PN466 Respiratory Protective Equipment Flashcards
What is the default level of RPE for fires and other incidents presenting an acute respiratory hazard.
It is the default level of RPE for fires and other incidents presenting an acute respiratory hazard.
What is Acute respiratory risk?
Acute respiratory risk – this type of risk will be associated with hazardous atmospheres with the potential to cause immediate respiratory injury if the face mask were removed.
Is BA sector a functional sector?
BA sector – is a functional sector with a designated sector commander BA. This will support BA operations, resourcing and logistics and any other BA requirements (this is the new term for BA main control).
What does a Communications operative (Comms-Op) do?
The person responsible for maintaining communications between BA teams and entry control point (ECP).
When must a Entry control point supervisor (ECPS) be appointed?
Must be appointed when Stage II entry control is used.
Provides a greater level of control at an ECP.
Define New entry?
New entry – the BA wearer is wearing BA for the first or second time, the BA set has cylinder contents at or above the minimum entry pressure of 240 bar when reporting to the ECO.
Define Re-entry?
Re-entry – the BA wearer has closed down BA set and is redeployed to complete a specific task that does not include firefighting (190 bar minimum and no longer than 15 minutes duration).
Explain Turn-around pressure (TAP)?
Turn-around pressure (TAP) – the pre-determined cylinder pressure at which the BA team should commence withdrawal from the risk area so that the ECP is reached before the low pressure warning actuates. This TAP should be reviewed by the wearers, although the ECO must be informed of any change (for example where wearers reach their TAP but are working very close to their known exit).
What is Turn-around point
Turn-around point – the pre-determined point at which the BA team will turn-around and withdraw from the risk area. This will be a location or landmark i.e. work and don’t go beyond the top of the stairs.
What is Turn-around time (TAT)?
Turn-around time (TAT) – the pre-determined time the BA team will begin to retrace their steps to withdraw from the risk area, timed and communicated by the ECO/ECPS i.e. to reduce BA team exposure to known extreme conditions.
Who can ask for BA to be worn?
BA is normally worn on the authority of the IC; however, personnel can request to wear it for respiratory protection.
What must be in place for BA to be committed to the risk area?
Personnel are only to be committed to the risk area wearing BA on the instructions of the IC once the required level of BA entry control is in place.
What must the nominated BA team leader have on them?
Radio communications.
Exceptionally, there may be operational circumstances where one BA wearer for firefighting would suffice. What are they?
Examples of these circumstances include car fires, rubbish fires, hot cutting and working a monitor at the head of an aerial appliance.
When should an ‘A’ test carried out?
An ‘A’ test is carried out, when taking over a BA set, following a cylinder change and when nominated to test any ‘spare’ BA set.