Electric Cars Flashcards
Accelerate [v]
/ ək’seləreɪt /
- If a process accelerates or if something accelerates it, it happens faster than usual or sooner than you expect :
* >>measures to accelerate the rate of economic growth * - If a vehicle or someone who is driving it accelerates, it starts to go faster **OPP decelerate : **
* >>The car accelerated smoothly away. *
+ Làm nhanh thêm, tăng mau hơn
Appeal [v]
/ ə’pi:l /
- To make a serious public request for help, money, information etc
**appeal for **
*>>Church and community leaders have appealed for calm. *
**appeal to **
- >>Farmers have appealed to the government for help. *
2. If someone or something appeals to you, they seem attractive and interesting
**appeal to **
*>>The programme appeals to young children. *
+ Yêu cầu giúp đỡ, khẩn khoản
+ Hấp dẫn, lôi cuấn
+ Kháng cáo, chống án
Classify [v]
/ ‘klæsɪfaɪ /
- To decide what group something belongs to **→ classification **
**classify something as/under something **
- >>In law, beer is classified as a food product. *
2. To regard people or things as belonging to a particular group because they have similar qualities **→ classification : **
>>As a musician, Cage is hard to classify.
— classifiable adjective
+ Phân loại
Cummuter [n]
/ kə’mjutə /
- Someone who travels a long distance to work every day
Consume [v]
/ kən’sum /
- To use time, energy, goods etc **→ consumption : **
* >>Only 27% of the paper we consume is recycled. * - To eat or drink something → **consumer , consumption : **
* >>Alcohol may not be consumed on the premises. * - If a feeling or idea consumes you, it affects you very strongly, so that you cannot think about anything else :
* >>She was scared by the depression which threatened to consume her. *
+ Ăn uống, tiêu dùng
Embrace [v]
/ ɪm’breɪs /
- To put your arms around someone and hold them in a friendly or loving way SYN hug :
* >>Jack warmly embraced his son. * - To eagerly accept a new idea, opinion, religion etc :
* >>We hope these regions will embrace democratic reforms. * - To include something as part of a subject, discussion etc :
* >>This course embraces several different aspects of psychology. *
+ Ôm, nắm lấy, bao quát, gồm
Flair [n]
/ fleə /
- A natural ability to do something very well SYN talent :
* >>Jo has a flair for languages. * - A way of doing things that is interesting and shows imagination
**artistic/creative flair **
>>a job for which artistic flair is essential
+ Năng khiếu
Flume [n]
/ flum /
- Along narrow structure built for water to slide down, which is used to move water or wood, or which people slide down for fun :
+ Máng, khe
Hamper [v]
/ ‘hæmpə /
- To make it difficult for someone to do something :
- >>She tried to run, but was hampered by her heavy suitcase.*
+ Vướng, cản trở, ngăn trở
Incentive [n]
/ ɪn’sentɪv /
- Something that encourages you to work harder, start a new activity etc → motivation :
- >>Awards provide an incentive for young people to improve their skills.*
+ Sự khích lệ
+ Khuyến khích, khích lệ, động viên [adj]
Marked [adj]
/ mɑrkt /
- Very easy to notice SYN noticeable :
* >>The patient showed a marked improvement in her condition after changing medication. * - marked man/woman a person who is in danger because someone wants to harm them
— markedly / mɑkədli / adverb :
+ Rõ ràng, rõ rệt
Monetary [adj]
/ ‘mɑ: nəteri /
- Relating to money, especially all the money in a particular country :
- >>the government’s tight monetary policy *
+ Thuộc tiền tệ
Plodding [adj]
/ ‘plɒdɪŋ /
- Slow or thorough and not exciting :
plodding research
+ Lê bước đi, ráng sức, cật lực
Rural [adj]
/ ‘rʊərəl /
- Happening in or relating to the countryside, not the city OPP urban :
* >>a rural setting * - Like the countryside or reminding you of the countryside :
* >>It’s very rural round here, isn’t it ? *
* +* Thuộ**c nông thôn
/ spæn /
- To include all of a period of time :
* >>A career which spanned nearly 60 years * - To include all of a particular space or area :
* >>The Mongol Empire spanned much of Central Asia. * - If a bridge spans an area of water, especially a river, it goes from one side to the other
+ Mở rộng, xoè rộng, bắc ngang qua
+ Nối (từ giai đoạn này quà giai đoạn khác)