Benign Conditions Of Uterus Flashcards
The commonest antenatal complication was malpresentation and in all these patients the myomata were larger than
6 cm.
Typical features of red degeneration of fibroids occurred in … % of cases.
Caruncles are frequently subdivided by their histologic appearance into
papillomatous, granulomatous, and angiomatous varieties.
The differential diagnosis of urethral caruncles
primary carcinoma of the urethra and prolapse of the urethral mucosa. Malignant lesions are usually hard and irregular in shape and typically are within the urethra itself, The differential diagnosis of a periurethral mass also includes: urethral diverticulum, leiomyoma, vaginal wall inclusion cyst, Skene gland cyst or abscess, and less commonly Gartner duct cyst and ectopic ureterocele
The most common small vulvar cysts are
epidermal cysts (epidermoid cysts).
the differential diagnosis of vulvar nevi include
hemangiomas, endometriosis, malignant melanoma, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, and seborrheic keratosis.
The characteristic clinical features of an early malignant melanoma may be remembered by thinking ABCD:
asymmetry, border irregularity, color variation, and a diameter usually greater than 6 mm.
the differential diagnosis of an angiokeratoma is
Kaposi sarcoma and angiosarcoma.
the most common benign solid tumors of the vulva.
SYRINGOMA The most common differential diagnosis is
Fox-Fordyce disease, a condition of multiple retention cysts of apocrine glands accompanied by inflammation of the skin.
often produces intense pruritus, whereas syringoma is generally asymptomatic. Fox-Fordyce disease improves with pregnancy and oral contraceptive use and remits after menopause. It is treated with topical steroids, topical tretinoin cream, and oral isotretinoin.
Granular cell myoblastoma
rare, slow-growing, solid vulvar tumor. The tumor originates from neural sheath (Schwann) cells and is sometimes called a schwannoma.
The management of nonobstetric vulvar hematomas
is usually conservative unless the hematoma is greater than 10 cm in diameter or is rapidly expanding.
Similar to candidiasis, psoriasis may be the first clinical manifestation of.
HIV infection.
The disease presents most commonly as a hypertrophic, coalesced plaque similar to lichen sclerosis.but Lichen sclerosis does not involve the vagina
Lichen planus
Three types of vulvar lichen planus have been described:
erosive, classical, and hypertrophic. Erosive lichen planus is the most common variant occurring in 85% of the cases
The differential diagnosis of hidradenitis suppurativa includes
simple folliculitis, Crohn disease of the vulva, pilonidal cysts, and granulomatous sexually transmitted diseases. The differentiation from Crohn disease is usually made by history with an absence of gastrointestinal (GI)
Infectious diseases that are associated with vulvar edema include
necrotizing fasciitis, tuberculosis, syphilis, filariasis, and lymphogranuloma venereum.
Vulvar pain syndrome is further subdivided into two categories:
vestibulodynia and dysesthetic vulvodynia. vestibulodynia is found in younger women, most commonly white, with onset shortly after puberty through the mid-20s. Dysesthetic vulvodynia is most common in peri- and postmenopausal women who have rarely if ever had previous vulvar pain.
The differential diagnosis of vulvar cysts includes
mesonephric cysts of the vagina and epithelial inclusion cysts.
The treatment of enlargement or infection of Bartholin glands
incision and drainage
marsupialization (surgical treatment of choice)
alternative surgical approach is to insert a Word catheter, Antibiotics are not necessary unless there is an associated cellulitis surrounding the Bartholin gland abscess. Women older than 40 years with gland enlargement require a biopsy to exclude adenocarcinoma of the Bartholin gland.
The most serious consequences of surgical repair of urethral diverticula are
urinary incontinence and urethrovaginal fistula. Postoperative incontinence usually follows operative repairs of large diverticula that are near the bladder neck. This incontinence may be secondary to damage to the urethral sphincter.
Dysontogenetic cysts
soft cysts of embryonic origin. Whether the cysts arise from the mesonephros (Gartner duct cyst), the paramesonephrous (Müllerian cyst), or the urogenital sinus (vestibular cyst).Most mesonephric cysts have cuboidal, nonciliated epithelium. Most perimesonephric cysts have columnar, endocervical-like epithelium.
Endocervical polyp Vs. Cervical polyp
Polyps whose base is in the endocervix usually have a narrow, long pedicle and occur during the reproductive years, whereas polyps that arise from the ectocervix have a short, broad base and usually occur in postmenopausal women.
the differential diagnosis of cervical Polyp include
endometrial polyps, small prolapsed myomas, retained products of conception, squamous papilloma, sarcoma, and cervical malignancy.
the external os of the cervix with a fish-mouthed appearance
When Cervical lacerations that are not repaired
The causes of acquired cervical stenosis are
operation, radiation, infection, neoplasia, or atrophic changes. Loop electrocautery excision procedure (LEEP), cone biopsy, and cautery of the cervix (either electrocautery or cryocoagulation) are the operations that most commonly associated with، cervical stenosis.
The diagnosis of Cervical stenosis is established by
inability to introduce a 1- to 2-mm dilator into the uterine cavity.
Management of cervical stenosis is
dilation of the cervix with dilators under ultrasound guidance. If stenosis recurs, monthly laminaria tents may be used. After cervical dilation, it is often useful to leave a T tube or latex nasopharyngeal airway as a stent in the cervical canal for a few days to maintain patency.
Two caveats for using ultrasound in screening of postmenopausal bleeding are (1) ultrasound does not provide a diagnosis—a tissue specimen is necessary for a diagnosis, and (2) all women with bleeding, no matter the endometrial thickness, should have a tissue biopsy. If an endometrial biopsy obtains inadequate tissue and the endometrial thickness is 5 mm or greater, a repeat biopsy, hysteroscopically directed biopsy, or curettage should be performed.
comprehensive GynecoIogy
The differential diagnosis of endometrial polyps includes
submucous leiomyomas, adenomyomas, retained products of conception, endometrial hyperplasia, carcinoma, and uterine sarcomas.
The most common congenital/acquired causes of hematometra are
Congenital: imperforate hymen and a transverse vaginal septum.
Among the leading causes of acquired lower tract stenosis are senile atrophy of the endocervical canal and endometrium, scarring of the isthmus by synechiae, cervical stenosis associated with surgery, radiation therapy, cryocautery or electrocautery, endometrial ablation, and malignant disease of the endocervical canal.
significant proportion of myoma tend to have an inherited basis. Rare genetic conditions such as
hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer and Alport syndrome
The severity of the discrepancy between the myoma’s growth and its blood supply determines the extent of degeneration: mention the types of degeneration
hyaline, myxomatous, calcific, cystic, fatty, or red degeneration and necrosis.
The mildest form of degeneration of a myoma is
And its histological appearance
Hyaline degeneration, an eosinophilic ground-glass appearance.
The most acute form of fibroid degeneration is
is red, or carneous, infarction.
occurs during pregnancy in approximately 5% to 10% of gravid women with myomas.
Management of fibroid degeneration
The condition is best treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents for 72 hours, as long as the woman is less than 32 weeks’ gestation.
the three most common types of fibroid degeneration hyaline degeneration (65%), myxomatous degeneration (15%), and calcific degeneration (10%).
The possibility of a uterine tumor being a leiomyoma sarcoma is 10 times greater in a woman in her 60s than in a woman in her 40s.
Rarely, a secondary polycythemia is noted in women with uterine myomas. This syndrome is related to elevated levels of erythropoietin. The polycythemia diminishes following removal of the uterus.
Classic indications for a myomectomy include
persistent abnormal bleeding, pain or pressure, or enlargement of an asymptomatic myoma to more than 8 cm in a woman who has not completed childbearing.
Contraindications to a myomectomy include
pregnancy, advanced adnexal disease, malignancy, and the situation in which enucleation of the myoma would severely reduce endometrial surface so that the uterus would not be functional.
to treat leiomyomas medically by
by reducing the circulating level of estrogen and progesterone. GnRH agonists, medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera), danazol, aromatase inhibitors (have been shown to reduce uterine fibroid size (up to 71% in 2 months) and ameliorate uterine fibroid symptoms, including a reduction in menstrual volume and duration of menstruation, and urinary retention , and the antiprogesterone (mifepriston), oral ulipristal acetate (selective progesterone receptor modulator) controls symptoms, reduces tumor size, and improves quality of life compared with placebo and is not inferior to leuprolide acetate when used for 3 months.
Complications of UAE affect about 5% of patients and include
postembolization fever; sepsis from infarction of the necrotic myometrium, which may occur several weeks to a few months post procedure; and ovarian failure, affecting up to 3% of cases in women younger than 45 and 15% in women older than 45. shedding of necrotic myomata or portions of myomata into the intrauterine cavity. Shedding may lead to infection or abdominal pain as the uterus tries to pass the material. This may require either a uterine curettage or hysteroscopic removal.
Myolysis (the destruction of uterine fibroids or their blood supply via ultrasound, laser, cryotherapy, or other methods) has been studied as a conservative alternative for women who want to preserve their uterus but not fertility. Candidates are
women with small fibroids (typically less than or equal to 5 cm) or the largest fibroid being less than 10 cm in diameter.
Adenomyosis is derived from aberrant glands of the basalis layer of the endometrium.
The posterior wall is usually involved more than the anterior wall
There are two distinct pathologic presentations of adenomyosis.
diffuse (found in two thirds of cases) / focal
The classic symptoms of adenomyosis are
secondary dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia. Occasionally the patient complains of dyspareunia, which is midline in location and deep in the pelvis.
The diagnosis of adenomyosis is usually confirmed by
histologic examination of the hysterectomy specimen.
Adenomyosis may coexist with
both endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma. Approximately two of three women with adenomyosis have coexistent pelvic pathology, most commonly myomas but also endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, and salpingitis isthmica nodosa.
The most prevalent benign tumor of the oviduct is
the angiomyoma or adenomatoid tumor
several characteristics of ovarian masses correlate with malignancy, including
internal papillations (echogenic structures protruding into the mass), loculations, solid lesions or cystic lesions with solid components, thick septations, and smaller cysts adjacent to or part of the wall of the larger cyst–daughter cysts.
Management of follicular cyst
The initial management of a suspected follicular cyst is conservative observation. The majority of follicular cysts disappear spontaneously by either reabsorption of the cyst fluid or silent rupture within 4 to 8 weeks of initial diagnosis. However, a persistent ovarian mass necessitates operative intervention to differentiate a physiologic cyst from a true neoplasm of the ovary.
When the diameter of the cyst remains stable for greater than 10 weeks or enlarges, a neoplasia should be ruled out. complex cysts or persistent simple cysts larger than 10 cm should be evaluated. In women with cysts in pregnancy, if the cyst is simple with a normal CA-125, conservative management is acceptable. (CA-125 is generally not obtained in pregnant women with cysts less than 5 cm if they are simple.)
A cyst in a perimenopausal or postmenopausal woman should be removed if
- anything other than a simple cyst,
- if the CA-125 is abnormal (>35), or if the cyst is persistent or large (>10 cm)
Management of A small simple cyst in a perimenopausal or postmenopausal woman (<5 cm) with a normal CA-125
may be observed with follow-up ultrasound and CA125 testing every 6 months for 2 years. If unchanged at that point routine monitoring can be stopped.
Clinically, corpora lutea are not termed corpus luteum cysts unless they are a
a minimum of 3 cm in diameter.
Its associated Bleeding occurs usually between days 20 and 26 of their cycle, and these women have a 31% chance for subsequent hemorrhage from a recurrent corpus luteum cyst.
differential diagnosis of a woman with acute pain and suspected ruptured corpus luteum cyst includes
ectopic pregnancy, a ruptured endometrioma, and adnexal torsion. A sensitive serum or urinary assay for human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) will help to differentiate a bleeding corpus luteum from ectopic pregnancy
the three types of physiologic ovarian cysts
1- follicular cyst
2- corpus luteum cyst
3- theca lutein cyst
The condition of ovarian enlargement secondary to the development of multiple luteinized follicular cysts is termed
hyperreactio luteinalis
Approximately 50% of molar pregnancies and 10% of choriocarcinomas have associated bilateral theca lutein cysts
Benign teratomas occur bilaterally …% to …% of the time.
Benign teratomas occur bilaterally 10% to 15% of the time.
Three medical diseases also may be associated with dermoid cysts:
thyrotoxicosis(Adult thyroid tissue is discovered microscopically in approximately 12% of benign teratomas,less than 5% developed thyrotoxicosis), carcinoid syndrome, and autoimmune hemolytic anemia
complications of dermoid cyst:
Torsion of a dermoid is the most frequent complication, occurring in 3.5% to 11% of cases. Because of its weight, the benign teratoma is often pedunculated, which may predispose to torsion.
Rupture (more common in pregnancy) If a rupture occurs during surgery, the abdomen should be copiously irrigated with saline, with careful removal of any particulate matter. Chemical peritonitis is reported in less than 1% of ruptured dermoids.
Infection, hemorrhage, and malignant degeneration are all unusual complications of dermoids, occurring in less than 1% of patients.
Dermoid cyst US characteristics
include a dense echogenic area within a larger cystic area, a cyst filled with bands of mixed echoes, and an echoic dense cyst.
Ultrasound has a more than 95% positive predictive value and a less than 5% false-positive rate.
the most common benign, solid neoplasms of the ovary.
make up approximately 5% of benign ovarian neoplasms and approximately 20% of all solid tumors of the ovary.
Meigs’ syndrome is the association of
an ovarian fibroma, ascites, and hydrothorax.
Both the ascites and the hydrothorax resolve after removal of the ovarian tumor. The ascites is caused by transudation of fluid from the ovarian fibroma; Fifty percent of patients have ascites if the tumor is greater than 6 cm. Meigs’ syndrome is rare, occurring in less than 2% of ovarian fibromas. The hydrothorax develops secondary to a flow of ascitic fluid into the pleural space via the lymphatics of the diaphragm. Statistically the right pleural space is involved in 75% of reported cases, the left in 10%, and both sides in 15%.
the current preferred term for benign Brenner tumor is transitional cell tumor
usually occur in women ages 40 to 60 years. Approximately 30% of transitional cell tumors are discovered as small, solid tumors in association with a concurrent serous cystic neoplasia, such as serous or mucinous cystadenomas of the ipsilateral ovary
Histopathology description of (benign Brenner tumor) transitional cell tumors:
The pale epithelial cells have a coffee bean–appearing nucleus, which is also described as a longitudinal groove in the cell’s nucleus.
The most common cause of adnexal torsion is ovarian enlargement by
an 8- to 12-cm benign mass of the ovary.
approximately –% of women with surgically confirmed adnexal torsion will have a normal Doppler flow study
approximately 60% of women with surgically confirmed adnexal torsion will have a normal Doppler flow study
Approximately —% of women with adnexal torsion have a repetitive episode affecting the contralateral adnexa.
Approximately 10% of women with adnexal torsion have a repetitive episode affecting the contralateral adnexa.
T he risk of pulmonary embolus (PE) with adnexal torsion is small, approximately –%. One series noted the risk of PE to be similar when torsion was managed by conservative surgery with untwisting or adnexal removal without untwisting.
The risk of pulmonary embolus (PE) with adnexal torsion is small, approximately 0.2%. One series noted the risk of PE to be similar when torsion was managed by conservative surgery with untwisting or adnexal removal without untwisting.
Ovarian Remnant Syndrome
Chronic pelvic pain secondary to a small area of functioning ovarian tissue following intended total removal of both ovaries.
Most of the women who develop this condition had endometriosis or chronic pelvic inflammatory disease and extensive pelvic adhesions discovered during previous surgical procedures.
The most common large cyst of the vulva is
a cystic dilation of an obstructed Bartholin duct, with a lifetime risk estimated to be 2%. These cysts occur most often during the third decade.
Labial adhesions literally mean the labia minora have adhered or agglutinated together at the midline. Another term sometimes used to describe this condition is
adhesive vulvitis
The lesion often appears in an hourglass or figure-8 formation involving the genital and perianal area, The skin may be lichenified with a hypopigmented parchment-like appearance. Parents may note that the genital area appears whitened. Pruritus is typical presenting symptom. Dx ?
Lichen Sclerosus
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists for fibroid ? MOA and efficacy in percentage.
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists downregulate the pituitary, which results in hypoestrogenism and amenorrhea. The hypoestrogenic state shrinks leiomyoma volume by as much as 35–65% within 3 months of treatment. the effects of GnRH agonists are not permanent, and leiomyomas often regrow to their pretreatment size within 3 months after the last dose of GnRH agonist.
How many percent of lichen sclerosis patient will progress to squamous cell carcinoma
With average 4 years latency btw symptomatic Lichen sclerosis and squamous cell carcinoma