PN434 Sectorisation at Incidents Flashcards
Name and describe the two types of sectors:
- Operational Sectors – responsible for management of a physical area of the incident ground.
- Functional Sectors – responsible for management of a support function such as Water Sector.
Who is responsible for the tactical mode of the whole incident and for that of each sector?
The Incident Commander
Where different modes are in use at the same incident, there is no overall mode for the incident.
When this applies, all messages to Brigade Control should detail each sector and the tactical mode it is in. For example, “…Sector One - Tactical mode: Oscar, Sector Two – Tactical mode: Oscar, Sector Three-Tactical mode: Delta.”
Who will an Operational sector commander report to?
Directly to the Incident Commander (IC) or Operations Commander (OC), if appointed.
Who will Functional sector commanders report to?
Report to the Incident Commander (IC) using a reporting structure appropriate to the incident requirements.
At large fires and more complex incidents, a senior officer may be appointed to co-ordinate all Functional Sectors.
What is the role of an Operations Commander?
- Maintaining spans of control when the incident develops in size and complexity
- IC may appoint one or more Operations Commanders to take responsibility for a number of sectors
- Co-ordinate the operational sectors and to exercise the Incident Commander’s authority
Where will sector 1 be?
The main scene of operations at an incident. Will often but not always be the main entrance.
Two sectors - one at the front and one at the rear, would be referred to as what?
Sectors should be allocated according to their location, rather than the order in which they are established.
Where two sectors are established, one at the front and one at the rear of a building then these will be Sector One and Sector Three.
Where a Sector Commander has been appointed, for example to the rear of a building, is there a requirement to assign a Sector Commander to the front?
It is important to note that where a Sector Commander has been appointed, for example to the rear of a building this does not necessarily mean that a separate Sector Commander has to be allocated to the front of the building if the Incident Commander is satisfied that they can retain a satisfactory level of command.
Vertical Sectorisation:
Although not a sector, where would the bridgehead be located?
This is normally two floors below the fire floor. It is a location rather than a sector on its own.
Vertical Sectorisation:
Where would the Search Sector normally be positioned?
What activities take place there?
Above the fire floors:
The area of operations where search and rescue, tactical ventilation, or other operations are taking place.
Vertical Sectorisation:
Where would the Fire Sector be located?
What takes place there?
Fire Sector:
It consists of floors above the Bridgehead to the fire, the floor(s) directly involved in fire, plus one floor above.
The operational sector where main firefighting and rescue operations are taking place
Vertical Secorisation:
Where is the lobby sector?
What takes place there?
Lobby Sector:
The area of operations from the ground floor to the Fire Sector, including the Bridgehead.
If there needed to be external sectors at a high rise building, how would these be defined?
Per the original sectorisation model, with sectors identified by number.
How is a functional sector named?
According to its role such as Water Sector or Salvage Sector.
At major Incidents where inter-agency communication is necessary, the Operational, Tactical and Strategic command structure will apply, as detailed in LESLP.
At what level would Sector commanders be?
At what level would the IC be?
Sector Commanders will be at the Operational level
Incident Commander at the Tactical level, supported by the Operations Commander(s).