Lower Leg Flashcards
Borders of tibia shaft
anterior, medial and lateral
Surfaces of tibia shaft
medial, lateral, posterior
Distal tibia surfaces
5-anterior, posterior, medial, lateral and inferior
What surface of the distal tibia forms the fibular notch?
lateral surface
The anterior surface of the distal tibia is continuous with what?
lateral tibial shaft
What are the borders of the fibula shaft?
anteromedial, anterolateral, posterolateral, posteromedial
What are the surfaces of the fibula shaft?
anterior, lateral, posterior, medial
What type if joint is the tibiofibular syndesmosis?
fibrous joint
What is the saphenous N a continuation of and what does it inervate?
from femoral N, innervates medial (posterior and anterior) skin of leg
Where does the medial sural cutaneous N come from?
from tibial N
Where does the lateral sural cutaneous N come from and what does it do?
from common fibular, gives off communicating branch to join with medial sural cutaneous N from the tibial N to form the sural N
What forms the sural N and what does it give off?
medial sural cutaneous from tibial N and communicating branch of lateral sural cutaneous N from common fibular N, gives off lateral dorsal cutaneous N
What is the course of the saphenous N? What does it supply?
branch of femoral, stays deep under sartorius, follows femoral A until the knee when it pierces fascia and becomes cutaneous
supplies cutaneous to medial portion of leg
What creates the compartments of the leg? What are the compartments?
crural fascia forms it, anterior, lateral and posterior compartments
General action, innervation and blood supply to anterior compartment?
dorsiflexion, extend MP joints, deep peroneal N, anterior tibial A
General action, innervation and blood supply to lateral compartment?
eversion, superficial peroneal N, perforating branches from anterior tibial and peroneal A
General action, innervation and blood supply to superficial posterior compartment?
plantarflexion, tibial N, posterior tibial A
General action, innervation and blood supply to deep posterior compartment of leg?
flexion of digits, tibial N, posterior tibial and peroneal A
Muscles of the anterior compartment of leg
Tibialis anterior, EDL, EHL, extensor hallucis capsularis, peroneus tertius
Origin and insertion of tibialis anterior
O: lateral condyle/lateral surface of tibia, IO membrane
I: medial plantar border of medial cuneiform and base of MT1
Action and innervation of tibialis anterior
A-dorsiflex ankle, invert ankle, supination of intertarsal joints
N- deep peroneal N
Origin and insertion of EDL
O: Lateral condyle of tibia, anterior surface of fibula, IO
I: Extensor expansions of digits 2-5
Action and innervation of EDL
dorsiflex and evert ankle, extend MPJ of digits 2-5, pronates intertarsal joints
N: deep peroneal
Origin and insertion of EHL
O: anterior surface of fibula, IO membrane
I: dorsal base of distal phalanx
Action and N of EHL
dorsiflex ankle, extend 1st MPJ, supinate intertarsal joint
N: Deep peroneal N
Extensor hallucis capsularis O, I and action
O: extension of EHL tendon
I: medial surface of 1st MPJ capsule
A: pulls capsule out of MPJ to prevent entrapment
Peroneus Tertius O and I
O: anterior surface of fibula (inferior 1/3)
I: dorsal surface of base of MT5
Peroneus tertius action and N
dorsiflex and evert ankle, pronate intertarsal joints
N: deep fibular
Muscles of lateral compartment of leg
peroneus longus and brevis
Peroneus longus O and I
O: superior 2/3 of lateral fibula
I: lateral base of medial cuneiform, base of MT1
Peroneus longus action and N
A: plantarflex and evert ankle, pronate intertarsal joints
N: superficial peroneal
Peroneus brevis O and I
O: inferior 2/3 of lateral fibula
I: tuberosity of 5th met
peroneus brevis action and N
plantarflex and evert ankle, pronate intertarsal joints
N: superficial fibular
Where do the muscles of the lateral compartment pass relative to the lateral malleolus?
Where do the muscles of the anterior compartment pass relative to both malleoli?
The great saphenous V drains into what? the small saphenous drains into what?
femoral V, popliteal V
What muscles are in the superficial posterior compartment of the leg?
gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris
What muscles are in the deep posterior compartment of the leg?
popliteus, FHL, FDL, TP
What separates the deep from superficial muscles of the posterior leg?
transverse intermuscular septum
Gastrocnemius O and I
O: medial and lateral femoral condyles (medial and lateral heads)
I: tendocalcaneus->central part of posterior calcaneus
gastrocnemius action and N
A: plantarflex ankle, knee flexion, supinator of intertarsal joints
N: tibial N
Soleus O and I
O: soleal line of tibia, posterior head and shaft of fibula
I: tendocalcaneus-> central part of posterior calcaneus
Soleus action and N
plantarflex ankle, tibial N
What forms the triceps surae?
both heads of gastroc and the soleus
Plantaris O and I
O: lateral supracondylar line femur
I: medial portion of posterior calcaneus
Plantaris action and N
A: plantarflex ankle, knee flexion
N: tibial N
What is the longest tendon in the human body?
Popliteus O and I
O: lateral surface of lateral condyle of femur
I: posterior surface of tibia (superior to soleal line)
Popliteus action and N
flexes and unlocks (rotates) knee-laterally rotates femur
N: tibial N
FDL O and I
O: posterior surface of tibia, inferior to soleal line and medial to vertical line
I: plantar base of distal phalanges 2-5
FDL action and N
A: Plantarflex ankle, flex 2-5 digits, supination of intertarsal joints
N: tibial N
What does the vertical line of the tibia separate?
FDL from the tibialis posterior
FHL O and I
O: posterior surface of fibula, IO
I: plantar base of distal phalanx of hallux
FHL action and N
A: plantarflex ankle, flex hallux IPJ, supination of intertarsal joints
N: Tibial N
Tibialis posterior O and I
O: posterior surface of tibia inferior to soleal line and lateral to vertical line through nutrient foramen, medial surface of fibula, IO membrane
I: navicular tuberosity, sustentaculum tali, all 3 cuneiforms, cuboid, bases of MT2-4
Tibialis posterior action and N
A: plantarflex ankle, invert foot, supinate intertarsa joint
N: tibial N
What is the order of the structures around the medial malleolus from anterior to posterior?
TP, FDL, posterior tibial A, tibial N, FHL
Tom Dick and Very Nervous Harry