nerve injuries Flashcards
Youareaskedtoreviewapatient whohasundergonevaginalhysterectomy.Sheisunabletodorsiflexherrightfoot.Whichnerveislikelytohavebeeninjured?foot drop can result from ?
secondary to injury at the level of the lumbosacral plexus, sciatic nerve, or common fibular (peroneal) nerve
the most common obstetrical (following postnatal) neuropathies is
Lateral femoral cutaneous neuropathies (24%), followed by femoral neuropathies (14 %). A motor deficit accompanied a third of injuries.
obstetrical (following postnatal) neuropathies risk factors:
Nulliparity, prolonged second-stage labor,
and pushing for a long duration in the semi-Fowler position.
Nerve injuries with cesarean delivery include
the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves
The signs and symptoms associated with these tumors vary, but in general, most originate from tumor growth and the hormones they produce the most common symptom seen in 85 percent of patients is
Subacute abdominal pain and reflects rapid growth of a large, unilateral tumor undergoing capsular distcntion, hemorrhage, or necrosis.
In 10 percent of cases, cyst rupture, torsion, or intraperitoneal hemorrhage leads to an acute abdomen (Gershenson, 2007).
a condition characterized by tingling, numbness and burning pain in the outer part of your thigh. The condition is caused by compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, which supplies sensation to your upper leg.
occurs due to sciatic nerve entrapment at the level of the ischial tuberosity. Cause pain in the gluteal region that is characterized as shooting, burning, or aching down the back of the leg. In addition, numbness in the buttocks and tingling sensations
In 90 percent of brachial plexus injury cases, the C5–6 nerve roots are damaged and cause
Erb paralysis, also called Erb-Duchenne.
Incidence of peripheral nerve injury at the time of gynecologic surgery is less than —%. Injuries to the nerves of the lumbosacral plexus are more common (—%) than those to the brachial plexus or upper limb peripheral nerves (—-%).
Incidence of peripheral nerve injury at the time of gynecologic surgery is less than 2%. Injuries to the nerves of the lumbosacral plexus are more common (1.9%) than those to the brachial plexus or upper limb peripheral nerves (0.16%).