PhysPsych2 Flashcards
Franz Gall
Pierre Flourens
First to study the functions of major sections of the brain
aka ablation, surgically remove various parts of prain to observe. Flourens did on pigeons
William James
study how mind functioned while adapting to the environment, forming Functionalism
studying how mental processes help individuals adapt to their environments
John Dewey
Functionalist, criticized reaction arc
Paul Broca
First to demonstrate that functional impairments could be linked with specific brain lesions
Johannes Muller
identified the law of specific nerve energies, states that each sensory nerve is excited by a type of energy (more important what part of brain stimulated than the type of stimulus)
Hermann von Helmholtz
first to measure speed of a nerve impulse via reaction. credited with moving psych into a natural science
Sir Charles Shrrington
first to infer the existence of synapses, except thought electrical (is chemical)
Sensory neurons
aka afferent neurons, from receptors to spinal cord and brain
Motor neurons
aka efferent neurons. from brain and spinal cord to muscles
most common of 3 types. linked to reflexive behavior
Reflex arcs
Sensory neurons send pain info to spinal cord, interneurons immediately transmit info to motor, tell foot to move
brain and spinal cord
nerve tissues and fibers, connects the CNS to rest of body
Somatic NS
sensory and motor neurons, transmit through afferent fibers (sensory, up) and efferent fibers (motor, down)
Autonomic NS
regulates fight or flight (automatic functions). investigated by Walter Cannon
Sympathetic NS
Hypes up
Parasympathetic NS
Slows down, conserve energy. “resting and digesting”. Acetylcholine
balance, motor coordination, breathing, digestions, waking/sleeping (Vital functions)
sensorimotor refleces
term for evolutionary deveopment in humans
Medulla Oblongata
Vital functions (breathing, digestion)
Refined motor movements
Reticular formation
arousal, attention, and alterness, anesthetics work here
Superior v Interior colliculus
superior/visual input. inferior/auditory. responsible for reflexes
sensory relay station (except smell)
lateral, ventromedial, anterior. emotion during high arousal, aggresion, sexual, hormones, homeostatic functions (hunger). Fight or Flight
maintenance of water balance in body peformed by osmoreceptors in hypothalamus (Walter Cannon)
Lateral Hypothalamus
hunger center. lesion/ aphagia (lack hunger)
Ventromedial Hypothalamus
satiety center, when you’ve eaten enough. lesion/hyperphagia (very hungry)
Anterior hypothalamus
Sexual activity
Basal Ganglia
coordinates muscle movement. related to parkinson’s and schizophrenia
Extrapyramidal motor system
sends info to brain and spinal cord about body position. helps make smooth movememnts, steady posture
fluid filled cavities in brain, link to spinal cord. abnormalities relate to schizophrenianegsocial withdrawl, flat affect, catatonic state
Cerebrospinal fluid
fills ventricles and spinal canal
Limbic system
emotion and memory. septum, amygdala, hippocampus