PN259 Terror Related Incidents Flashcards
What are the 5 threat levels in the UK in regards to terrorist related incidents?
- Low
- Moderate
- Substantial
- Severe
- Critical
What does NILO stand for?
National Inter-agency Liason Officer
What does the NILO do for the brigade?
They are the tactical advisor from the the brigade for:
- Conventional terrorism
- CBRN terrorism
- Firearms related incidents
- Public disorder
- Crisis management
What and Who can the NILO advise and support on at a terrorist related incident?
They can advise on brigade’s operational capacity and capability at incidents to:
- IC (silver)
- Police
- Medical
- Military
- Other government agencies
What color is the NILO’s tabard?
What will be the initial actions of the NILO at an incident?
- Will be informed of Incident and immediately liaise with Police
- Establish nature of threat with Police
- Get details of the location of incident
- Discuss location of safe RVP
What does VaWa stand for?
Vehicles as weapon attack
What is the established protocol for accessing the likelihood of hazardous materials being present at an incident?
Steps 1-2-3 plus
What is plus in step 1-2-3 plus?
Step 1 - one person incapacitated with no obvious reason:
• Approach using standard protocols.
Step 2 - two people incapacitated with no obvious reason:
• Approach with caution using standard protocols.
Step 3 - three or more people in close proximity, incapacitated with no obvious reason:
• Use caution and follow step ‘plus’.
Follow CBRN first responder flow chart to consider what actions to take to save life following these principles:
Communicate and advise
What does IED stand for?
Improvised explosive device
What is policy 238?
Incident command procedures
What is policy 263?
Major incident procedure and London Emergency Services Liason Panel (LESLP) emergency procedures manual
What must you consider when an IED has detonated?
Whether there is a secondary device in place
What are the categories that we define a bomb or terrorist related incident into?
- No warning - device actuated
- Warning given - device actuated
- Warning given - device not actuated, made safe.
Regardless of however the incident is categorised, what are the 3 things all incident and crew managers should always be aware of?
- Think - secondary devices
- Think - safe cordon distances
- Think - safety do not touch
What are the 3 IED size catergories and their respective cordon zones?
- Up to suitcase size - more than 100m
- Car/light vehicle - more than 200m
- HGV/Lorry - more than 400m
If there is any doubt on the size of the IED, what is the minimum cordon zone?
400m or more
Before sitting appliances or committing personnel, what considerations would you take for crew safety?
- Not in direct line of sight
- Away from glass
- Away from secondary hazards
- Behind hard cover
- Upwind if suspicion of chemical or biological agent.
- Beware secondary devices
- Request police - if not in attendance
What are the five C’s (actions) in regards to Explosive ordinance disposal (EOD) officer hand over?
- Confirm - location, position & characteristics
- Clear - public (closest to device first), evacuation/invacuation of premises, direct to IOR/medical aid
- Cordon - in place and distances and all safety aspects
- Control - control informed RVP’s
- Check
How would you Stay Safe?
- Appliance commanders and
officers are initially directed to safe RVPs, marshalling area or strategic holding area (SHA) - If mobilised to an RVP crews should never proceed to the address of the incident unless clearly
directed to do so by Brigade control or police
Should staff ever find themselves in a situation where firearms are being used the MPS firearms
team have provided the following advice to stay safe:
- Immediately seek out and move behind substantial cover from gun fire
- If unable to identify substantial physical cover crews should seek out cover that is out of direct
view of the armed assailant(s) - If safe to do so crews should try to make an immediate escape from the firearms threat and
direct members of the public to areas of safety
At any incident identified as having terrorist origins, who takes over all responsibility of the incident?
The police incident commander
What are the five W’s (actions) in regards to Explosive ordinance disposal (EOD) officer hand over?
- What − What is it? Size , components and description?
- Where − Where is it? Exact position. Map of approach route.
- When − Exact time it was found? Has it been moved by anyone?
- Why − Why is it suspicious? Any potential targets nearby ( people or places)? Any suspects?
- Who − Who are the witnesses/informants. Keep them available at the rendezvous point for the EOD officer.
If there is a risk of IED’s the use of appliance and hand held radio is subject to the following
minimum distance restrictions on transmission.
- Appliance and main scheme radios 50m.
* Hand held radios 10m.
If it is necessary for an appliance to approach within 50 metres, what should be done with radio’s?
The radio’s should be switched off
Who can work in the warm zone?
Specialist FRS trained staff