Poisoning Presentation Flashcards
What are the properties of CO?
- gas
- colorless
- odorless
- tasteless
- slightly higher than air
What are common sources of CO poisoning?
- endogenous
- incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and carbon containing compounds
- exposure to methylene chloride
- some drug therapy
How is CO metabolized and eliminated?
- eliminated primarily unchanged by the lungs
What percent saturation of CO causes coma and death?
over 50%
What are s/s that will be experienced by patients when their CO % saturation goes over 10%?
- slight headache
- throbbing temples
- severe headache, weakness, dizziness, n/v, collapse
What groups of people are the most susceptible to CO poisoning?
- infants
- those with lung disease
- those with CVD
- elderly
- those with anemia
What is the treatment of CO poisoning?
- remove person from source of CO
- hyperbaric O2
What about putrefaction will interfere with the interpretation of CO in the blood?
- putrefactive by products with interfere with the CO because they have the same UV spectra
- this can be an issue with fire victims as well
What are the forms that cyanide comes in?
- hydrogen cyanide (HCN) (colourless gas or blue-white liquid)
- cyanide salts eg: KCN, NaCK (white crystalline powder)
What chemical smells like burnt almonds?
What are the sources of cyanide?
- normal metabolism
- cigarette smoking
- fumigants, insecticides
- electroplating industry
- dyeing, printing, photography
- combustion of N containing compounds
- cyanogenic glycosides
What are N containing compounds?
- plastics, polyurethane bedding, carpets, insulin, etc
Cyanide attacks the ______ system
What does attack on the cytochrome system lead to?
- preventing oxygen utilization at the cellular level (cytotoxic anoxia)
- results in metabolic asphyxiation
What are the s/s associated with acute toxicity of cyanide?
- giddiness
- stiff lower jaw
- rapid, slow, irregular breathing
- muscle twitching
- palpitations
- cyanosis
- convulsions
- coma
- death due to respiratory arrest
What organs are most sensitive to CNS toxicity?
- brain and heart
What s/s are associated with chronic toxicity of cyanide?
- dizziness
- weakness
- congestion of lungs
- conjunctivitis
- loss of appetite
- weight loss
- mental deterioration