Major Subways Flashcards
Centrepice [n]
/ ‘sentəpis / noun
- The most important, noticeable, or attractive part of something
**centrepiece of **
- >>The centrepiece of Bevan’s policy was the National Health Service. *
2. A decoration, especially an arrangement of flowers, in the middle of a table
Clog [v]
/ klɒɡ /
( past tense and past participle clogged, present participle clogging )
- To block something or become blocked :
- >>Tourists whose cars clog the roads each summer *
**clog with **
*>>Over many years, the pipes had got clogged up with grease. *
— clogged adjective :
*>>clogged highways *
Disruptive [adj]
/ dɪs’rʌptɪv /
- Causing problems and preventing something from continuing in its usual way
**disruptive to **
- >>Night work can be very disruptive to home life. *
- >>Mike’s parents thought I was a disruptive influence (= a person who causes disruption ). *
— disruptively adverb
+ Đập gãy, đập vỡ
Headquaters [n]
/ ‘hedkwɔtəz /
- The main building or offices used by a large company or organization :
* >>the headquarters of the United Nations * - The place from which military operations are controlled
Intrinsic [adj]
/ ɪn’trɪnsɪk /
- Being part of the nature or character of someone or something OPP extrinsic :
**intrinsic nature/quality/value/property of something **
*>>There is nothing in the intrinsic nature of the work that makes it more suitable for women. *
**intrinsic to **
*>>Flexibility is intrinsic to creative management. *
— intrinsically / -kli / adverb :
*>>Science is seen as intrinsically good. *
+ (Thuộc) bản chất, thực chất, ở bên trong
Predestrian [n]
/ pə’destriən /
- Someone who is walking, especially along a street or other place used by cars → motorist
+ Người đi bộ, khách bộ hành
+ Thuộc, dành cho người đi bộ
Rival [n]
/ ‘raɪvəl /
- A person, group, or organization that you compete with in sport, business, a fight etc SYN competitor :
* >>This gives the company a competitive advantage over its rivals. *
**rival for **
- >>his chief rival for the job *
2. One of a group of things that people can choose between : - >>The newest model has several advantages over its rivals. *
+ Đối thủ
+ Đối đich, cạnh tranh [adj]
+ Cạnh tranh, ganh đua [v]
Showcase [n]
/ ‘ʃəʊkeɪs /
- An event or situation that is designed to show the good qualities of a person, organization, product etc
**showcase for **
>>The new musical is a good showcase for her talents.
2 a glass box containing objects for people to look at in a shop, at an art show etc
— showcase verb [transitive] :
*>>She wants to showcase African–American literature. *
Utilize [v]
/ jutɪlaɪz /
- To use something for a particular purpose :
>>We must consider how best to utilize what resources we have.
— utilizable adjective
— utilization / jutɪlaɪzeɪʃən / noun
+ Tận dụng
Vent [n]
/ vent /
- A hole or pipe through which gases, liquid etc can enter or escape from an enclosed space or container :
* >>A blocked air vent * - Give vent to something formal to do something violent or harmful to express feelings of anger, hatred etc :
>>Children give vent to their anger in various ways.
- A thin straight opening at the bottom of the back or side of a jacket or coat
- The small hole through which small animals, birds, fish, etc pass waste matter out of their bodies
+ Lỗ thủng, lối thoát, ống khói