History of Nuclear Medicine in the Philippines Flashcards
Opening of the radioisotope laboratory at the Philippines General Hospital through the leadership of Dr. Paulo C. Campos
Founder of emilio aguinaldo college and hospital
Lourdes Campos (Wife of Paulo Campos)
Three (3) required components for the beneficial use of nuclear energy in Medicine:
- Appropriate instrumentation
- Targeting radiopharmaceutical
- Trained human resources
Birth of Philippine Society of Nuclear Medicine (PSNM)
- Only organization in the Philippines that is dedicated to Nuclear Medicine
- 3rd Nuclear Medicine Society in Asia
1st president of Philippine Society of Nuclear Medicine
Dr. paterno C. Chikiamco
Father of Nuclear Medicine in the Philippines
Dr. Paulo C. Campos
founders of Philippine Society of Nuclear Medicine
- Dr. Paulo C. Campos
- Paterno C. Chikiamco
- Flaviano O. Felizardo
- Manuel Fetalino,
- Herminio J. Germar
- Carlos Marquez
- Flora M. Pascasio
- Roberto Reodica
- Antonio D. Talusan
- Leland S. Villadolid.
year when the PSNM became a founding member of the Asian Federation of Nuclear Medicine
where the first gamma camera was installed in the PH
John F. Cotton Hospital
pioneered the use of computers with gamma camera
Dr. Edmundo Villacorta (1976)
the year when the use of computer with gamma camera started
established the first structured residency program
Dr. Edmundo Villacorta
Dr. Juan F. Torres Jr.
where the the first structure residency program was established
Philippine Heart Center
PSNM became an official, registered organization and hosted the 2nd Asia and Oceania Congress of Nuclear Medicine in November 1980.
number of countries which participated in the 2nd Asiaand Oceania Congress of Nuclear Medicine in November 1980.
The invited participants in the 2nd and oceania congress
Professor Henry N. Wagner, Jr.
Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. Rosalyn Yalow
- creation of the Philippine Specialty Board of Nuclear Medicine
- six examinees successfully passed the PSBNM certifying examinations.
Certified Nuclear Medicine diplomates
- Dr.Teofilo O.L. San Luis Jr.
- Orestes P. Monzon
- Evelyn G. Laureta
- Consolacion O. Obmerga
- Benigno L. Ong
- Emmanuel C. Limlingan
Trinity College
supposed to be the first institution to establish a Nuclear Medicine Program/ Course
Dr. Teofilo O.L. San Luis Jr.
the doctor who offered the program as well as working with the curriculum
Accredited training institutions
Philippine Heart Center
Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center
Makati Medical Center
University of Santo Tomas Hospital
Cardinal Santos Medical Center
St. Luke’s Medical Center – Quezon City
St. Luke’s Medical Center – Global City
- the First SPECT was installed in Makati Medical Center
(PECT - Single-Photon Emission Computerized
Cebu Doctors Hospital became the first nuclear
medicine facility to be established outside Metro Manila
St. Luke’s Medical Center operated the first bone densitometer
device that measures the density, or the degree of darkening, of a photographic film or plate by recording photometrically its transparency
St. Luke’s Medical Center acquired the first PET-CT scanner
PSNM inducted its first foreign diplomats after having taken the required PSBNM examinations
The Philippine Journal of Nuclear Medicine became included in the Western Pacific Region Index Medicus.
PSNM cooperated with Dr. Richard Baum of Germany and the other members of the World Association of Radiopharmaceutical and Molecular Therapy (WARMTH) in successfully holding the 8th International Conference on Radiopharmaceutical Therapy in Manila.
St. Luke’s Medical Center Performed the first MIBG therapy; for tumors
scan is used for localization of known or suspected neuroectodermal derived tumors, including pheochromocytoma, ganglioneuroma, ganglioneuroblastoma, paraganglioma, carcinoid tumor and neuroblastoma
MIBG - meta-iodobenzylguanidine;
Inauguration of the Philippines’ first-ever centralized cyclotron facility and PET/CT scanner at the National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI)
how many nuclear medicine facility is in Luzon?
how many nuclear medicine facility is in Metro Manila
how many nuclear medicine facility is found in Visayas? (eastern , central , and west)
how many nuclear medicine facility is found in Mindanao? (northern)
how many nuclear medicine facility does the Philippines has?