Personality/Abnormal Flashcards
William Sheldon
Early Personality guy, characterized people by body types (somatotypes), relating them to personality types
soft and spherical body
hard, muscular, and rectangular body type
thin, fragile, lightly muscled body types
E.G. Boring
historian of psychology, suggests changes in theories are due to Zeitgeist
Edward Tichner
Introspection, formed/founder of structuralism
Sigmond Freud
First comprehensive theory on personality and abonrmal, psychoanalytical theory
against psychoanalysis and behaviorism, notion of free will, people considered as whole not as responses or instincts
Philippe Pinel
1792, improved conditions in asylums
Dorothea Dix
helped improve hospitals
General Paresis
delusions of grandeur, mental deterioration, paralysis & death; learned due to syphilis..learned physiological factors could underlie mental issues
Cerletti & Bini
1938, introduced electroshock to create seizures, thought would cure schizo
Prefrontal Lobotomies
to treat schizo, 1930-1950; destroyed part of frontal lobe, made patients easier to handle
Antipsychotic drugs
developed aroiund 1950, treated schizo, stopped shocks & lobotomies, huge advancement
Emil Kraepelin
1883, textbook noting many symptoms of mental disorders occurred together–creted specific disorders; precursor to DSM
Psychodynamic theories
psychoanalytic; Freud, Jung, Adler, Horney, Erik Erikson
functions according to pleasure principle, to relieve tension
Primary Process
Id’s response to frustration under idea to attain satisfaction now, not later
Secondary Process
Ego, reality principle, guides or inhibits activity of the id; like organization of id, recesives power from and independent from the id
strives for perfection, 2 subsystems: conscience (punishment) & ego ideal (reward)
Life instincts
death instincts
form of energy through which Eros is performed
Defense Mechanisms
8:repression, suppression, projection, reaction formation, rationalization, regression, sublimation, displacement
deliberate, conscious form of forgetting
Reaction Formation
repressed wish is warded off by its opposite (instead of torture, love)
transforming unacceptable urges into socially acceptable behaviors
Carl Jung
Archetypes, persona, anima, shadow, personality orientations
Collective Unconcious
Freud, residue of experiences of early ancestors, common experiences
thought or image that has an emotional element