Poetry Glossary Flashcards
What is the definition of a metaphor?
Metaphor - direct comparison between 2 things
What is the definition of a personification?
Personification – A figure of speech in which nonhuman things are given
human characteristics
What is the definition of a oxymoron?
Oxymoron – Two complete opposites put together (iced fire) to create a contrast
What is the definition of a rhyme?
Rhyme - The same or similar sounds at the end of two or more words
What is the definition of a caesura?
Caesura - A natural pause or break in a line of poetry
What is the definition of a Enjambment?
The line continues to the next without punctuation
What is the definition of a Onomatopoeia?
Onomatopoeia - where is that sound like the word they describe
What is the definition of a consonant?
A letter that isn’t a vowel
What is the definition of a form?
type of poem
What is the definition of a Assonance?
Assonance - The repetition of vowel sounds
What is the definition of a sonnet?
Sonnet – 14 lines. Abab rhyme scheme. 10 syllable per line. Often about love and romance.
What is the definition of a Stanza?
Stanza – the way a poem is divided into chunks of lines
What is the definition of a haiku?
Haiku - A Japanese poem in three lines of five, seven, and five
What is the definition of a simile?
compares two things using the words “like” or “as.”
What is the definition of a pathetic fallacy?
how weather and setting is effected by the mood
What is the definition of a foreshadowing?
storyteller gives a hint of what is going to happen
What is the definition of a imagery?
Visually descriptive language
What is the definition of a plosive?
Harsh sounding letters - air can’t go out as tongue is at the roof or your your lips are shut
What is the definition of a fricatives?
Soft sounding letters - air can go in and out
What is the definition of alliteration?
The occurrence of the same letter in two words
What is the definition of a sibilance?
Repeated words that start with s
What is the definition of rhythm?
A repeated pattern of a beat or a sound
What is the definition of personification?
giving inanimate things human feelings and responses
What is the definition of repetition?
Words or lines that appear agian
What is the definition of a semantic field?
A set of words that share the same meaning
What is the definition of symbolism?
The use of symbols to represent different meaning
What is the definition of juxtaposition?
Two things placed to each other to create a contrasting effect
What is the definition of tone?
The poet’s attitude toward the poem speaker, reader and the subject matter
What is the definition of allegory?
A story, poem or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning
What is the definition of a couplet?
A pair of successive lines of verse
What is the definition of a allusion?
An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly
What is the definition of anaphora?
The use of words referring back to a word used earlier in a text or conversation
What is the definition of a internal rhyme?
Rhyme that occurs within a line of poetry
What is the definition of a volta?
Shift or turn in the thematic focus of a poem
What is the definition of synaesthesia?
Combining sensory experiences in one expression
What is the definition of figurative language?
Use of metaphorical expressions or figures of speech
What is the definition of cacophony?
Harsh, discordant sounds within a phrase of verse
What is the definition of free verse?
Poetry without a regular meter or rhyme scheme
What is the definition of euphemism?
Substitution of a mild or indirect expression for a harsh or blunt one
What is the definition of blank verse?
Unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter
What is the definition of irony?
A contrast between expectation and reality
What is the effect of alliteration?
To inject mood or emotion into a piece of writing
What is the effect of a plosive?
A harsh feel/sense of broken or disjointed
What is the effect of a sibilance?
Can evoke a whisper or whistle
What is the effect of rhyme?
Creates an echo, so it has a long lasting effect
What is the effect of a rhythm?
Give it a musical quality
What is the effect of a simile?
To directly compare 2 aspects to illustrate bigger ideas
What is the effect of a metaphor?
To make direct comparison between 2 objects
What is the effect of a stanza?
To group sections
What is the effect of personification?
Allows the reader to connect with the personified object
What is the effect of repetition?
To reinforce the importance of the word
What is the effect of onomatopoeia?
To display the sounds that is happening
What is the effect of pathetic fallacy?
Makes writing more vivid and descriptive
What is the effect of a semantic field?
To maintain a certain concrete image in the minds of readers
What is the effect of caesura?
To add breaks to stop the flow of a piece, evokes disruption or an ending
What is the effect of imgaery?
To give a visual image in the minds of readers
What is the effect of symbolism?
To indirectly give double meanings
What is the effect of enjambment?
It builds the drama ai it keeps on going without pausing or stops/adds speed to evoke frantic or longer ideas
What is the effect of juxtaposition?
To invite the reader to compare, contrast the relationship of the two
What is the effect of tone?
Allows the reader to understand and relate to the speakers/poets emotion
What is the effect of allegory?
Allows the writer to solidify knowledge of a more complex idea
What is the effect of couplet?
Can unite 2 words and create a fun mood
What is the effect of allusion?
Add depth and layers of meaning by referencing something familiar to the audience
What is the effect of anaphora?
Creates a sense of monotony or can reinforce something familiar to the audience
What is the effect of assonance?
Creates musicality and rhythm in the language
What is the effect of an extended metaphor?
Deepens understanding through a sustained analogy
What is the effect of an internal rhyme?
Enhances rhythmic quality and emphasis within a line
What is the effect of a volta?
Marks a change in tone or perspective
What is the effect of a synaesthesia?
Evokes a multisensory experience
What is the effect of figurative language?
Adds layers of meaning beyond literal interpretation
What is the effect of cacophony?
Creates a sense of chaos or unease
What is the effect of free verse?
Allows for greater freedom in expression
What is the effect of verse?
The fundamental building block of poetry
What is the effect of euphemism?
Creates anticipation and suspense
What is the effect of foreshadowing?
A natural and flexible poetic form
What is the effect of irony?
Provokes thought and often adds humour or depth