Frist Headlamps Flashcards
Freight [n]
/ freɪt /
- Goods that are carried by ship, train, or aircraft, and the system of moving these goods :
*>>We’ll send your personal belongings by air freight and your furniture by sea freight. *
+ Hàng hoá
+ Vận chuyển hàng hoá [v]
Innovation [n]
/ ɪnə’veɪʃən /
- A new idea, method, or invention
**innovation in **
*>>recent innovations in English teaching *
+ Sự đổi mới, cách tân
Intense [adj]
/ ‘ɪntens /
- Having a very strong effect or felt very strongly :
- >>Young people today are under intense pressure to succeed. *
— intensely adverb :
He disliked Kate intensely.
Knot [n]
/ nɒt /
- A part where one or more pieces of string, rope, cloth etc have been tied or twisted together :
- >>Are you any good at tying knots ? *
+ Nút thắt
+ Thăt nút [v]
Locomotive [n]
/ ləʊkə’məʊtɪv /
- A railway engine
+ Đầu máy xe lửa
Rugged [adj]
/ rʌɡɪd /
- Land that is rugged is rough and uneven :
* >>the rugged beauty of the Highlands * - A man who is rugged is good-looking and has strong features which are often not perfect :
* >>his rugged good looks * - A vehicle or piece of equipment that is rugged is strongly built and not likely to break easily SYN sturdy
- Rugged behaviour is confident and determined but not always polite :
— ruggedly adverb
— ruggedness noun [uncountable]
+ Gồ ghề, lởm chởm
+ Vạm vỡ, khoẻ mạnh
+ Thô lỗ
Stringent [adj]
/ ‘strɪndʒənt /
- A stringent law, rule, standard etc is very strict and must be obeyed :
* >>stringent anti-noise regulations * - Stringent economic conditions exist when there is a severe lack of money and strict controls on the supply of money
— stringently adverb
— stringency noun [uncountable]
+ Nghiêm ngặt, chặt chẽ
+ Khan khiếm, khó khăn
Tricky [adj]
/ ‘trɪki /
- Something that is difficult to deal with or do because it is complicated and full of problems :
* >>I can get you tickets for the show but it’ll be tricky. * - A tricky person is clever and likely to deceive you **SYN crafty **
+ Đòi hỏi phải khéo léo, tinh tế
+ Quỷ quyệt, gian xảo, thủ đoạn
Vulnerable [adj]
/ ‘vʌlnərə əl /
- Aomeone who is vulnerable can be easily harmed or hurt OPP invulnerable :
* >>He took advantage of me when I was at my most vulnerable. *
**be vulnerable to something **
- >>Children are most vulnerable to abuse within their own home. *
2. A place, thing, or idea that is vulnerable is easy to attack or criticize **OPP invulnerable **
**vulnerable to **
*>>The fort was vulnerable to attack from the north. *
— vulnerably adverb
— vulnerability / ‘vʌlnərəbɪlɪti / noun [uncountable]
+ Có thể bị tổn thương, dễ bị nguy hiểm