conservatism Flashcards
Traditional conservative view on HN
pessimistic view… humans flawed and incapable of reaching a state of perfection. Human nature is immutable.
Human imperfection kept in check due to human capacity for evil…
Hobbes soc bc of HN- ‘nasty, brutish and short’
humans have a ‘restless desire’ for power.
Stress that;
Tough stance on law and order, deter crim behaviour… HN cannot be transformed, tough stance for pol based on nat security rather than co-op
Human beh is selfish, suc pol syst recognise self-int is more powerful motivator than altruism
Modern soc= complex… peoples actions should be guided by pragmatism rather than ideology.
One nation cons agree
Neo-liberals view on HN
self-reliant indivs capable of making rational decisions in their own interests.
Ayn Rand- rational pursuit of self-interest = morally right
Nozick based on Kant’s model…. humans should be treated ‘always as an end and never as a means only’ - humans are rational and self-aware beings w/free will.. shouldnt be treated as things or used against their will as resources
Associated w/ con thinkers such as Edmund Burke + Michael oakshott
Rejects theory + ideology in favour of practical experience- approach to society should be flexible made on basis of of what works.
Oakshott ‘to be a conservation is to prefer the tried to the untried’
Flexible approach to pol- best interests of people + What is acceptable to the public + what will maintain Soc stab
E & cohesion
Linked to Human rat … humans can’t comprehend complex realities of the world.
Neo- cons on HN
Trad views
2 probs if a person is red to adopt their own moral code or lifestyle.
Indiv may opt for an ‘immoral lifestyle’- partic unacceptable to relig elements w/in neo-cons ranks in the us
People should not be free to choose diff moral pos bc this prevents the development of com moral standards, undermining social cohesion.
New- right critical of multiculturalism, threatens Soc and Nat unity by dividing Soc along ethnic, racial and relig lines.
Trad cons view on state
Late 18th and 19th century, leadership assumed by the aristocracy. Elite rule on ground it was natural… for gens upper class had gov, been ed in the values of Soc and on pub services
Paternalism, long standing elite rule ensured those in pos of authority could draw on class and family trads of leadership, duty of Soc resp… best equipped to make decisions on behalf of Soc
Considered soft paternalism, other Soc groups w/in an organic Soc = accepted… natural leaders best equipped
Hobbes- freedom w/out order + auth wld have disastrous consequences
1 Nat view on state
Disraeli enc for cons to renew its commitment to concepts of reform and social obligation.
Reforms to improve conds for poorest in society would reduce the likelihood of large-scale discontent, preserving pos of upper classes
DC argued for ‘compassionate conservatism’
Butler cons PM 1950s-60s gov was focused on ‘bringing together two nations into a single social entity’
Neo-liberals on the state
Minimal state
Gov intervention cannot solve econ props/ properly allocate resources w/ a dev econ. Makes props worse.
State planning, nationalisation, high taxation are all rejected on the grounds they distort the market and contribute to econ probs
Rand- attempts to control + reg any indivs actions corrupts the capacity of that person to work freely as a prod memb of Soc by undermining their practice use of reason.
Nozick- states should act as night watchmen- powers limited to protecting people… a state which regs what people eat, drink, smoke etc interferes w/ right to use their self-owned bodies as they want.
Neo-cons on the state
Strong pol leadership and authority.
Promotes strong state/ strong authoritarianism… incr pol powers and harsher punishments to tackle crime + pub disorder
Thatcher + Reagan in the ‘80s… prison sentences had to provide hard lessons
Trad cons on society
Defend est based on commitment to organicism, hierarchy and paternalism
Soc= organic entity w/ complex interdep… cannot be randomly reconfigured… hence view of pragmatism. If bal disturbed, Soc = undermined and possibly destroyed.
Burke- state resemb living organism like a plant… changed when necessary through gentle ‘pruning’ most evolve naturally.
OS underpinned by hierarchy and authority… organic Soc must rest on inequality, held in place by custom + trad + accumulated wisdom + experience of the past.
Implementation of ideological blueprints and theory to bring about an ideal Soc can only lead to disaster, for example French rev, not based on human experience, drastic change.
Link to Burke cautious pragmatism would bring about necessary change peacefully
Oakeshott argues maintain Soc stability and cohesion by emphasising moderation, cautious change where necessary and a sense of historical continuity
1N on society
Reforms to improve conditions for poorest in society wld reduce likelihood of large-scale discontent, preserving pos of upper classes
Wealthiest + most privileged Soc groups had a moral duty to help the poor
OS depended not only on ‘top down’ authority but also on elite’s acceptance of social responsibility.
Paternalism should embrace social reform/ welfare’s to strengthen national unity and preserve ‘one nation’
Neo-libs on society
Reject assumptions underpinning an organic society
Soc composed of indep, rational individuals, operating w/in a free market. Soc based on individualism that releases human potential and est harmonious free relations between people.
Neo-cons on society
Unwelcome changes threaten social fragmentation, only to be stopped by strong pol leadership and authority.
Auth needed to preserve society- influenced t some extent by trad con notions of organicism.
More authority than 1N… seeks to strengthen Soc by reasserting auth and Soc discipline rather than welfare measures. Need to uphold Soc order and protect public morality.
Since 1960s auth + resp decl in W’rn nations… hence incr crim figures
Argued for re-imp of auth and discipline w/in every level. Such as w/ family’s uphold hierarchy + patriarchy
Reject permissiveness suggesting no objective right or wrong. Anti-permissiveness and concern w/ public morality stems from emergence of ‘free-for-all’ or ‘anything-goes’ cultures. Thatcher advocated for Victorian values
Trad cons on economy
Accept capitalism + private property… accept inequality w/in hierarchy + OS
Burke supports Laissez-faire econ… little gov int + low taxes
1N on economy
Capitalist + industrialised society
Keynesian economic management technique, mixed economy- combined state ownership, regulation or control of certain aspects of economic activity w/ the drive and initiative of private enterprise
Expanded welfare state
Neo-lib on econ
Promoted by work of econ such as Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek, champions free-market economy
Friedman asserted Keynesian policies to stimulate demand
Free-market= only mechanism that can meet consumer demand for goods and services efficiently. No gov int… operation of free market has to be protected against three main threats; monopolies, inflation and gov intervention.
AR- self-proclaimed ‘radical for capitalism’
Nozick reached radical conclusion that taxes levied to fund state welfare programmes = immoral… act as a type of forced labour imposed on the individual by the state + treats indivs as a mean/ resource… taxation = slavery. citizens entitles to benefits, states become partial owners of the individual… partial prop over their labour, self-ownership is undermined.