Physiology lecture 1 Flashcards
Eicosanoids synthesis
Autocrine signaling, involved in pain and fever. Two pathways: cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase dependent.
Synaptic signaling
Ion-channel-linked receptor: contact with ligand opens up the channel
G-protein-linked receptor
G-proteins on the inside, receptor works with activated g-protein which travels to other protein: starts signal cascade
Enzyme-linked receptor
change on inside when bound to ligand–> cascade of receptors
activates A-kinase, which activates glycolisis
Makes proteins
makes energy
C-kinase activation
results in gene transcription
passes all glands in the human body, has function in transport and hormone secretion
cell adhesion molecule: cell-cell adhesion (desmosomes (connect to actin filaments), adherens juctions (connect to intermediate filaments). form kind of zippers, can separate different types of cells –> organizing tissues during formation
cell adhesion molecule: temporary cell-cell connection (white blood cells, endothelial cells). adhesion of leukocytes during inflammantory process (catching white blood cells and start rolling)
cell adhesion molecule: cell-matrix adhesion (hemidesmosomes), consisting of alpha and beta, (for example: strong adhesion of leukocytes and pulling out of the arterioles)
cell adhesion molecules: cell-cell connectionss
Tight junction
occluding junction, seals the gap (zonula occludens, use cadherins to connect cells and conects to actin filaments)
adherens junction
cell-cell connection, connects actin filaments
cell-cell connection, connects intermediate filaments (same as macula adherens)
Gap junctions
channel forming junctions, allows passage of small water soluble molecules
cell-matrix connection, anchors intermediate filaments to eachother
Paracellular transport
capillaries are leakinh fluids and small molecules trough tight junctions
Communication connection
communication between cells, Synapses and nexus connections (small gates in membranes)
Lamina basalis
extracellular, border between connective tissue and other tissue types
Single layered epithelia
important for communication
multi-layered epithelia
improtant for protection and forming barriers
Transport through epithelia
apical (outside) and basolateral (inside) side, transcellular (through the cells) is used most often (otherwise paracellular transport through tight junctions)
exocrine glands
take up singnaling molecules from bloos vessels (sweat, saliva)
endocrine glands
release signaling molecules into bloodvessels
endothelial cells in liver
bloods connects to epical side so little basolaterala sides in liver, bile ducts: removal of secretion products (endothelium is epithelium in bloos vessels)
merocrine secretion
small vesicles are released by the gland (pancreas)
apocrine secretion
partial breakdown of the cells in the glands, that part in going into the lumen and will be broken down (milk gland)
holocrine secretion
entire cell burst apart (talgklier)