Anatomy Flashcards
What are the paired cranial bones?
Parietal and temporal
There are how many bones in the skull?
What are the unpaired facial bones?
Vomer and mandible
Which part of the sphenoid bone contains the sella turcica?
Greater wing
All the muscles of deglutition are innervated by the vagus nerve except which muscle?
What are the paired laryngeal cartilage?
Arytenoid, Corniculate, Cuneiform cartilage
Laryngeal membrane that give rise to the vestibular ligament:
Quadrangular membrane
Site at which tracheostomy is preferably done:
Second tracheal ring
Fascial layer that forms the false capsule of the thyroid gland:
Pretracheal fascia
Narrowest part of the laryngeal cavity at which aspirated foods are lodged:
Rima glottidis
What is the action of posterior cricoarytenoid on the vocal cords?
Boundaries of the trachea superiorly and inferiorly:
Superior: Cricoid (C6)
Inferior: T4 (carina at the sternal angle)
Most common variant of Tracheoesophageal fistula:
EA with TEF at distal end
Where does the inferior thyroid vein drain into?
Brachiocephalic vein
From which artery does the inferior thyroid artery originate?
Thyrocervical trunk
What artery arises from the 3rd part of the subclavian artery?
Dorsal scapular artery
Contents of the posterior mediastinum:
Descending aorta, Azygous and hemi azygous veins,** T**horacic duct, Esophagus, Sympathetic trunk (DATES)
The trachea bifurcates at which landmark of the inferior and superior mediastinum?
Sternal angle of louis - T4,T5
What is the primary source of sensory nerve fibers of the heart?
C3-C5 (from Phrenic nerve)
Which sign is characterized by distention of neck veins on inspiration?
Kussmaul sign
What are the veins that contribute to the coronary sinus?
Great, small, middle, oblique vein
ECG tracings reveal ST elevations in leads I, AVL, V1-V6. What are the possible sites of coronary artery occlusion?
Anterior wall, Anteroseptal, Postero septal
St Elevations on leads II, III, and aVF probably involves infarction of which part of the heart?
Inferior wall
What are the corresponding arteries of the Great, Middle, and small cardiac veins?
Anterior interventricular artery, Posterior interventricular artery, Right marginal artery
In the majority of the population, the Posterior interventricular artery arises from which cardiac artery?
Right coronary artery
Dermatomes affected in cardiac referred pain:
Most common coronary artery involved in myocardial infarction:
Anterior interventricular
ECG lead that corresponds to the apex of the heart:
Lead v4 (5th ICS LMCL)
Enumerate the anlage of the right ventricle and right atrium respectively:
Bulbus cordis and sinus venosus
Level at which the chest tube is inserted:
9th ICS, Midaxillary line during expiration
Enumerate the bronchopulmonary segments of the Right lung:
Upper lobe - Apical, Posterior, Anterior; Middle lobe - Lateral and Medial, Lower lobe - Superior, Medial basal, Antero basal, Postero basal, Lateral basal
Enumerate the bronchopulmonary segments of the Left lung:
Upper lobe - Apicoposterior, Anterior, Inferior, Superior; Lower lobe - Anteromedial basal, Superior, Lateral basal, Postero basal
What are the branches of the arch of the aorta?
Left subclavian, left common carotid, and brachiocephalic artery
The descending aorta pierces the diaphragm and ends up as the abdominal aorta at which thoracic vertebra?
What are the aortic arch derivatives?
1st arch - maxillary arteries, 2nd arch - stapedial arteries, 3rd arch - proximal (common carotid) distal (internal carotid), 4th (left aortic arch right right subclavian), 5th none, 6th - left - left pulmonary artery and ductus arteriosus, right - right pulmonary artery
Fibrous band that connects the bifurcation of the pulmonary trunk to the lower surface of the aortic arch:
Ligamentum arteriosum
The brachiocephalic vein is formed by the union of:
Internal jugular and subclavian vein
Blood supply of the breast:
Internal thoracic (fr. subclavian), Lateral and thoracodorsal (fr. axillary), 2nd (from costocervical trunk), 3rd, and 4th posterior intercostals (from thoracic aorta)
Structures transmitted at the level of T12 diaphragmatic apperture:
Thoracic duct, Aorta, Azygous vein
The campers fascia becomes which layer/muscle in the scrotum?
Dartos muscle
The Scarpa’s fascia becomes which layer on the perineum?
Colle’s fascia
The cremasteric muscle is a originates from which abdominal muscle?
Internal oblique
What is the afferent limb of the cremasteric reflex?
Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve
The femoral sheath is a downward extension of which abdominal wall layer?
Transversalis fascia
What is the origin of the Superior epigastric artery?
Internal thoracic artery
Lymphatic drainage of the abdominal wall below the umbilicus:
Superficial inguinal LN
The dartos muscle is a continuation of which fascia?
Type of inguinal hernia that enters the scrotum:
Indirect inguinal hernia
What are the contents of the Hepatoduodenal ligament?
Hepatic artery, Common bile duct, Portal vein
What are the unpaired anterior branches of the abdominal aorta?
Celiac artery, Superior and Inferior artery
Level at which the abdominal aorta bifurcates in right and left common iliac arteries?
The lumber vertebral level at which the right renal artery goes behind the IVC to provide blood supply to the right kidney:
The pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and proximal duodenum is supplied by which branch of the abdominal aorta?
Celiac artery
What structures can be palpated upon insertion of the finger on the epiploic foramen of winslow?
Anterior - Hepatoduodenal ligament, Posterior - SVC, Superior - caudate lobe of liver, Inferior - Superior portion of duodenum
Where does the right gastric artery originate?
Hepatic artery
A patient swallowed a button while lying at a supine position. At which bronchopulmonary segment will the button be dislodged?
Superior BPS of right lower lobe
A patient swallowed a button while lying at right recumbent position. At which bronchopulmonary segment will the button be dislodged?
Posterior BPS of right upper lobe
What are the branches of the SMA?
Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery, Right colic, Middle colic, Ileocolic artery, Jejunal and ileal arteries, Appendiceal arteries
What are the branches of the IMA?
Superior rectal, Left colic, Sigmoid artery
The common iliac veins combine to form the IVC at what lumbar vertebral level?
Which 2 veins combine to form the portal vein?
Superior mesenteric vein and Splenic vein
Collateral circulation develops in cases of portal hypertension 2nd to liver cirrhosis through which veins?
Left gastric and Azygous
The right colic and right gastroepiploic veins drain into which vein?
The left gonadal and left suprarenal veins drain into which vein?
Left renal vein
At which vertebral level does the esophagus starts and ends?
C6 to T10
The right vagus nerve lies anteriorly or posteriorly on the esophagus?
What is the blood supply of the esophagus from the upper to lower 3rd?
Inferior thyroid artery, Thoracic aorta, Left gastric artery
Which plexus is affected in esophageal achalasia? Auerbach or Myenteric?
Arrangement of the three muscular layers of the stomach:
IOMCOL (Internal oblique, Middle circular, Outer longitudinal
What is the blood supply of the lesser and greater curvature of stomach?
Lesser - right and left gastric (main blood supply); Greater - right and left gastroepiploic artery
Sympathetic nerve supply of the stomach:
Carcinomas of the stomach are mostly found at which part of the stomach?
Gastric ulcers are found at which part of the stomach?
lesser curvature
Portion of the duodenum where the ligament of Treitz can be found?
4th portion, ascending
Where can most duodenal ulcers be found?
1st part, anterior wall
Which part of the duodenum is retroperitoneal?
2nd part
Signs of Intussusception ultrasound?
Crescent in a donut, pseudo-kidney sign, Target sign
What are the structures that are removed when performing Whipple’s surgery?
Head of pancreas, duodenum, GB, CBD, distal stomach
The functional lobe of the liver is divided by:
Cantlie lines
The liver is divided anatomical by which ligament?
Falciform ligament
Enumerate the functional lobes of the liver:
1 - caudate lobe, 2 - lateral superior, 3 - lateral inferior, 4A - medial superior, 4B - medial inferior Quadrate lobe, 5 - anterior inferior, 6 - Posterior inferior, 7 - Posterior superior, 8 - Anterior superior
Hepatic organization of the liver based on bile flow:
Portal lobule (with 3 central veins in its 3 apices)
Blood supply of the liver:
Portal vein and Hepatic artery
Liver biopsy is done in which anatomical landmark?
Right 10th intercostal space MAL
What is the structure between the neck and the cystic duct of the gallbladder (its infundibulum) is called?
Hartmann Pouch
The cystic artery usually originates from which artery?
Right hepatic
Boundaries of the triangle of Calot/Cystohepatic triangle
Superior - inferior border of the liver, Inferior - cystic duct, Medial - common hepatic duct
Dull, aching, poorly localized pain in gallstones is usually referred to which dermatomes?
the fundus of the gallbladder lies at which costal cartilage?
Right 9th costal cartilage
The plica circulares or the valves of Kerckring are located on which part of the GIT?
Jejunum and Ileum
Where does the taenia coli start?
Nerve that can be injured in appendectomy:
Iliohypogastric nerve
The longest, largest and the most mobile part of the large intestine:
Transverse colon
The rectosigmoid junction is marked by the end of which structure in the large intestine?
Taenia coli
Blood supply of the upper, middle, and inferior rectum:
Upper - IMA, Middle - Internal iliac artery, Inferior - Internal pudendal artery
This muscle serves as a landmark from which the anal canal begins:
The lower part of the rectum is derived from:
The ectoderm
Degrees of hemorrhoids:
1st degree - bulge to the anal canal but may prolapse when straining, 2nd degree - prolapse to the anal canal but reduce spontaneously, 3rd degree - prolapse to the anal canal but may be manually reduced, 4th degree - with risk of strangulation and cannot be reduced manually
Which of the following is not part of the Ethmoid bone? Superior, Middle, Inferior nasal Concha, Anterior, Posterior ethmoid sinus
Inferior nasal concha
Meckel’s diverticulum is a remnant of which structure?
Vitelline duct
The temporal process is part of which facial bone?
zygomatic bone
How many cells in morulla?
What process in the third week of development forms the three germ layers?
Source of the three germ layers:
The adrenal cortex is derived from which germ layer:
What are the boundaries of the Simon’s triangle?
Lateral - CCA, Medial - Esophagus, Superior - ITA