Plant Life Flashcards
Accumulate [v]
/ ə’kjumjəleɪt /
- [transitive] to gradually get more and more money, possessions, knowledge etc over a period of time :
* >>It is unjust that a privileged few should continue to accumulate wealth. * - [intransitive] to gradually increase in numbers or amount until there is a large quantity in one place :
* >>Fat tends to accumulate around the hips and thighs. *
* accumulation / əkjumjə’leɪʃən / noun
Dilute [v]
/ daɪ’lu:t /
- To make a liquid weaker by adding water or another liquid → water down :
**dilute something with/in something **
- >>Dilute the paint with a little oil. *
2. To make a quality, belief etc weaker or less effective SYN water down : - >>an attempt to dilute the proposals *
+ Loãng, pha loãng
— dilution / daɪluʃ ə n / noun [uncountable and countable] :
Any dilution of standards must be resisted.
to mix foods, liquids etc
mix to put different substances or liquids together so that they can no longer be separated : Mix yellow and blue paint to make green. | This cake is really easy – you just mix everything together in the bowl. | Concrete is made by mixing gravel with sand, cement, and water.
combine to mix things together so that they form a single substance. Combine is more formal than mix : Combine the flour and the eggs. | Steel is produced by combining iron with carbon.
stir to move a spoon or stick around in a liquid, a pan etc, especially when you are mixing things together : Keep stirring until the sauce becomes thicker. | Stir the sugar into the warm milk. | Stir the paint before you use it.
blend to mix together soft or liquid substances to form a single smooth substance : Blend the yogurt with fresh fruit for a great drink.
beat to mix food together quickly and thoroughly using a fork or kitchen tool – used especially about eggs : Beat the eggs and add them to the milk and flour.
whisk to mix foods that are soft or liquid very quickly so that air is mixed in, using a fork or special tool : Whisk the egg whites until they form soft peaks.
dilute to mix a liquid with water in order to make it weaker : Dilute the bleach with two parts water to one part bleach.
Diverse [adj]
/ daɪ’vɜ:s /
very different from each other :
*>>subjects as diverse as pop music and archaeology *
* diversely adverb
+ Gồm nhiều loại khác nhau, linh tinh
+ Thay đổi khác nhau
Evaporate [v]
/ ɪ’væpəreɪt /
- If a liquid evaporates, or if heat evaporates it, it changes into a gas :
* >>Most of the water had evaporated. * - If a feeling evaporates, it slowly disappears :
* >>Hopes of achieving peace are beginning to evaporate. *
* evaporation / ɪvæpə’reɪʃən/ noun
+ Làm bay hơi, bay hơi
Fringe [n]
/ frɪndʒ /
- If you have a fringe, your hair is cut so that it hangs down over your forehead SYN bangs:
>>a tall girl with straight brown hair and a fringe
- a decorative edge of hanging threads on a curtain, piece of clothing etc.
+ Tóc cắt ngan chán, vân, tua
Moisture [n]
/ ‘mɔɪstʃə /
Small amounts of water that are present in the air, in a substance, or on a surface :
- >>Plants use their roots to absorb moisture from the soil. *
- >>Your skin’s moisture content varies according to weather conditions. *
+ Hơi ẩm, nước ẩm
Prolific [adj]
/ prə’lɪfɪk /
- A prolific artist, writer etc produces many works of art, books etc :
>>Handel’s prolific output of opera
- A prolific sports player produces a lot of runs, goals …
>>the most prolific goalscorer this decade
- An animal or plant that is prolific produces many babies or many other plants
- Existing in large numbers :
>>the prolific bird life
* prolifically / -kli / adverb
+ Thận trong, sắc bénbén, không ngoan
+ Sảo quyệtquyệt, mưu mô
Resilient [adj]
/ rɪ’zɪliənt /
- Able to become strong, happy, or successful again after a difficult situation or event → tough :
* >>Children are often very resilient. * - Strong and not easily damaged by being pulled, pressed etc :
>>Boots with tough resilient soles
* resiliently adverb
+ sôi nổi, co giãn, đàn hồi
Sparse [adj]
/ spɑ:s /
Existing only in small amounts :
>>his sparse brown hair
>>rural areas with sparse populations
* sparsely adverb :
* sparseness noun
+ Thưa thớt, rải rác
Swing [v]
/ swɪŋ /
( past tense and past participle swung)
- Move from a fixed point
>>Let your arms swing as you walk.
>>She swung her legs from side to side .
- Move in a curve
>>Swinging her bag over her shoulder, she hurried on.
- hit
>>She swung her bag at him.
Thrive [v]
/ θraɪv /
(past tense thrived or throve / θrəʊv /, past participle thrived)
To become very successful or very strong and healthy :
- >>plants that thrive in tropical rain forests *
- >>a business which managed to thrive during a recession *
+ Thịnh vượng, phát đạt
+ Lớn mau, mau lớn
Violent [adj]
/ ‘vaɪələnt /
- Involving actions that are intended to injure or kill people, by hitting them, shooting them etc :
* >>violent clashes between the police and demonstrators * - Someone who is violent is likely to attack, hurt, or kill other people SYN aggressive :
+ Mãnh liệt, hung giữ, kịch liệt, quá khích, quá đáng