Platform Network Flashcards
system of interconnected nodes
In platform mediated networks nodes are called
Network users(independent actors)
PMN doesn’t encompass the following
Physical network
Social network
Supply network aka ecosystems
Why study PMN
large and growing share of global economy
distinctive mgt challenges
Why use a platform
connectivity, this is facilitating the transfer of goods or information
variety, this is eliciting offers from supply-side users that vary along dimensions valued by demand-side users
matching heterogeneous needs with suitable transaction partners and
price-setting services in which users disclose prices at which they are willing to exchange goods
Types of Networks
-One sided; similar users who perform same functions.
-Two sided; 2 diff. user groups whose members play the same role in transaction.
Job seekers + recruiters
-Three sided; content consumers, 3rd party content providers and advertisers.
Factors that can influence the attractiveness of your network
-Network size