Plant Structure Flashcards
What is a limiting factor?
anything that constraints the rate of reaction
Why do farmers use greenhouses?
help trap heat energy
keep out pests
control conditions
How does wind speed affect the rate of transpiration?
the more quick
Where in the lead is the stomata found?
the lower epidermis
Is a guard cell an organ system, organ, tissue or cell?
a cell
How do plants get CO2 require for photosynthesis?
diffuses from the air into their leaves via stomata
How does the level of water in the plants affect the opening and closing of stomata?
the guard cells become turgid with more water and opens the stomata
the guard cells become flaccid without water and closes stomata
In which organelle does photosynthesis take place?
how does temperature affect the rate of transpiration?
High temperature means more energy which means it’s more liked to evaporate out the stomata
What does transpiration mean?
the evaporation of water from the leaves of plants
Which 4 factors affect the rate of transpiration?
Wind speed
Why is the upper epidermis transparent?
to allow light to pass through to the palisade mesophyll cells
Where does photosynthesis happen?
in the palisade mesophyll cells
What substance is responsible for absorbing light energy in photosynthesis?
What is the role of the xylem tissue?
transports water and minerals ions from the roots to the stem and leaves
What are 3 features is starch that make it a useful storage molecule?
Insoluble in water
It is compact
It can be easily broken down when needed
How does wind speed affect the rate of transpiration?
Water vapour will diffuse more quickly
There will be a stronger concentration gradient
is spongy mesophyll and organ or a tissue?
a tissue?
Is photosynthesis exothermic or endothermic?
Why structures minimise water loss in plants?
Waxy cuticle
Guard cells
How do root hair cells absorb water form the soil?
What is the role of the phloem tissue?
transports dissolved sugars and amino acids
What is xylem tissue made of?
dead cells
Where can meristem tissue be found?
growing tips of roots and shoots
In which organ does most photosynthesis take place?
What is the role of the phloem tissue?
transports dissolved sugars and amino acids
In which directions can cell sap move through the phloem?
Up or Down
What are 3 environmental factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis?
Light Intensity
CO2 concentration
What is the Phloem tissue made of?
elongated cells
What are paraffin heater’s?
produces carbon dioxide and heat energy
how does temperature affect the rate of transpiration?
Higher energy particles means its more likely to evaporate
How does light affect the rate of transpiration?
more photosynthesis leads to the stomate being open more
What are 3 factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide
Where in the leaf are the stomate found?
The lower epidermis
Which structures help to minimize water loss?
Waxy cuticle
Guard cells
Where does the energy for photosynthesis come from?
From the sun
What are 5 ways plants use glucose they produce?
Cellular respiration
Make cellulose
Make starch
Make amino acids
Make lipids
What is cellular respiration?
Breaking down glucose to release energy
In which directions can water move through the xylem?
Water can only move up
What is the phloem tissue made from?
elongated cells which form long tubes
What substances absorbs light for photosynthesis?
What is the word formula for photosynthesis?
carbon dioxide + water -> glucose + oxygen
what is the role of the phloem tissue?
transports dissolved sugars and amino acids
what is the flow of cell sap through the phloem called?
Why does the spongy mesophyll layer have air gaps?
to allow carbon dioxide to diffuse
What is the Meristem Tissue made from?
Plant Stem Cells