Discovery of X-Rays Flashcards
Birthdate of Roentgen
March 27, 1845
Birthplace of Roentgen
Remscheid-Lennep, Geemany
Father of Roentgen
Friedrich Conrad
Mother of Roentgen
Constance Charlotte Frowein
Roentgen was an _______ of Friedrich and Charlotte
Only child
Wife of Roentgen
Anna Bertha Ludwig, a waitress of a local inn Zum Grunen Glas that caught Roentgen’s eyes
Birthdate of Anna Bertha Ludwig
April 22, 1839
Place where did Anna Bertha Ludwig caught Roentgen’s eyes
A local inn Zum Grunen Glas
When did Roentgen ask for Bertha’s hand in marriage?
August 6, 1868
When was Bertha and Wilhem married?
January 19, 1872
On ________, Roentgen returned to _________ as a professor of __________ and director of the new Physical Institute at the ____________.
October 1, 1888
University of Wuzburg
- On ___________ Roentgen discovered ________ while working in his modest labratory at the university.
- When he shielded the tube plate of ________, he notoced that there was a presence of _________ in which he can visualize his _______ bone structure.
November 8, 1895
Bone structure
Whar did roentgen do
- Roentgen selected the Hittorf-Crookes tube
- Encased it in cardboad
3 connected it onto his Ruhmkorff coil - Darkened the room
- Activated the coil so as to oass the current through the tube
Roentgen discovered that by placing his hand between the tube and a piece of cardboard coates wigh harium plantinocyde, he could actually vusualize the bones of his hand, thus demonstrating the ___________.
primitive fluoroscopic screen
On _________, Roentgen submitted a report entitled ________ also known as _________ in german to the ___________.
December 28, 1985
“On the New Kind of Rays”
Eine Neue Art Von Strahlen
Wurzburg Physico-Medical Society
Roentgen tried another experiment in which he conviced his wife to place her hand on a _____________ loaded with a ___________ upon which directed the ___________ from the tupe for approximately ____________.
Photographic plate
15 minutes
Roentgen recived the first ________ in Physics in ______ in ________.
Nobel Prize
Roentgen became a member of the ______________
Physical Society of Stockholm
The ___________ asked Roentgen to take the chair of physics and become the director of the Physical Science Institute at ____________
Bavarian government
Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Germany
The date Bertha died in her 80th year due to a serious kidney disease
October 31, 1919
In early ______, Roentgen was diagnosed with _________
Terminal colon cancer
On _________ Roentgen passed awat and was cremated ______ days later
February 10, 1923
Roentgen willed some of the equipment he ised to the famous _________ in Munich
Deutsches Museum
___________ was not studied back then so the couole died fue to severe effects of _________ to their body
Attempted to ecplain the nature of rays to the citizens in the United States
Thomas Alva Edison
What happenee after the news of x-rays spread rapidly throughout the world
Jokes and cartoons were printed as well as ludicrous advertisemenrs appearing in newspapers thag capitalizes on the use of x-rays for profit
what country passed a law against opera glasses with x-ray vision?
some wealthy people purchased ______ for their homes to entertain guests by imaging their __________ with the _________
x-ray units
What did department stores and fairs start offering after the news on x-rays spread?
bone portraits
- took notice and questioned th3 effects of x-rays
- complained that his eyes were sore and red after working with a fluorescent tube
Thomas Edison
- also called flourescent screen
- instrument consisting of a sureface containing chemicals called phosphors that glow when struck by x-rays or gamma rays
- used to transform images made up of invisible radiation to visible light
What happened when reports began to emerge in both Europe and United states on tge effect of x-rays?
Serious efforts were made to protect those who worked with x-rays and those who would be exposed to them
It is thought that the first known radiograph in the United statea was made on __________ by ____________, a professor at ____________
January 2, 1896
Michael Idvorsky Pupin
Columbia University
_____________’s production of a __________ was though to have occured approximately ____________ after Roentgen discovered x-rays
Michael Idvorsky Pupin
2 weeks
- started his experiments with the roentgen rays
- performed a large number of expermiments and discovered tge use of calcium tungstate
Thomas edison
Fluorescent materials for radiologic imaging, intensifying screen that produce glow
Calcium Tungstate (CaWo)
Edison also became interested in trying to develop a tube on which energy could be transformed into light rather than x-rays but stopped all his research in __________, which invovled the extensive use of radiation after one of his assistants, ___________, sufdered severe radiation damage
Clarence Madison Dally
Advance experimentation of roentgen rays resulted in the discovery of __________, the property of certain elements to emit rays or subatomic particles spontaneously from matter
Three of the most prominent people credited with the discovery of radioactivty who were jointly awarded the nobel prize for physics in 1903
Pierre Curie
Marie Curie
Henri Becquerel
Spontaneous radiation activity
Father of Radioactivity
Henri Becquerel
Noticed that radiym killed diseased cells , which was the fiest suggestion of the medical utility of radioactivity
Pierre Curie
What year did Marie Curie receive a Nobel Prize for her work in cancer? What was the title of her work?
Radium kills disease cells (cancer)
- refined the knowledge of radioactivity and purified radium metal
- received a noble prize for her work in cancer: Radium kills disease cells (cancer) in 1911
- became acquainted with albert Einstein
- halted research due to WW1
- developed approximately 20 mobile radiographic units and 200 installations for the army
- trained French soldiers and gave x-ray classes to American soldiers
Marie Curie
The US army established the _____________ at _____________ in _________.
Army School of Roentgenology
University of Tennessee at Memphis
The army continued to train ______ personnel at _________ in Memphis and trained more than _______
Joh Gaston Hospital
900 enlisted technicians
The branch of radiology using radioactive materials for medical diagnosis and treatment
Nuclear Radiology
Year of discovery of Nuclear Medicine
year of nuclear medicine Tracers and therapeutics
year of nuclear medicine instrumentation development
year of nuclear medicine clinical application
year artificial radioactivity was discovered
Who invented the cyclotron and when?
Ernest Lawrence
what is the chamber that made it possible to accelerate particles to high speeds for use as projectiles
who made a significant breakthrough when he induced a successful chain reaction in a uranium pile at the University of Chicago in 1942?
Enrico Fermi
when and where were atomic devices first detonated experimentally?
in 1945 at White Sands, New Mexico.
when were atomic devices introduced as bombs? Where were they dropped?
1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan
man-made fibers with the unique characteristic of allowing light to curve
fiber optics
capable of resolving structures smaller than the human eye can see
Improvements in ______ and _________ have made them more durable and have provided a tighter closure that allows better screen-film contact
film holders
are five to six times those of previous screens, making it possible to
decrease exposure factors
intensifying screen speeds
routinely produce radiographs in 90 seconds; 60- and 45 second machines are also available
Film processors
is applied in most of the imaging performed in radiology today. This includes diagnostic ultrasonography, nuclear medicine, magnetic resonance and digital fluoroscopy, and radiography.
Digital imaging
when and who started production of radionuclides for medicine related use?
in 1946 by oak ridge national laboratory