PMAQ Cards Set I Flashcards
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation A.U.C.
ab urbe condita/ anno urbis conditae – from the founding of the city
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation A.D.
anno domini – in the year of our Lord
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation ad lib.
ad libitum – at pleasure
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation A.M.
ante meridiem – before noon
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation cf.
confer – compare
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation e.g.
exempli gratia – for example
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation et al.
et alia – and others
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation etc.
et cetera – and so forth, and the rest
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation ibid.
ibidem – in the same place
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation id.
idem – the same (author)
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation i.e.
id est – that is (an explanation)
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation M.D.
Medicinae Doctor – medical doctor, doctor of medicine
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation m.
meridie – at midday, noon
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation N.B.
nota bene – note well (pay attention to this)
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation op. cit.
opere citato – in the work cited/mentioned
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation per cent
per centum – by the hundred
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation P.M.
post meridiem – afternoon
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation pro tem.
pro tempore – for the time being
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation P.S.
post scriptum – written afterward
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation Q.E. D.
Quod erat demonstrandum – that which must be demonstrated
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation q.v.
quod vide – which see
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation Rx
recipe – take as prescribed (medical term)
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation viz.
videlicet – namely
Give the Latin and English for the abbreviation vs.
versus – against
Give the Latin motto and its translation for the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer logo.
ars artis gratia – art for the sake of art
Give the Latin and English for the phrase found on a mosaic in Pompei.
cave canem – beware of the dog
Give the Latin and English for the the motto of the United States that is found on all coins.
e pluribus unum –from many, one (one out of many)
Give the Latin and English for the mottoes found on $1 bill.
Annuit Coeptis – he (God) looks with favor on our undertakings AND Novus Ordo Seclorum – A new order of the ages
Give the Latin and English for the motto of the U.S. Marine Corps.
semper fidelis – always faithful
Give the Latin and English for the motto of the U.S. Coast Guard.
semper paratus – always prepared
Give the English and author of the phrase veni, vidi, vici.
I came, I saw, I conquered – Julius Caesar
Give the English and author of the phrase errare humanum est.
to err is human – Seneca
Give the English and author of the phrase carpe diem.
seize the day – Horace
Give the English and author of the phrase ars longa, vita brevis.
art is long, life is short – Horace
Give the English and author of the phrase et tu, Brute!
even you, Brutus – Julius Caesar
Give the English and author of the phrase festina lente.
make haste slowly – Augustus
What was the phrase Constantine saw in the sky before the battle of the Milvian Bridge, and what does it translate as?
in hoc signo vinces – by this sign you will conquer
Give the English and author of the phrase mens sana in corpore sano.
a sound mind in a sound body – Juvenal
Give the Latin and English for the National motto of Canada
A mari usque ad mare – from sea to sea
Give the Latin and English for the motto of modern Olympics
citius, altius, fortius – swifter, higher, stronger
What was said by Caesar, as he was about to cross the Rubicon, and what does it mean?
alea iacta est – the die is cast
Give the English and author of the phrase Audentis Fortuna iuvat
Fortune favors the brave. Virgil
Give the English and author of the phrase Rident stolidi verba Latina.
~ Fools laugh at the Latin language.—-Ovid
Give the English and author of the phrase Nec verbum verbo curabis reddere fidus interpres.
~ As a true translator you will take care not to translate word for word.—-Horace
Give the English and author of the phrase Difficile est tenere quae acceperis nisi exerceas.
~ It is difficult to retain what you may have learned unless you should practice it.—-Pliny the Younger
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation Rx.
recipe – take
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation a.c.
ante cibos – before meals
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation p.c.
post cibos – after meal
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation c
cum – with
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation s
sine – without
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation prn
pro re nata – as needed
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation gtt.
guttae – drops
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation b.i.d.
bis in die – twice a day
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation t.i.d.
ter in die – three times a day
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation q.i.d
quater in die – four times a day
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation p.o.
per os – by mouth
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation stat.
statim – immediately
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation aq.
aqua – water
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation q.s.
quantum sufficiat – as much as needed
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation sig.
signa – write
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation non rep
non repetatur –do not repeat
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation h.s.
hora somni – at bedtime
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation o.d.
oculus dexter – right eye
Give the Latin and English for the medical abbreviation o.s.
oculus sinister – left eye
Give the English for the phrase ab ovo usque ad mala
from the egg to the apple (like “from soup to nuts”)
Give the English for the phrase ad hoc
for this purpose
Give the English for the phrase ad infinitum
without end
Give the English for the phrase ad nauseam
to the point of disgust
Give the English for the phrase alma mater
nourishing mother – for any school/college
Give the English for the phrase ante bellum
before the war
Give the English for the phrase bona fide
in good faith
Give the English for the phrase caveat emptor
let the buyer beware