Ch. 4 Information Security and Controls Flashcards
Difference between security and information security
Security is the degree of protection against criminal act. , damage or loss while information security is defined as the processes and policies designed to protect the org. info. from unauthorized issues.
How does a threat and exposure connect with each other
A threat is something that can affect the org. and then an exposure is the result of the threat
is the possibilty that a threat will harm a resource
Factors that increase vulnerability of org. res.
-Today’s interconnected, interdependent business environment
-Smaller, faster computers &storage devices
-Decreasing skills necessary to be a computer hacker
-International organized crime taking over cybercrime
-Lack of management support
Types of Threats
Unintentional and deliberate threats
What is a form of unintentional threat
Human error
Diiference bet. human error and social engineering
Human error is committed by employees while social engineering is when employees makes mistake due to a response of action by an attacker
Techniques of social engineering
- Tailgating: hold the door
- Shoulder surfing: amebo
Types of Deliberate Threats
*Espionage or trespass; illegal access to info.
*Information extortion; threaten to steal but stop when paid. Use Ransomware/digital extortion to block coy info. until payment is made.
*Sabotage or vandalism
*Theft of equipment or information
*Identity theft
*Compromises to intellectual property; is the property created by individual protected by trade secret, patent and copyright
*Software attacks: use of malicious software called malware
*Alien software: Sneaky software installed without your knowledge
*Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) attacks; provides link between the physical world and the electronic world.
*Cyberterrorism and cyberwarfare
What is Doxxing
a strategy where cybercrimanal threaten to release a coy info. to the public.
Indirect costs are the ransom payment
No, they are the direct costs.
A form of online vandalism is ?
Hacktivist or cyberactivist operation
What is trade secret, patent and copyright
Trade secret is an intellectual work such as the coy. secret. Patent is an official document that grants an indiv. exclusive rights on an invention(20 yrs). Copyright is a statutory grant that provides owners of the prop. with ownership(70 yrs).
Which attack targets large group of people and which one targets senior executives
Spear phishing and whaling
Types of spyware
Keystroke loggers; stealing ur web history (CAPTCHA- that thing in US application)
Screen tapers
What is Enterprise Risk Management
ERM is a risk-based approach to managing an enterprise that integrates internal control, legal requirements, and strategic planning.
Main Purpose of COBIT 5 framework
To align IT with business objectives and assist in managing risk
Reasons why it’s difficult to protect Info.
Computing resources may be situated in many locations.
Many individuals control or have access to information assets.
Computer networks can be located outside the organization, making them difficult to protect.
Rapid technological changes make some controls obsolete as soon as they are installed.
Many computer crimes are undetected for a long time, so it is difficult to learn from experience.
Categories of Control
. Control environment encompasses management attitudes toward controls, as evidenced by management actions, as well as by stated policies and procedures that address ethical issues and the quality of supervision.
* General controls apply to more than one functional area. For example, passwords are general controls.
* Application control A typical payroll application control would be the approval of payroll wage rates by a human resources supervisor. Controls specific to one application, such as payroll, are application controls.
Diff. bet. Firewall and Anti malware
Anti-malware systems are generally reactive. Whereas firewalls filter network traffic according to categories of activities that are likely to cause problems, anti-malware systems filter traffic according to a database of specific problems
Whereas whitelisting allows nothing to run unless it is on the whitelist, blacklisting allows everything to run unless it is on the blacklist.