Plan Making and Implementation Flashcards
Regressive Tax
affects low-income proportionately more than high-income, e.g. flat sales tax or income tax
Progressive Tax
benefits lower-income more than higher-income, e.g. no sales tax on certain essential food items; the more income you make, the more that you are taxed
General Obligation Bonds
Method of finance. A bond is a loan. GO Bonds use the backing of the local govts revenue streams (taxes)
Revenue Bonds
Method of finance. Specific source of revenue, e.g. utility fees, stadium revenue. Riskier than GO bonds (what if the revenue stream is lower than predicted?)
Method of finance. Private company builds facility, local govt pays X dollars annually to pay it off and purchase the facility. Ie. Rent to own
Special Districts
Method of finance. Specific area where improvements are focused (SID). Includes beautification, crime patrol, street cleaning, etc. people in that district agree to higher taxes to pay for those services.
Special Assessments
Method of finance. Can also be at a district level. E.g. for ornamental street lighting in a particular neighborhood. Assessed over a multiple year period. Does not fluctuate, like taxes.
Method of finance. Blighted area that has potential to redevelop and rise in property value. Tax is assessed on predicted increase in property tax over a number of years
Line item budgeting
Budgeting system. most common form; each item in the budget is evaluated; no performance or priorities are stated.
Planning, programming, and budgeting systems (PPBS)
Budgeting system developed by DOD in 1960’s. organizes spending by program; attempts to forecast budget needs; helps identify spending priorities; can have performance measures in place (subjective to quantitative analysis)
Management by objective
Budgeting system. 1954, Peter Drunker; goal and objective setting process between administrator and subordinates; set organizational goals; translate into performance objectives for individuals; measure performance against stated results or standards.
Zero based budgeting
Budgeting system. start at 0, no budget. breaks up budget into small decision packages; each package contains outline of what manager wants to do, how, other ways of doing it, the cost, how it will benefit the organization and what will happen if it’s not done; tied to long range plan objectives. Extremely time-consuming and cumbersome, not usually done on an annual basis.
a guide to the provision of capital improvements by balancing revenues, expenditures, and sequencing of acquisition actions; linked to goals in comp plan. CI is a public facility that constitutes a major expenditure (park, water main, etc.). e.g. year 1: acquire land, year 2: grading and prep, year 3: install recreational facilities, year 4: open park.
Major functions of a CIP
Links comp plan and fiscal plan to physical development
Estimates capital requirements ( to accommodate renovation cycle, expected growth, etc.)
Schedules all capital projects over a fixed period with appropriate planning and implementation
Budgets priority projects and develops a project revenue policy for proposed improvements
Coordinates activities of various departments in meeting project schedules
Monitors and evaluates progress of capital projects
Informs public of projected capital improvements
Bond rating system
CIP requires that govts take out debt in the form of bonds. AAA: lowest risk = lowest interest rate; C: highest risk = highest interest rate
CertifIcates of Obligation
higher interest rate, shorter term than bonds (~ five years); don’t require voter approval. Used for smaller purchases, e.g. replacing police car fleet or smaller capital improvement that needs to get going quickly
Forms of government
Weak mayor-council: mayor is figurehead
Strong mayor-council: mayor leads decision-making
Council manager system: appointed as administrative official, not elected. Extremely common in larger cities given complexity of operations.
Commission plan: each commissioner has a scope of responsibility (development, transportation, infrastructure, etc.)
Euclidean buffer
measures the distance in two-dimensional Cartesian plan – that is straight line distances are calculated. This type of buffer works well when working at a city scale.
Geodesic buffer
accounts for the curvature of the earth and would be used when the map projection is at a large regional scale or global scale.
Pro Forma
A financial projection that includes an income statement for a real estate project that shows the capital cost, operating revenue and expenses, and return on investment for one or more years?
Work Breakdown Structure
used to be a more detailed way to describe the project in the planning process of the project. The WBS uses a logical structure to define various levels of detail. Here are the key points to keep in mind when writing a WBS:
Keep the deliverable in mind
Start general and work to more specific
Use the verb and object format
Have statements that are short and precise
Apply a consistent and simple numbering system.
Its size and complexity is determined by the project
It identifies all the work that must be performed to meet objectives and only necessary tasks.
Crashing a planning project involves adding more resources to a planning project without directly changing the WBS dependencies. Prior to implementing this technique, the project manager should ask the following questions: a) what is the cost of crashing? B) Are there enough resources? C) What will the impact be on team members?
Hoshin Planning
Hoshin Planning is a type of strategic plan that is used to align people and activities to implement strategic policy.
Revenue Bonds
funds that are accumulated in advance for capital purchase or construction.
Pay-As-You-Go or Current Revenue
financing of improvements from current revenues.
Budgeting can be defined as “a means of allocating resources and creating priorities while defining competing interests and making choices between them, as part of setting government policy on a variety of public issues.”