Last things to remember test 1 Flashcards
What does the saphenous N innervate?
skin along medial side of foot as far as base of 1st met
What is the function of the lumbricals?
On contraction, tighten wing and loosen sling allowing more proximal parts of the extensor expansion to permit flexion at the MPJ while holding the more distal joints in extension
medial (deep root) of frondiform ligament attachment?
sulcus tali posterior to the attachment of the interosseous talocalcaneal ligament
What takes partial origin at base of fifth met?
Flexor digiti quinti brevis
os uncinatum
lateral cuneiform
Where does the central slip of the EDL insert onto digits 2-5?
base of the middle phalanx
Where does the dorsalis pedis divide into the terminal branches?
base of the second met/1st inter metatarsal space-deep plantar and 1st dorsal metatarsal A
Where is os tibiale (externum) located?
navicular tuberosity
What forms the extensor sling?
fibers which encircle the digit to attach to a thickening in the plantar MP ligament called the plantar plateWhat forms-interosseous muscles contribute
What kind of joint are metatarsophalangeal? Interphalangeal?
ellipsoid, hinge
Describe what the superomedial branch of inferior extensor retinaculum does?
superficial layer passes superficial to tendon of EHL, anterior tibial A and V and deep fibular N. After passing EHL tendon, it fuses with deep layer and forms a tunnel for the tendon of tibias anterior
What is different about the extensor expansion of the hallux?
only the EHL is attached, IO and lumbricals don’t contribute to wing and sling-on medial side, formed by abductor hallucis and medial head of FHB, on lateral adductor hallucis and lateral head of FHB
What does the lateral tarsal A anastomose with?
lateral plantar A, perforating branch of peroneal A, arcuate A and anterior lateral malleolar rete
What kind of joint are tarsometatarsal? Intertarsal?
gliding, gliding
Muscle attachments at base of 2-4th mets
tibialis posterior, oblique head of adductor hallucis, long plantar ligament
Intermediate root of frondiform ligament attachment?
deeper portions of sulcus calcanei
What kind of joint is talonavicular? Calcaneocuboid?
ball and socket, saddle
What forms the extensor wing?
mostly from expansions of the tendons of the lumbrical muscles
Function of interosseous muscles?
ab/adduction-some people consider them to fxn as lumbricals as well
Frondiform ligament attachment?
dorsal and anterior aspect of calcaneus just anterior to sulcus calcanei
The medial root of the frondiform ligament does what?
forms a loop (sling) around tendons of EDL and peroneus tertius muscles
3rd and 4th most common sesamoid bones?
sesamoid bone in tibias anterior at medial cuneiform, os peroneum in peroneus longs at cuboid
Insertion of EDB and EHB?
dorsal proximal phalanx for EHB, lateral surface of EBL tendons just distal to MPJ for 2-4 digits
What accessory muscle inserts onto plantar surface of base of fifth met?
abductor os metatarsi digiti minimi
Where is os trigonum located?
lateral tubercle of posterior talus
os veslianum
tuberosity of fifth met
Os intermetatarsium
between medial cuneiform and 1st and 2nd met
What forms the groove on the plantar fifth met? What attaches here?
abductor digiti minimi, plantar ligament of the sole
What is the function of the EDL?
tighten sling, loosen wing-when contracted, plantar plate pulls against MP joint extending MPJ-it can’t extend IPJ because the wing portion of the extensor hood is loose
What is found on the medial and lateral sides of the dorsalis pedis A in the dorsum of foot?
tendon of EHL on medial and EDL on lateral
Where does the dorsalis pedis give off the lateral and medial tarsal A?
neck of talus
Muscle attachments at base of 1st met
tibialis anterior medial, peroneus longus lateral
In the absence of the arcuate A, where do the 2-4 dorsal metatarsal A come from ?
posterior perforating A
Origin of EDB?
superolateral surface of calcaneus just anterior to sinus tarsi-from IO talocalcaneal and frondiform ligament
Where do the two lateral slips of the EDL insert onto digits 2-5?
rejoin as terminal slip and insert onto base of distal phalanx
What is the more proximal part of the extensor hood?
muscle attachment to styloid process of fifth met? to dorsal fifth met?
peroneus brevis to styloid, peroneus tertius to dorsal
What kind of joint is ankle? Subtalar joint?
hinge, gliding/plane
What does the medial terminal branch of the deep peroneal accompany in the dorsal of the foot?
dorsalis pedis