pneumonia Flashcards
contexts of pneumonia
ventilator aquired
community acquired
nursing home acquired
hospital aquired
agents responsible for community acquired
respiratory viruses
atypical organisms
nursing home and hosppital aqcuired organisms
gram negatives
patient risk factors
high dose inhaled steroids - patients with COPD and asthma
aspiration risk
occupational and other exposures
psittacine birds
vets and veterinary nurses
air conditioning systems (legionella pneumophila)
typically presentation of community acquired pneumonia
viral URTI prodrome
fever - sweats/shivers
headache common
extreme lassitude
can be quick onset
pleuritic chest pain
rusty sputum - blood tinged (not common)
on examination of community aquired pneumonia
unwell in pain
pale sweaty
hypotension/respiratory distress if very sick
crackles commonest locaal sign on ausultation
might hear bronchial breathing
might hear a pleural rub
might have a pleural effusion - dull, reduced/absent BS
lower lobe pneumonia may present with
acute upper abdominal pain due to lower lobe irritating pneumonia
may present with abdo pain and guarding
frail elderly people may present with
delirium and little fever
immunosuppressed may present with
fever and no localising features
diabetic patients may present with
DKA/hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic states - consider pneumonia as a trigger
blood tests
FBC - especially white cell count
CRP - usually in the hundreds
LFTs - usually mildly deranged
blood cultures - may identify causative organism
serology for viruses /mycoplasma
throab swab - viral PCR
urine - pneumococcal and legionella antigen
CXR - no need for CT in straightforward case
may need ABGs depedning upon severity of illness
C - confusion
U - urea > 7
R - resp rate > 30
Blood pressure - either systolic under 90 or diastolic under 60
Age > 65
CURB 65 scores
0 or 1 - low mortaality
2 - mortality intermediate
3 or more - mortality high
manageemnt of community. acquired pneumonia
oxygen if sats < 94%
analgesia if chest pain present
antibiotics according to local guidelines
oral for ambulant patient, IV for sicker patient
10-14 days usually
IV resus for sick septic patient
oral for ambulant patient
if the patient is hypotensive
call ICU
follow up
no need for repeat CXR in hosspital if patient is improving
follow up 4-6 weeks is. good as radiological improvement lags
full recovery may take 6-8 weeks
watch for complications
failure to improve/persistant fever/persistant neutrophilia
could the antibiotics be wrong/diagnosis wrong
paragnuemonic effusion
parapneumonic effusion
extremely important not to miss
repeat chest x-ray and respiratory US
- drain any effusion which is not trivial in size
- monitor small effusions
never let the sun set on a parapneumonic effusion