Classical Art Cards Set I Flashcards
Identify the following work.
Cycladic Idols
Identify the following work.
Palace at Knossos (Minoan Era on the island of Crete)
Identify the following work.
Characteristic Downward Tapering Columns at the Palace of Knossos (Minoan Era on the island of Crete)
Identify the following work.
Throne Room at the Palace of Knossos (Minoan Era on the island of Crete)
Identify the following work.
Faience Snake Goddess at the Palace of Knossos (Minoan Era on the island of Crete)
Identify the following work.
La Parisienne Fresco at the Palace of Knossos (Minoan Era on the island of Crete)
Identify the following work.
Prince of the Lillies Fresco at the Palace of Knossos (Minoan Era on the island of Crete)
Identify the following work.
Dolphin Fresco at the Palace of Knossos [in the Queen’s Megaron] (Minoan Era on the island of Crete)
Identify the following work.
Toreador Fresco at the Palace of Knossos (Minoan Era on the island of Crete)
Identify the following work.
Boxing Children Fresco from Thera [Santorini]
Identify the following work.
Blue Monkey Fresco from Thera (Santorini)
Identify the following work.
Fisherman Fresco from Thera (Santorini)
Identify the following work.
Harvester Vase
Identify the following work.
Octopus Vase
Identify the following work.
Bull’s Head Rhyton
Identify the following work.
Lion Gate at Mycenae
Identify the following work.
Mask of Agamemnon at Mycenae
Identify the following work.
Warrior Vase at Mycenae
Identify the following work.
Dipylon Vase
Identify the following work.
Eleusis Amphora
Identify the following work.
Francois Vase
Identify the following work.
Ajax and Achilles Playing Dice
Identify the following work.
Death of Sarpedon
Identify the following work.
New York Kouros
Identify the following work.
Anavyssos Kouros
Identify the following work.
Peplos Kore
Identify the following work.
Identify the following work.
Battle of the Gods and Giants Frieze from the Siphnian Treasury (Delphi)
Identify the following work.
Dying Warrior from the Pediment of the Temple of Aphaea at Aegina
Identify the following work.
Critias Boy
Identify the following work.
Inner Frieze of the Parthenon
Identify the following work.
Dionysus from the East Pediment of the Parthenon Depicting the Birth of Athena
Identify the following work.
Three Goddesses from the East Pediment of the Parthenon Depicting the Birth of Athena
Identify the following work.
Demeter, Persephone, and Iris from the East Pediment of the Parthenon Depicting the Birth of Athena
Identify the following work.
Zeus of Artemesium
Identify the following work.
Charioteer of Delphi
Identify the following work.
Discobolus (Discus-Thrower)
Identify the following work.
Doryphorus (Spear-Bearer)
Identify the following work.
Riace Bronzes
Which vase shape is labeled N?
Which general vase shape is labeled both A and F?
Krater [A is a bell krater, and F is a volute krater]
Which vase shape is labeled I?
Which vase shape is labeled G?
Which vase shape is labeled M?
Identify the following work.
Hermes and the Infant Dionysus
Identify the following work.
Aphrodite of Cnidos
Identify the following work.
Identify the following work.
Dying Gaul
Identify the following work.
Gigantomachy Frieze at the Altar of Zeus in Pergamum
Identify the following work.
Winged Victory of Samothrace
Identify the following work.
Laocoon Group
Identify the following work.
Temple of Hera at Olympia
Identify the following work.
Temple of Zeus at Olympia
Identify the following work.
Temple of Hephaestus
Identify the following work.
Identify the following work.
Identify the following work.
Temple of Athena Nike
Identify the following work.
Identify the following work.
Porch of the Maidens on the Erectheum
Identify the following work.
Temple of Olympian Zeus
Identify the following work.
Apollo of Veii
Identify the following work.
Tomb of Hunting and Fishing
Identify the following work.
Tomb of the Triclinium
Identify the following work.
Tomb of the Reliefs
Identify the following work.
Sarcophagus of the Spouses
Identify the following work.
Capitoline Wolf
What style of pottery is depicted here?
Bucchero—Characterized by its Shiny Black Surface
Identify the following work.
Temple of Fortuna Virilis (better known today as Temple of Portunus)
Identify the following work.
Sanctuary of Fortuna
Identify the following work.
Capitoline Brutus
Identify the following work.
Pompey the Great
Identify the following work.
Augustus of Prima Porta
Identify the following work.
Ara Pacis
Identify the following work.
Imperial Procession on the Ara Pacis
Identify the following work.
Tellus (Earth Goddess) Panel on the Ara Pacis
Identify the following work.
Gemma Augustea
Identify the following work.
Domus Aurea
Identify the following work.
Arch of Titus
Identify the following work.
Relief Panel on the Arch of Titus
Identify the following work.
Flavian Amphitheater (Colosseum)
Identify the following work.
Villa of the Mysteries