Pioneers of Radiology Flashcards
- Describe materials as being composed of ultimate particles
- developed the cocept of atoms
- Atomos: greek word meaning indivisible
- Discovered some of the effects of electricity
- During the 500 BC, he howrked with static electricity by rubbing fur on amber then later producing static charges
Three specific aspects of physical science that helped paved for the discovery of x-rays
- Electricity
- Vacuums
- Image recording materials
Produced the first recognized vacuum
Evangelista Torricelli
A valve or device that is free of air which controls electric current flow
Contains negatively charged electrodes
Contains positively charged electrodes
- Invented an air pump that was capable of removing air from a vessel or tube
- contributed to the first electric generator, which is made fron a revolvjng ball of sulfur that conducts electricity as well as producing fluorescence
Otto von Guericke
Presence of glow
- one of the first to extensively study electricity and magnetism
- correctly deduced a magnet
- attributed to the first electroscope
William Gilbert (of England)
A device used to detect electric charge
Formulated the theory of electromagnetism
James Clerk Maxwell
- Worked with glass, silk, and paper
- distinguished two kinds of electricity: positive and negatively charged particles
Charles du Fay
________ means negative in french, while ________ means positive in french
- built and improved the static generator
- contributed to the composition of optics, calculus, and his 3 laws of motion
Isaac Newton
- demonstrated a current of electricity by transmitting electricity from a Leyden jar through wire and a vacuum tube
William Watson
Deviced used for storing strong static electricity
Leyden jar
- noted that when a tube cracked (broken vacuum) and some air leaked in, the amount of air in the tube determined the coloration
William Morgan
- induced an electric currwnt by moving a magnet in and out of a coil in 1831
- studied electricity and electrochemistry
- proposed the law of electrolysis
- discovered benzene and hydrocarbons
Michael Faraday
- known for Electromagnetic Radiation and Photoelectric Effect
-inventor of the induction coil
Heinrich Daniel Ruhmkorf
A type of induction coil that produce sparks where electromagnet is released, ejecting electring during x-ray procedures
Ruhmkorff coil
Radient energy; Electromagnetic field present in space
- radiowaves
- microwaves
- infrared (IR)
- visible light
- ultraviolet (UV)
- Gamma Rays
Electromagnetic radiation
- made a significant improvement in the electroscope, a vessel for discharging electricity under vacuum conditions
- suspended electric conductor to insulate metallic containers to avoid being electrocuted
Abbe Jean-Antoine Nollet
2 types of radiation
- Ionizing (aplpha, beta, gamma, x-rays)
- non-ionizing
- conducted many electrical experiments
- made a kite and at the end of the kite is a key, and the lightning struck the key, concluding the presence of electricity
Benjamin Franklin (Pennsylvania)
- conducted several experiments with cathode rays, which are streams of electrons emitted from the surface of a cathode
Johann Wilhelm Hittorf
negative side of x-ray tube
- invented the Crookes Tube
- investigated cathode rays
- disvovered Thallium (TI)
William Crookes
- Found that cathode rays could penetrate thin metal and would project a few centimeters into the air
- studied the deflection of rays as a result of magnetic fields
Phillip Lenard
- produced a radiograph in 1890
William Godspeed
Hospital or medical term for x-rays
- produced the first photographic copy of written materian in 1727
Johann Heinrich Schulze
Produced a film with gelatin silver bromide emulsion
Richard Leach Maddox
Gelatin silver bromide is coated with _______ (white pigmemt)
Images cannot be created if there is no ________
Silver bromide emulsion