Plantar foot Flashcards
Where does the superior peroneal retinaculum begin and attach?
begins anteriorly on posterior border of lateral malleolus and is attached posteriorly on the lateral surface of the calcaneus and the tendocalcaneus.
Where is the inferior peroneal retinaculum attached?
anteriorly to the lateral rim of the sinus tarsi and posteriorly on lateral surface of the calcaneus and to the peroneal trochlea
What part of the inferior peroneal retinaculum forms a tunnel? What is the tunnel for?
Between its attachments, the deep fibers of IPR forms a superior tunnel for the peroneus brevis tendon and inferior tunnel for peroneus longus tendon.
Where is the apex and the base of the flexor retinaculum attached?
apex: to anteromedial surface of medial malleolus
base: superior border of abductor hallucis m. and to medial process of calcaneus
What is the anterior and posterior border of the flexor retinaculum continuous with?
anterior continuous with dorsal aponeurosis
posterior continuous with deep fascia of leg
What are the two other names for the flexor retinaculum?
laciniate ligament, medial annular ligament
What forms the roof of the tarsal tunnel?
flexor retinaculum
What is in each compartment (4) of the tarsal tunnel?
first compartment: tibias posterior tendon, 2nd: FDL tendon, 3rd: posterior tibial A and tibial N, 4th: FHL tendon
What is the fat in the superficial fascia divided into and what divides it? What is the fat’s role?
divided into compartments by fibers which connect the superficial fascia to skin and to deep fascia, fat globules act as shock absorbers
What forms the plantar aponeurosis? What is the thickest part?
deep fascia forms it, central part of aponeurosis is the thickest
Where does the central part of the plantar aponeurosis attach? What does it divide into?
attaches posteriorly on medial process of calcaneal tuberosity, as it passes anteriorly becomes thinner. at the met heads, it divides into 5 processes, one for each digit
What is each digital process of plantar aponeurosis divided into? Where do these divisions attach?
Each process is divided into a deep and superficial layer. The superficial stratum attaches to the skin of transverse sulcus. The deep stratum further divides into two slips, on on each side of the flexor tendons of each digit, then blends with the tendon sheaths
What occurs between the digital processes of the plantar aponeurosis?
digital nerves, vessels and tendons of the lumbricals become superficial
What does the lateral part of the plantar aponeurosis lie superficial to? What happens to it?
superficial to abductor digiti minimi, thin distally and thick proximally where it forms a strong band between the lateral process of the calcaneal tuberosity and the base of the fifth met
What does the medial part of the plantar aponeurosis lie superficial to? What is its posterior attachment?
superficial to abductor hallucinating and its attachment is to the flexor retinaculum
What divides the plantar muscles into four layers?
two vertical intermuscular septa which pass deep into the foot from the junction between the lateral and central and medial and central parts of the aponeurosis
What are the muscles of the first layer of the plantar foot?
abductor hallucis, FDB, abductor digiti minimi
What does the proximal expanded part of the abductor hallucis cover?
the entrance of the plantar vessels and nerves into the foot-called the porta pedis
What is the origin of the abductor hallucis?
medial process of the calcaneal tuberosity, flexor retinaculum, plantar aponeurosis and the intermuscular septum between it and the FDB
What is the insertion of the abductor hallucis?
passes distally to insert via a flattened tendon on the medial side of the plantar surface of the base of the proximal phalanx of the first digit, in common with the FHB-some fibers may attach to medial sesamoid of the 1st MPJ
What is the innervation of abductor hallucis?
medial plantar nerve
What does FDB lie deep to? What is the deep surface of the muscle related to?
deep to central part of plantar aponeurosis, related to the lateral plantar vessels and N
What is the origin of FDB?
plantar aponeurosis, medial and lateral intermuscular septa and from the medial process of the calcaneal tuberosity
Where does the FDB insert?
as it passes distally it divides into 4 tendons (for lateral 4 toes), each tendon runs in the tendon sheath of FDL until it reaches base of proximal phalanx where it divides into 2 slips. The slips surround the FDL tendon. They reunite to lie deep to the FDL tendon. The slips then redivide to insert into middle phalanges of lateral 4 digits
What is the innervation of FDB?
medial plantar N
What is the function of FDB?
flexor of the proximal IPJ of the 4 lesser digits and MPJ