Platelets Flashcards
Platelets are produced directly from…
Megakaryocyte cytoplasm
Hormone responsible for megakaryopoiesis
70,000 daltons
Thombopoietin is produced by which organ
Refers to the form of mitosis that lacks telophase and cytokinesis
formation of giant multinucleated or polyploidy cells
Megakaryopoiesis: Least mature specific progenitor
Burst forming unit-Meg / BFU-Meg
Megakaryopoiesis: most mature specific progenitor
Light density colony forming unit - Meg / LD-CFU-Meg
Megakaryopoiesis: Least mature precursor
MK-I / Megakaryoblast
Megakaryopoiesis: Most mature precursor
MK-III / Megakaryocyte
Endomitosis starts at_________________ (specific progenitor)
Endomitosis end at ________________ (precursor)
MK-II / Promegakaryocyte
Thrombopoietin (TPO) is also known as…
MPL ligand
Stimulating hormonal factors that controls the production and release of platelets
TPO/MPL ligand and IL-11
Each megakaryocyte produces ________ (#) platelets
2,000-4,000 (Rodaks)
1,000-4,000 (Steinenger)
Thrombocytes’ lifespan
8-11 days or 9-12 days
Platelets are phagocytized by the…
Other mononuclear phagocytic system
Major source of energy of platelets
Glucose / dextrose
Platelet composition
60% protein
30% lipid
8% carbohydrates
Platelet’s maturation time:
5 days
Platelet structure that is responsible for adhesion and aggregation
Peripheral zone
Coagulation factors composed in Glycocalyx
Factor V, Factor VIII, Fibrinogen
Platelet structure responsible for change in shape, extension of pseudopods, and secretion of granules
Sol-gel zone
Which among the Sol-gel components is majorly responsible for the platelet disc shape
Microtubules disassemble when treated with…
Rope-like polymers
Intermediate filaments of the Sol-gel zone
connect the actin to tubules = maintain shape
Alpha granules
Platelet factor IV, platelet derived growth factor, thrombospondin, VWF, fibrinogen, fibrinectin, Factor V
Dense / Delta granules
Calcium, ADP, Pyrophosphate, ATP, Serotonin, Magnesium
Lysosomes / Lysosomal type granules
Acid hydrolases, ACP, hydrolytic enzymes
Which composition in organelle zone has “clearing” responsibilities
Membranous system that is derived from Rough ER
Dense tubular system / DTS
DTS sequesters/hold _________ for _______________ and ________________
Platelet activation process
Prostaglandin synthesis
Control center for platelet activation
DTS system
System that acts as a canal for the release of alpha-granules
Surface connecting canalicular system (SCCS) or Open canalicular system (OCS)
Sponge like portion of the cell
provides an expanded reactive surface to which plasma clotting factors are selectively adsorbed
Route for endocytosis
Type of platelet that is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease
Reticulated platelets
Platelets become round when in ____________ and cylindrical and beaded when in ___________
Citrated blood
Pro platelet process occur in MK- ______
Megakaryocyte progenitors arise from _______ under the influence of transcription gene product: ___________, regulated by: _____________.
Cofactor FOG1
Megakaryocyte differentiation is suppressed by ________
transcription gene product: MYB
Which transcription factor mediates the switch from mitosis to endomitosis?
suppress Rho/ROCK signaling pathway = suppresses the assembly of actin cytoskeleton
Morphological vague clue of megakaryoblast
Plasma membrane blebs
Blunt projections from the margin that resemble platelets
Procoagulant-laden alpha-granules, dense granules (bodies), and demarcation system (DMS) begin to develop during the ___________ stage
Megakaryoblast / MK-I
Nuclear lobularity first becomes apparent during the _______________ stage.
MK-II / Promegakaryocyre
Most abundant precursor stage
MK-III / Megakaryocyte
Megakaryocyte characteristics/features
Intensely indented and lobulated nucleus
Degree of lobulation is imprecisely proportional to ploidy
Chromatin is variably condensed w/ light and dark patches
Azurophilic cytoplasm, granular
Ploidy levels are measured using
a nucleic acid dye in megakaryocyte flow cytometry
MRNA for TPO is found in….
Stromal cells
Smooth muscle cells
Liver - has the most copies = main site
Cytokines act in synergy with TPO to induce early differentiation of stem cells
Cytokine that enhance endomitosis, megakaryocyte maturation, and thrombocytopeiesis
IL-6 and IL-11
Normal peripheral blood platelet count
Excess hemostasis = ___________________
Inadequate hemostasis = __________________
Clot extension, thrombosis
Poor wound healing and prone to bleeding
Key component in intravascular hemostasis
Platelets and biochemical (procoagulants)
Primary or Secondary hemostasis: Involves vascular intima
Primary hemostasis
Primary or secondary hemostasis: activated by large injuries to blood vessels and surrounding tissues
Secondary hemostasis
Primary or secondary hemostasis: Rapid, short lived
Primary hemostasis
Primary hemostasis is initiated by…
Exposure of platelets to the subendothelial connective tissue components blood vessels