Liberalism Flashcards
Human nature agreement
Broad level of agreement except over egotistical individualism
Both stress the of Indiv over the claims of any Soc group or collective body
Classical libs views on HN
‘Egotistical individualism’ people are essentially self-seeking and self-reliant… minimises the importance of Soc… little more than collection of indep indivs
Modern libs on HN
‘Developmental individualism’ plays down pursuit of self-interest, been used to justify sup for some state intervention in Soc to help disadvantaged
Nat right every1 should have, should not be taken away against the will of the Indiv- orig this ref to diff relig beliefs… been extended to a wide range of practices
Betty Friedan on tolerance
‘A girl should not expect special privileges because of her sex but neither should she adjust to prejudice and discrimination’
Indivs should be free to exercise their judgement about their own interests w/out needing to be guided by external authorities such as the state
Classical libs argue that rational self-interest alone will promote economic prosperity and social harmony and that indivs should simply be left alone in a free market econ w/ lim gov to make their own choices
Mod libs ague that indivs should be supported so they have the capabilities to exercise their rationality effectively.
‘Over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign’
Harm principle- indivs should be free to do anything except harm other indivs… followed a strictly limited view of the role of the gov- distinction between ‘self-regarding’ eg expression of personal beliefs and ‘other regarding’ like violent or disorderly conduct.
Both strands value freedom
Lib com to freedom extends to advocating for a pluralistic society. Diverse viewpoints, cultures etc are not only tolerated but celebrated.
Support for democracy
Support for codified constit so rights are entrenched… clear guidelines
Promote econ freedom… advocate for cap market econ that allow indivs to pursue their econ interests
Negative freedom
Classical libs
Consists of freedom FROM (for ex) starving. E.g discrim laws… limited role of state
Positive freedom
Consists of the ABILITY TO DO something e.g enabling those on a limited income to lead a more fulfilled and meaningful existence… thus larger role of the state
Enabling state
By the 19th century mod libs found neg freedom too restrictive- viewed Soc as more than a coll of indep atoms.
T.H Green argued that Soc was an organic whole in which ppl pursue the common good as well as their own interests
Both indivs + Soc in nature… from this concept of positive freedom … indivs should be able to control their own destiny’s to develop personal talents & achieve self-fulfilment- some state int = nec
Classical liberals on society
‘Egotistical individualism’ when applied to Soc at large produced the idea ‘the greatest happiness for the greatest number’ interests of minorities overridden by majority
Emphasis on equality of opportunity libs accept differing outcomes bc ppl have diff abilities + potential. Ppl should be free to reach their potential.
Foundational equality implies a belief in formal equality- indivs should enjoy the same pol rights in so m ensured by equality b4 the law & equal voting rights in free + fair elec.
Indiv w/ diff talents should be rewarded diff… this inequality is beneficial for Soc bc it gives ppl the incentive to work hard + make the most of the abilities… until 20th century was not extended to women
Wollstonecraft on equality
Argued that women were no less rational beings than men, entitled to same right to pursue a career and to own their own property
Women were ‘slaves in political and civil sense’
Wanted women to have formal equality to enjoy civil libs & a career w/ the ability to become econ indep from men- key to this was education, enable women to gain self-respect.
+ valued marriage as an institution… bc of biology women more likely to settle and have kids… respected either dec just wanted equal opportunity.. marriage must be a partnership of equals.. tyranny of the male must be resisted
JSM on Soc + equality
Believed in complete equality of men + women
In favour of inheritiance tax… transmission of wealth over gens gave some advantages to others
Upheld the idea of tolerance and right to express a minority view.
Civil rights
Supp full civil rights for women and minority groups
Obama supported the right of transgender students to use bathrooms of their choice at school.
Codified constit clear guidelines on rights