Pilots cafe Flashcards
instrument rating privileges
- PIC under IFR
- carrying pax on cross-country 50NM or at night
- class A
- special VFR at night
PIC recency
-flight review in 24 cal months
proficiency check
practical test
logging instrument time
solely by reference to instruments under actual or simulated
when conducting instrument flight instruction under IMC (CFI)
PIC carrying passengers
3 takeoff and landings in category, class and type in the last 90 days
to a full stop at night
safety pilots
hold at least PPL in category and class
dual control system
vision forward
instrument proficiency check
log location & type of instrument approach
name of safety pilot
logging instrument approach procedures
1.solely by reference to instruments
2. established on each required segment of IAP down to minimums
-IAF, IF, FAF all required
- unless decorated to FAF
3. simulated must be contoured down to MDA or DA
4. actual or simulated IMC
5. can still log if visibility changes
IFR flight plan
to operate in controlled airspace under IFR (including G)
1. IFR flight plan
2. ATC clearance
Preferred IFR routes
published in chart supplement
IFR minimum fuel requirements
departure > destination > most distant alternate > 45 min at normal cruise
destination alternate always required unless
an instrument approach is published and available for destination
1 hour before- 1 hour after
2000’ ceiling
3 sm visibility
weather conditions required for alternate
alternate weather minima published in procedure charts
-precision approach: 600ft ceiling/2sm visibility
-nonprecision approach: 800ft ceiling/2sm visibility
no IAP available:
ceiling & visibility must allow decent to MEA, approach and landing under VFR
GPS considerations for alternate
non-WAAS GPS: either destination or alternate not both
WAAS w/o baro-VNAV: LNAV or circling minimas at alternate
WAAS with baro-VNAV: LNAV/VNAV or RNP .3
IFR cruising altitudes
controlled: assigned by ATC
odd thousands 0-179
even thousands 180-360
IFR takeoff minimums
91: no T/O minimums
1 to 2 engines: 1sm visibility
2+ engines: 1/2sm visibility
standard terminal arrival
transition between there enroute structure and a point from which an approach to landing can be made
RNAV stars require RNAV 1 performance
transition routes
connect enroute fixes to STAR procedure
min IFR altitudes
minimum altitude prescribed for the flown segment
-mountainous areas: 2000 above highest altitudes/ 4nm
-nonmountainous areas: 1000 above obstacle/ 4nm
Decision altitude/Height
above runway threshold on a vertically guided IAP when to decide to continue approach or go around
maximum authorized altitude
maximum crossing altitude
lowest altitude plane must cross when flying in the direction of higher MEA
minimum descent altitude/height
lowest altitude/height to which decent is authorized on a non-precision approach until visual references are required for landing
minimum enroute altitude
assures acceptable navigational coverage and meets obstacle clearance
minimum obstacle clearance altitude
provides obstacle clearance and navigation coverage only up to 22nm of VOR
minimum off route altitude
-route MORA obstruction clearance within 10nm to either side of airway centerlines ~ 10 nm at ends of airways
-grid MORA obstruction clearance within latitude/longitude grid block
minimum reception altitude
lowest altitude on an airway segment where intersection can be determined using radio nav aids
minimum turning altitude
vertical and lateral obstacle clearance in turns over fixes
minimum vectoring altitude
lowest altitude at which an IFR aircraft will bear vectored by s radar controller
MVAs may are lower than the minimum altitudes depicted on aeronautical charts
off route obstruction clearance altitude
obstruction clearance with a 1000ft buffer/2000ft buffer for ^^
*may not provide navigation or communication signal coverage
flight management system
receives inputs from various sensors
-flight director
monitors and selects most appropriate nav source for accurate positioning
electronic flight instrument systems
glass cockpit
attitude, altitude, airspeed, VSI, heading, rate tapes
moving maps, aircraft system status, weather, traffic
VFH omni directional frequency
108.0 to 117.95
full scale deflection: 10*
VOR receiver checks
check every 30 days
VOT +/- 4
repair station +/- 4
ground checkpoint +/- 4
airborne checkpoint +/-6
dual vor +/- 4
VOR limitations
cone of confusions
reverse sensing
line of sight
962-1213 MHz
tuned with a paired VHF station
airborne dme transmits interrogation signal
airborne calculates slant range distance based on reply time
slant range error
when flying overhead the station- DME indicates greater than zero
slant range error is negligible per every 1NM and 1000ft height
low to medium frequency
automatic direction finder
points to NDB
magnetic bearing
magnetic heading + relative bearing