Physiology Flashcards
The outer leaflet of the cell membrane is composed of:
Sphingomyelin and Phosphatidylcholine
The integral proteins which are essential in the structural integrity of the cell are held together by:
Hydrophobic interactions
Intracellular structure between cells that divides the cell into the basolateral and the apical membrane:
Zonula Occludens or Tight junctions
Intracellular structure between cells that are involved in rapid intercellular communication:
Gap junctions
Intracellular structure between cells that increases the surface area:
Zonula adherens
Intracellular disk shaped structure between cells that provides tight intracellular adhesion:
Macula adherens/Desmosomes
What are the integral proteins inside the tight junctions?
Enzyme deficient on Krabbe Disease:
Most important characteristic of hydrophobic molecules in their cellular permeability:
Lipid solubility
Formula for flux
J = PA (C1-C2)
What are the important characteristics of a carrier mediated transport system?
Stereospecificity, saturation, competetion
What is the formula for osmotic pressure?
Osmotic pressure = concentration x number of dissociable particles
Diffusion potential that balances the tendency for diffusion created by differences in solution concentration:
Nernst potential
What are the astrocytes in the grey matter that secretes substances that maintain the appropriate concentration of ions and NTs?
Protoplasmic astrocytes
Syndrome characterized by marked autoantibodies against calcium channels in the presynaptic terminal leading to decrease NTA release:
Lambert Eaton Syndrome
What would be the diagnosis if there is the presence of oligoclonal bands in the CSF analysis in a patient with distinct episodes of neurologic deficits separated in time and attributable to white matter lesions that are separate in space?
Multiple sclerosis
What is the primary neurotransmitter in the Post ganglionic sympathetic neurons?
What is the neurotransmitter released in the hypothalamus that is also called the PIF or the Prolactin Inhibitory Factor?
True or false: Epinephrine has a greater B2 effect than NE?
Main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the spinal cord:
May inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain:
May excitatory NT of the brain formed by the amination of alpha ketoglutarate:
Opioid receptor acted upon by morphine that results in respiratory depression:
Type of muscle fiber characterized as slow twitch, rich in myoglobin, and is used for endurance (undergoes Oxidative Phosphorylation):
Type I
Protein that binds myosin to z lines and binds z lines to m lines:
Protein associated with Muscular Dystrophy that prevents contraction induced rupture:
Protein the binds Actin to Z lines:
Actinin and Cap Z
Protein that binds z lines to the sarcolemma:
Toxin that prevents the release of Ach from the pre synaptic terminals:
Botulinum toxin
Substance that blocks the reuptake of Choline into the presynaptic terminal:
Substance that competes with Ach receptors for Motor end plate:
Substance that inhibits acetylcholinesterase:
Sensory fiber type involved in touch, pain, temperature, and pressure:
Type III
General fiber type of post ganglionic neurons that are also involved in slow pain sensation:
Type C
Which order of neurons in the sensory pathway may decussate? (Spinal cord)
2nd order
What is the neurotransmitter utilized in slow pain sensation?
Substance P
Chemical neurotransmitters secreted in the Spinal dorsal horn:
Serotonin and Enkephalin
Chemical neurotransmitters secreted in the DRG:
Which structure in the eye has the most contribution to its refractive power?
Sequence of events from the ciliary muscle when the eye undergoes accommodation or focuses on a nearby object:
Ciliary muscles contract, suspensory ligaments relax, lens become spherical
Eye condition wherein the lens is characterized as long, light rays converge in front of the retina, and is corrected by biconcave lenses:
Refractive error wherein there is too great curvature or thee is irregular non uniform curvature of the cornea; It is also where light rays converge at different locations in relation to the retina:
Astigmatism is best corrected by what type of lens?
Condition characterized by loss of accommodation that occurs ate age >40 y/o related to inability of the ciliary muscles to contract:
Cells that maintain the inner geometry of the Retina:
Muller cells
Lesions in the Meyer’s loop or the temporal lobe lead to which type of vision loss:
Pie in the sky or Contralateral Superior left homonymous quadrantanopia
Contralateral homonymous hemianopsia is produced by lesions in which optic pathway?
Optic tract and geniculocalcrine tract
The physiologic blind spot corresponds to which structure in the eye?
Optic disc
Steps in RODS photoreception:
Vitamin A 11 cis - 11 all trans - metarhodopsin - transductin - increase phosphodiesterase - decrease cGMP - decrease sodium influx - hyperpolarization - decrease glutamate
E wave in 2d Echo
Early diastolic filling
Percentage of ATP used to produce heat:
Scattered specific cells which lie close to the basement membrane of the bronchi and bronchioles:
Kulchitsky cells
Mechanism of growth hormone:
Tyrosine kinase (everything that grows Tyrosine kinase)
Most abundant component of the cell membrane:
What is the formula for Effective osmotic pressure?
Osmotic pressure x Reflection coefficient
Among endorphins, enkephalins, and dynorphins, which has opioid peptide has the most affinity to Mu receptors?
Extrapyramidal tract that stimulates both flexors and extensors:
Pontine reticulospinal tract
Spinal tract that stimulates both flexors and extensors:
Pontine reticulospinal tract
Spinal tract that inhibits both flexors and extensors:
Medullary reticulospinal tract
Spinal tract that inhibits extensors and stimulates flexors:
Rubrospinal tract/Midbrain red nucleus
What is the most potent vasoconstrictor?
What is increased in Restrictive lung disease? FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, or FRC?
Normal or increased FEV1/FVC
What is increased in OBSTRUCTIVE lung disease? FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, or FRC?
Average Cardiac output at rest:
Pressure in the systemic pressure when heart stops:
Mean Systemic Filling Pressure
Blood vessel with the greatest resistance:
Arteries that contain stressed volume:
Blood vessels where most of the blood are contained:
Pre and Post ganglionic nerve fibers utilizes what type of neurons?
Pre Type B, Post Type C
Nerve fibers for sexual sensations and smell?
Type C
Secondary afferents of muscle spindle; also for touch and pressure?
Type A-beta
Gamma motor neurons of muscle spindles:
Type A-gamma
Skeletomotor fibers, large alpha motor neurons; also Afferent neurons for muscle spindles and golgi tendon:
Type A-alpha
Motor nerve fibers for slow and fast pain respectively:
Slow - type C; Fast type - A-delta
Onion shaped tactile receptors for high frequency vibration:
Tactile receptor for low frequency:
Tactile receptor for steady pressure:
FSSF (1122)
Meissner, Merkel, Ruffini, Pacinian
Tactile receptor for texture:
Meissner and Merkel
Retinal glial cells:
Muller cells
Ganglion cells for color form and fine details:
P cells (M cells for illumination; W - unknown)
EEG wave when eyes are open (awake) and during REM sleep:
Beta waves
EEG wave on NREM:
Delta waves
EEG wave when eyes are closed (awake):
NTAs that increases from NREM to awake:
NE, Histamine, Serotonin
Main mechanism for heat loss:
Cardiac output formula:
Venous return formula:
MAP formula:
DP + 1/3(PP)