Pictures Flashcards
what is the graph showing risk aversion
utility from certainty of 50 is greater than gamble of 50% 0 50% 100. Green line is certainty, risk averse
What is the graph in prospect theory that shows risk aversion
concave in gains, convex in losses. From π(p). Origin is the reference point
What does the weighting function look like from prospect theory
Thus low probabilities are overweighted, moderate and high probabilities are underweighted and the latter effect is more pronounced than the former. People’s behaviour changes a lot more near certainty
What is diminishing sensitivity in terms of utility in prospect theory
diminishing returns for gains and losses
What is diminishing sensitivity in terms of probability
However from the two reference points of 0 and 1
Equation for a person’s Intertemporal Utility Function
What is the quasi hyperbolic discount factor
Given picture, what is the bayesian and law of small numbers probabilities that fund is Well
over inference about ability of manager
What is a more realistic case of picture, but if the investor believes the urn is replenished every 3 periods. What is bayesian and law of small numbers probabilities
Describe and explain the simple model of projection bias
What are the main predictions in the Conlin et al. 2007 clothes ordering experiment
What are the main findings for the clothes ordering experiment
Conlin et al. (2007)
what is the standard theory purchasing decision model and what paper is it from
What is the modified version of the initial purchasing decision model from Prelec and Loewenstein (1998)
What are the imputed costs at b (purchasing decision model from Prelec and Loewenstein 1998)
What is the imputed benefits at c (purchasing decision model from Prelec and Loewenstein 1998)
What is the consumption experience at b (purchasing decision model from Prelec and Loewenstein 1998)
What is the payment experience at c (purchasing decision model from Prelec and Loewenstein 1998)