Placentation Flashcards
functions of placenta
- source of protein and steroid hormones
- metabolism, exchange of gas and waste productsion between mom and fetus
- selective barrier determines the nature of communication
- participates in the control of fetal growth, development, and parturition
nondeciduate/indeciduate/apposed placenta
- trophoblasts don’t significantly invade or destroy the endometrium
- virtually no loss of maternal tissue at parturition
- most domestic animals
deciduate or conjoined placenta
- trophoblasts invade and destroy superficial endometrium which responds by forming large, polygonal cells called decidual cells
- loss of maternal tissue and hemorrhage at parturition
choriovitelline placenta
- yolk sac wall (endoderm) fuses with chorion (trophophectoderm and mesoderm)
- little importance in domestic animals
Allantochorionic or Chorioallantoic placenta
- definitive form of placentation in higher mammals
- embryonic componet formed by fusion of the allantois and chorion
- extensive area of contact between embryonic placental component and endometrium - increased surface area achieved through folding of chorioallantois and the endometrial surface, formation of chorionic villi, and chorionic labyrinths
chorionic villi
- functional unit of the fetal placenta
- small, finger-like projections on the surface of the chorion
- increase surface area for attachment and exchange
- interdigitate with the vascular folding of the endometrial surface in farm animals
- penetrate directly into the endometrium in humans
placental unit, consisting of blood vessels and connective tissue, in cow
small, non-glandular areas in cow
- point where the fetal cotyledon and maternal carnucle meet in cotyledon placentas (ruminants)
- formed by fusion of fetal cotyledon
- increases in diameter during gestation
glycogen plaques
- on the surface of the chorion and amnion (in cows) aka verrucae
- squamous cell proliferations
diffuse placenta of mare characterized by
- discrete regions at the fetal/maternal interface
= inverted dome-like structures composed of chorionic cilli and their corresponding crypts
Endometrial Cups (Mare)
- develop between days 35-60 of pregnancy
- phagocyze and digest epithelial cells of the uterus
- produce eCG
eCG from endometrial cups
stimulates CL which secretes progesterone to break down the epithelial cells of the endometrium
Formation of Chorioallantoic Pouches
after the endometrial cups are detached, they either lay freely or become enclosed in a fold of allantochorionic tissue
Chorioallantoic Pouches are
invaginations into the allantois arranged in a circle around the umbilical cord
Hippomanes (in Mares)
- aka allantoic calculi
- float freely in the allantoic cavity
- unknown signifigance
Cervical Star (in Mares)
- outer chorionic surface of cervix is covered in microtyledon
- radiating bands where villi are not formed correspond to creases and visually look like a star, thus named “cervical star”
zonary placenta
- Bitch
- chorionic villi confined to girdle-like structure around the middle of the chorionic sac
- 3 zones: transfer zone, pigmented zone/paraplacenta, avascular allantochorion
refers to green pigment of dogs placenta
transfer zone
- on zonary placenta (bitch)
- region of nutrient exchange around chorion in the middle of conceptus