Resistance, and Deadly Force Resistance.
Passive Resistance
Chap 35 RRR
__________ is a subjects verbal and/or physical refusal to comply with an officer’s lawful direction causing the officer to use physical techniques to establish control.
E.g The subject refuses to move at the officer’s direction.
The subject peacefully protests at a political event in a public location.
The subject refuses to take his hands out of his pockets or from behind his back.
Active Resistance
Chap 35 RRR
__________ is a subject’s use of physically evasive movements directed toward the officer such as bracing, tensing, pushing or pulling to prevent the officer from establishing control over the subject.
E.g The subject physically anchors himself to a person or object to prevent himself from being removed.
The subject braces or pulls away from the officer when the officer grips the subject’s arm.
The subject attempts to run when the officer touches or attempts to grab the subject’s arm or shoulder.
Aggressive Resistance
Chap 35 RRR
___________ is a subject’s attacking movements toward an officer that may cause injury but are not likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the officer or others.
E.g The subject balls up his fist and approaches the officer.
The subject pushes the officer back as the officer tries to take the subject into custody.
The subject grabs at any part of the officer’s body.
Deadly Force Resistance
Chap 35 RRR
____________ is a subject’s hostile, attacking movements with or without a weapon that create a reasonable perception by the officer that the subject intends to cause and has the capability of causing death or great bodily harm to the officer or others.
E.g A subject refuses to drop a knife when ordered to by the officer and moves toward the officer.
A subject shoots or points a gun at an officer or other person.
A subject tries to run an officer down in a vehicle.
Deadly Force Criteria (3)
Chap 35 RRR
Ability, Opportunity, and Intent of the subject.
Chap 35 RRR
__________ refers to the subject having the means to carry out his or her intent to cause death or great bodily harm.
Chap 35 RRR
__________ means the subject is capable of carrying out an intention to cause death or great bodily harm to the officer or others. The subject’s weapons often determines opportunity.
Chap 35 RRR
___________ is an imminent reasonably perceived threat to an officer or another person based on the subject’s actions. It is a perception derived from the totality of circumstances.
Scene management involves four types of investigations
Chap 35 RRR
The first type is the criminal aspect of the police response to resistance or conduct.
The second type is the criminal conduct and/or crime committed by the subject.
The third type is the administrative investigation.
The fourth type is the risk management investigation.
Criminal Aspect
Chap 35 RRR
It is essential for all members involved in the investigation of a police involved death or serious injury incident to realize that they may be investigating a homicide or other criminal incident.
Criminal Conduct
Chap 35 RRR
This can be either the crime the subject may have been committing when the officer came upon the subject or any crime that subject may have committed upon the officers.
Administrative Investigation
Chap 35 RRR
This investigation extends beyond the response to resistance employed. It also has a different burden of proof and standards of evidence collection and use. This investigation identifies issues beyond the officers conduct to include agency management, training, equipment and tactics.
This investigation is generally conducted by the IA unit. The investigation must be conducted in a manner that ensures that the criminal aspect is kept separate and apart from the administrative aspect. Although IA investigators may be present during the criminal investigation, it is best to wait until the primary criminal investigation is concluded to interview members for the administrative investigation.
Risk Management Investigation
Chap 35 RRR
The department should anticipate that response to resistance incidents will most likely lead to some form of litigation, whether they materialize or not.
If the RRR by an officer results in death or great bodily injury he/she shall relay the following to the Communications Center:
Chap 35 RRR
Their designated call sign and location.
The type of incident.
Appropriate medical aid required.
Any shots fired and by whom.
Description and direction of flight for any wanted person, if applicable.
Request a supervisor and additional officers respond to the scene.
In RRR resulting in death or great bodily injury after officer notified Dispatch of required information the officer should then:
Chap 35 RRR
Administer appropriate medical aid to oneself, then the suspect(s) and others until the arrival of medical services.
Secure the suspect(s).
Protect the crime scene. If firearms are involved, do not open, reload, remove shell casings or in any manner tamper with involved firearms. If other weapons are involved, ensure they are kept in their resting state.
Take note of the time, survey the entire area for relevant facts, individuals who were present and departed the scene, and witnesses.
Officers arriving on scene will set up a perimeter, secure the scene, preserve all evidence, detain any witnesses and or suspects, and establish a command post until the arrival of a supervisor.
In RRR resulting in death or great bodily injury the first supervisor on scene shall:
Chap 35 RRR
Request that a Communications Unit supervisor or senior dispatcher secure all tapes of relevant radio and telephone transmissions and written dispatch notes on the incident for the investigator.
Ensure a scene perimeter is established and additional personnel or equipment are obtained.
Ensure the well being of all persons involved.
Ensure the scene and evidence is protected.
In RRR incidents involving death or great bodily injury the first supervisor on scene shall part 2:
Chap 35 RRR
Ensure the entrance to the scene is restricted to only necessary and authorized personnel. This will be accomplished by designating a member to log all persons present, leaving or entering the scene, including vehicle car numbers or tags and other law enforcement personnel.
Establish a staging area for news media pending the arrival of the Public Information Officer.
Relieve unnecessary police personnel at the scene as soon as practical.
Ensure the Uniform-Division Commander, Criminal Investigations Division Commander, Crime Scene Unit or Traffic Homicide Unit and Public Information Officer are notified.
In RRR resulting in death or great bodily injury the first supervisor on scene shall part 3:
Chap 35 RRR
The Uniform Division Commander or in their absence the senior Supervisor will be responsible for ensuring all necessary arrangements by the first supervisor on scene have been accomplished and, in addition, initiate higher authority notification to include the Commander of the Uniform and Criminal Investigations Divisions and the Internal Affairs Unit.
The affected Division Commander May opt to notify the Deputy Chief and the Chief of Police or may defer this to the Uniform Division Commander.
The Criminal Investigations Division Supervisor at the scene will assume all responsibility for the overall investigation. They will ensure that there are a sufficient number of investigators at the scene.
The Criminal Investigations Division Supervisor will make the determination on the need for specialty units to include: Medical Examiner, State and/or City Attorney, Risk Manager, Victim Advocate or Chaplain.
If requested for forensic investigation, affected officers will surrender their weapons fired during the incident.
If the incident occurred outside the City of Sunrise or outside the county,the appropriate jurisdiction shall be notified.
Law Enforcement Custodial Death Report
Includes those persons whose death occur:
Chap 35 RRR
In the physical custody or under physical restraint of law enforcement officers, even if the person was not formally under arrest.
From any response to resistance by law enforcement officers prior to booking.
At a crime/arrest scene or medical facility prior to booking.
In transit to or from law enforcement facilities.
In confined lock ups or booking centers prior to arraignment.