PMS And PMDD Flashcards
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, DSM-V Diagnostic Criteria
A. In the majority of menstrual cycles, at least five symptoms must be present in the final week before the onset of menses, start to improve within a few days after the onset of menses, and become minimal or absent in the week postmenses. B. One (or more) of the following symptoms must be present:•Markedaffectivelability(e.g.,moodswings;feelingsud-denly sad or tearful, or increased sensitivity to rejection).•Markedirritabilityorangerorincreasedinterpersonalcon-flicts.•Markeddepressedmood,feelingsofhopelessness,orself-deprecating thoughts.•Markedanxiety,tension,and/orfeelingsofbeingkeyedupor on edge. C. One (or more) of the following symptoms must additionally be present, to reach a total of five symptoms when combined with symptoms from Criterion B above.•Decreasedinterestinusualactivities(e.g.,work,school,friends, hobbies).•Subjectivedifficultyinconcentration.•Lethargy,easyfatigability,ormarkedlackofenergy.•Markedchangeinappetite;overeating;orspecificfoodcravings.•Hypersomniaorinsomnia.•Asenseofbeingoverwhelmedoroutofcontrol.•Physicalsymptomssuchasbreasttendernessorswelling,joint or muscle pain, a sensation of “bloating,” or weight gain. Note: The symptoms in Criteria A–C must have been met for most menstrual cycles that occurred in the preceding year. D. The symptoms are associated with clinically significant distress or interference with work, school, usual social activities, or relationships with others (e.g., avoidance of social activities; decreasedproductivityandefficiencyatwork,school,orhome). E. The disturbance is not merely an exacerbation of the symp-toms of another disorder, such as major depressive disorder, panic disorder, persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia), or a personality disorder (although it may co-occur with any of these disorders). F. Criterion A should be confirmed by prospective daily ratings during at least two symptomatic cycles. (Note: The diagnosis may be made provisionally prior to this confirmation.) G. The symptoms are not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, other treat-ment) or another medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism).
Differential Diagnosis of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Premenstrual syndrome
Physical disorders with premenstrual exacerbations
Autoimmune disorders
Diabetes mellitus
Anemia Hypothyroidism Psychiatric disorders with luteal phase exacerbation Depression Anxiety Dysthymic disorder Bipolar disorder
1- female sexual interest/arousal disorder (FSIAD), which incorporates HSDD and FSAD.
2- female orgasm disorder
3- genito-pdvic/pain or penetration disorder (GPPPD), which contains vaginismus and dyspareunia.