PM + The Executive Flashcards
What is the executive
The government. Decision making body. Collective group consisting of the PM, cabinet & Jr mins
Main roles of the executive
Decides how the country is run
Represents the UK abroad
Manages defence of the country
Responsible for public services
Since devolution some of these functions have been transferred
Proposing legislation, the budget + making policy are imp roles of the executive
Proposing the budget
Created by the chancellor of the exchequer in consultation w/ PM
Gov plans for taxation + spending
If new gov comes into power after GE, intros a budget of its own. June 2010 George Osborne delivered a new emergency budget only 90 days after prev labour budget
Royal prerogative powers
-Historically belonged to the crown
-Many not properly defined, set out in statute. Based on practice of previous govs
-transferred to the PM
Main prerogative powers for PM
Grant legal pardons
Appoint ministers + other sr office holders
Award honours (handful personally given by monarch)
Declare war + authorise the use of the armed forces- requires parl approval
Sign treaties
Take action to maintain order in case of emergency
Grant + withdraw passports
2011 fixed term act- PM no longer decide date of the next GE. However, like TM June 2017, is poss for PM to override w/ sup of enough MPs
Initiation of legislation
Exec control most of parl time available for leg
20 opp days, 13 days for priv memb bills
Variable amount of time all for debates chosen by Backbench business commission
Intro into either commons or lords… most imp go to commons first
If gov have majority rely on party whipping syst + power of patronage to push through programme… rebels can occur e.g AMM on energy bills
Exec has tools to strengthen its hold over the passage of legislation
The Guillotine allows the gov to curtail debate on the Indiv clauses of a bill… only in commons. Cam attempted to use in a Lords debate over redrawing constit boundaries… abandoned after opposition in 2011
The programming motion enables exec to set out in advance the time limits for each stage in the passage of a bill
Since 2002- gov can carry uncompleted leg from one session to another.
Secondary/ delegated legislation
Law w/out passing a new act of parliament. Instead uses powers erected by an earlier act.
Most common = statutory instruments allows gov to modify or repeal existing legislation w/out introducing a new bill.
Critics raised concern over use of controversial decisions… 2016 used to abolish maintenance grants for uni students + allow fracking on Nat parks.
Gov accused of sneaking changes through the back door. Parl can still debate (+ in theory reject) statutory instils ab 2/3 become law on a specified date in the future w/out being put before MPs
Stat instrums sometimes called H8 clauses bc they enable gov to evade parl scrutiny
Relationship between cap + min
The cab formally responsible for dec making
Usual for dec to be taken elsewhere for ex cab com (or the quad in 2010-2015 coalition)
Exec is now dom by PM - rise of presidential gov… DC created Nat sec cab com + chaired it
Leadership is becoming more personalised- TB created several cab coms but routinely bypassed cab structures… pref informal and bi-lateral meeting in no. 10
Factors that affect the rel between PM + exec
Management skills of PM- exploitation of the elastic nature of office to assert control over the cabinet. By reshaping can marginalise opponents… for example 1980s MT promoted sups such as Nigel Lawson + Norman Tebbit… own image of cab.
However, MT dom of cab + alienation of Sr colleagues undermined her pol.
Factors that affect the rel between PM + exec
PMs ability to set agenda
Dec rarely taken to cab by vote
Views of sr figures more important for ex Brexit ref 2016, DC susp collective resp only 7/23 mins campaigning for leave… but high profile such as a leader of the house Michael Gove… became uncomfortable and stirred up trouble for PM to regain unity
PMs trad right to chair + sum up at end- imp tool of influence
Keep certain issues off the agenda of cabinet meetings… Harold Wilson devaluation of £ 1964-67
Factors that affect the rel between PM + exec
Use of cab coms + informal groups to make decisions
Choose membs + chair = control
TM chaired 3 incl Brexit
Many dec in smaller infl groups- GB National Econ council… used to steer response to the econ crisis
Coalition more nec to have debs in cabs ‘the quad’ also influential DC + NC + George O + Danny Alexander… resolution of differences
Factors that affect the rel between PM + exec
The development of the PM’s office and the cabinet office
PM access to most resources
HW created the pol unit in 1974 enabling PM to gain an overview of+ drive pol across all depts
Blair close co-op between PM + cab to support co-ord + implementation of pol
DC ‘hands off approach’- Indiv mins more autonomy
Press works closely with/ PM, more so under TB. Communication and strategy directorate created… the capacity to get govs message across = imp
Factors that affect the rel between PM + exec
Impact of wider political + economic situation
PM w/ a large majority + united party (TB 1997), easier to gain ascendancy
PM w/ public on side, booming econ + master events e.g MT 1982 aft Falklands war = more powerful. GB never respected for not holding GE
Extent of PMs power
Matter for debate. UK uncodified constitution, no definition of role. Cab office prepared a list of PMs functions in 1947 under CA
Factors governing the PM’s selection of ministers
Power to appoint, reshuffle + dismiss mins belongs to PM
Coalition- 5/22 mins = LD, NC replaced
In single- party gov the PM does not have complete freedom of who to appoint
Composition of exec relies on range of considerations
Ability + experience
Large no of MPs= backbenchers, some views too far outside of mainstream
Gen ability as administrator + communicator is more important than knowledge
In any party some sr figures who needs to be incl
PM come to office by winning leadership contest often incl their rivals for ex Penny Mourdants in Liz Truss + Rishi
Composition of exec
To est a PMs authority
Not all make rad changes
JM didn’t remove key people when he took over from MT in 1990… did when he won GE 18 months later
TM want to distance herself from DC. Sacked George Osborne, 9 sr mins lost their job
Composition of exec
To maintain a bal between different faction w/in the party
To maintain party unity- find posts for MPs w/ diff ideological view points from PM
After Brexit TM incl ‘leavers’ BoJo= for sec
Composition of exec
When formed first cab 1990 JM incl no women
2006 Marg Beckett made for sec by TB- first woman to hold 1/3 sr posts
Greater rep of ethnic min groups
Concept of Collective Ministerial responsibility
Convention mins must supp all dec of gov in public
Responsible as a group to parl
Discussions in cabinet should be confidential
If defeated in a vote of no confidence- the gov as a whole resigns to maintain the unity of gov
If ministers can’t accept dec hey should resign
Examples of ppl resigning because of collective min responsibility
2003 Robin Cook, leader of HoC, resigned because of disagreement over Iraq war
Iain Duncan Smith res 2016 (Work + pensions sec) bc would not accept cuts to disability benefits. Object also to GO budget to benefit high earners
Exceptions of collective responsibility
Between Cons + LD to form coalition, LD not bound by collective responsibility ‘agree to differ’. LD allowed to abstain in votes on the construction of new nuclear power stations, tax allowances for married couples + higher ed funding and to propose an alternative to the renewal of the trident nuclear deterrent
AV ref… DC + NC= opposing views
Since 1945 coll responsibility susp on 2 occasions both on eu memb
1975 Harold Wilson… allowed to argue their case in public, would unite on peoples dec. Lab mins allowed to share platforms at pub meetings w/ membs of other parties who shared their views
Dec to remain… cold not speak out against memb at the dispatch box… industry min Eric Hefner sacked for breaking this rule.
2016 DC faced same issue… susp coll responsibility
Only 7/23 mins wanted to leave but incl names like Gove, BoJo also involved… more of an issue for DC could not unite party after. Bc DC was on remain side, once lost forced t res
Concept of individual ministerial responsibility
Mins have a duty to hold parl to account and to be held accountable for the policies, decisions and actions of their departments and agencies - ministerial code
Obliged to give accurate information to parl, knowingly mislead = expectation to resign
Responsible for deciding how to conduct themselves.
Only remain in office as long as they retain the confidence of the PM
Gov is so large + complex, min cannot be expected to know everything w/in dept- does not need to resign over a tiny mistake
Fate of an Indiv minister depends on:
How serious the issue is perceived as
Level of criticism in parliament + media
Attitude of PM
Example of attitude of PM
Charles Clarke- home secretary in TB’s government illustrates how effective Indiv min respons is.
Challenged by opp MPs, 2006, over inability of the home office to account for movements of over 1000 foreign prisoners. Been freed w/out thought of deportation. Admitted his dept had taken its ‘eye off the ball’. Didn’t have duty to resign but sort out… privately offered to resign- Blair backed. 10 days later, no movement Blair sacked Clarke
Gov functions delegated to executive agencies
Led to some doubt over who is accountable.. 1995 home sec Michael Howard sacked Derek Lewis, the director general of the prisons service, following criticisms of the escape of prisoners from Parkhurst Jail
Civil servants have oft been held accountable for dept issues… 2012 transp sec Patrick McLoughin mistakes have been made in awarding franchise to companies to run trains on West Coast Main line… 3 civ servants susp as a result.
Personal misconduct
Most common cause of resignation. If they fall short of expected standards of integrity
Peter Madelson obliged to retire twice
1998 left pos as trade + industry sec after rev he was buying a house w/ a loan from cab min
Brought back in 2001 as NI sec, forced out as used infl to fast track a passport of an Indian businessman
2012 Andrew Mitchell (chief whip) res for insulting policeman on duty in Downing Street
2012 Chris Hunne (energy + climate sec) res for perverting the course of justice over an earlier speeding prosecution
How did John Major win credit?
By replacing poll tax with council tax. Helped to distance his gov from Maggie
How did Major handle the Gulf War in 1991?
Effectively. Worked w/ US allies, united Br pub op
War sought to expel Saddam Hussein from Kuwait
What was Major’s cabinet management system?
More collegial style- allowed more discussion.
What else was attractive about Major?
Lack of ideological commitments
How did Major progress towards a peace deal with NI?
Est trust w/ unionists and nationalists through the Dec 1993 Downing Street decl. Ruled out the imposition of a united Ireland
What happened on Black Wednesday in Sept 1991?
Market pressure forced the pound out of the ERM (exchange rate mechanism), raised interest rates from 10-12%, 12-15%
How was Majors control undermined?
In his 2nd term
EU- threatened Nat Sov, hostile to Maastricht treaty despite opt-out of not joining the euro, not pacified by concessions
Only secured the treaty’s passage through the commons by one vote.
No unity, weak leadership
Why did Major have to devote a lot of time to the day-to-day management of Parliament?
Disappearing majority and a divided party. Limited chances of leaving a distinct legacy in terms of policy.
What scandals did the Tories face?
Series of financial and sexual scandals, constantly papering over the cracks. Dubbed by the press as ‘sleaze’
How did Major attempt to make public services more accountable?
‘The Citizens Charter’- lay down expectations for the performance of schools, hospitals and other bodies.
Failed to capture the imagination of the public
What did Blair place a strong emphasis on and how did he achieve this?
Strengthening the UK gov + tackle issues in a more ‘joined up’ manner.
Indiv cabinet ministers would have less autonomy, more central agenda.
Cab office + Downing Street policy unit worked more closely together
2001 a newly created PM unit sought to drive reform in the public sector
How did Blair modernise the political system?
Constit refs that didn’t jeopardise the authority of central gov. HoL ref, devolution
What was Blair’s most outstanding success?
Revival of peace in NI, creation of power sharing instils following 1998 Good Friday agreement
Skills as negotiator
What was Blair’s public service reform
Self-governing city academies, took money from central government rather than local auth. Began to repl failing state schools.
Foundation hospital managers given power + funding
University students should contribute to their education
Minimum wage est
Sure start schemes
Blair + Brown factions
Brown lim Blair’s power, Br gave Blair leader to be chancellor, brown believed bl would step down + let him be PM.
Didn’t happen, rel went bad. Blair had to concede control over a no of pol areas… bringing Britain into European single currency
What diverted Blair’s attention in his second term?
Nat sec + for pol. After 9/11 showed his ability of a powerful PM to shape overseas pol.
Committed UK to support Bush’s war on terror. British troops engaged in lengthy war in Afghanistan + Iraq
Iraq war damaged Blair’s reputation- went to war w/ unsubstantiated evidence that Iraqs gov had weapons of mass destruction
Trust between Blair + pub eroded