Physiological & Psychopharmacology Flashcards
Brain Regions
- Hindbrain
- Midbrain
- Subcortical Forbrain Structures
- involuntary throat & mouth
- regulates survival-respiration, heart rate & blood pressure, swallowing
- connect 2 sides of cerebellum
- relays messages between cerebellum & cerebral cortex
- respiration
- deep sleep
- REM sleep
- think handBELLS-middle part has to be BALANCED in middle for bell to be silent =Good Posture
- Ataxia-looks like alcohol intoxication-lack of motor control= call a taxi
- *Procedural memory-playing an instrument requires movement, driving car
- Implicit memory- operates unconscious (remembering how to automatically play an instrument)
Cerebellum-nonmotor functions
- attention
- linguistic processing
- visual spatial abilities
Midbrain Structure
- midbrain connects hindbrain to forebrain
Reticular Formation
- check out my muscle FORMATION–deals with FORMING muscle tone
- coordinated eye movement (forces you to look at those muscles!!)
- Controls Pain
Reticular Activating System (RAS)
Ascending Reticular Activating System
- mediates/controls
- consciousness
- arousal
- sleep/wake
- alerts
- cerebral cortex of incoming sensory information
Substantia Nigra
pleasure &reward-drug addition seeking
- through basal ganglia and motor control
- Parkinson’s Disease-degeneration of dopamine-producing cells
Subcortical Forbrain Structure
- Five F fever, f**k,
- H-homeostatis-balances things in body **
- y
- P-pituitary gland stimulation-release of sex horm
- blOod pressure
- T-temperature of your body
- H-hunger
- A-aggression & emotional reactions
- sLeep/sexy time things/suprachiasmatic nucleus (SNC) (sleep/wake/seasonal cycles)
- Autonomic Nervous system
- Mammillary bodies in the suprachiasmatic nucleus control MEMORY
- U
- thirSt
Subcortical Forbrain Structure
- relay station
- *sends messages to all but smell*
- sensory/motor functioning
- language/speech
- declarative memories aka explicit memory aka knowing the facts/events
Subcortical Forebrain
Thalamus-if damaged
- anterograde amnesia-cannot create new memory due to damage to the hippocampus
- retrograde amnesia-cannot remember before
- tends to be temporary & things return
- recent long term memory is impacted
- oldest memory return first
Confabulation Syndrome-aka Korsakoffs-aka Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome
- alcohol confabulation-make things up to fill in gaps
- thiamine deficiency (aka B1)
Subcortical Forbrain Structure
Basal Ganglia
- movement-initiation of voluntary movement
- procedural memory-how we remember2 do things
- implicit memory automatic memory (turn on light in a room
- Attention & Decision making
- Emotions (you either love or hate luxury cars)
Subcortical Forbrain Structures
Basal Ganglia
- caudate nucleus -striatum
- putamen-striatum
- globus pallidus-transfer information to the thalamus
Basal Ganglia damage/abnormal
- schizophrenia
- Tourettes
- Huntingtons disease (unwanted movements)
- Parkensons disease (challenges w/intended movement)
Subcortical Structure
Limbic System
- amygdala
- cingulate cortex
- hippocampus
- also think 5 m’s for LiMMMMMbic
- thalaMus
- hypothalaMus
- septuM
- aMygdala
- hippocaMpus
Subcortical Brain Structures
- located in the medial temporal lobe, just anterior to (in front of) the hippocampus
- amygdala is part of the limbic system, a neural network that mediates many aspects of emotion and memory
Limbic System
Primary functions
- three m’s
- memory
- motivation
- eMotion
Limbic System
what happens, activity, emotions, memories
- think Attaching different Facial Expression & Emotions 2 mister potato head (flashbulbs memory)
- evaluation of emotion significance
- flashbulbs memory-vivid memory shocking events
- ↑ activity in amygdala ↑ PTSD symptoms
- also lined to anxiety & depression
- damage to amygdala & ventromedial prefrontal cortex ↓ severity of PTSD
- **Kulver-Bucy Syndrome**
- damage to amygdala & temporal lobes
- hyperphagia (super hungry)
- hyperoriality (put everything in your mouth)
- ↓fear
- hypersexuality
- visual agnosia-aka-psychic blindness
Limbic System
Cingulate Cortex
location & what it does
- contains cingulate gyrus
- 3 M’s plus pain
- motivation
- memory
- eMotions reaction to pain
Limbic System
Cingulate Gyrus
- people will experience pain but are not emotionally attached to it
- abnormalities
- prefrontal
- orbital frontal
- hippocampus
- amygdala
- thalamus
- linked to depression & bipolar disorder
Limbic system
- memory less in emotions
- Hippo on campus -memory
- transfers declarative memories** (facts/events) to **long term memory & spatial memory
- pay Attention to where HIPPO is going spatial memory
- he thinks he is going2get help w/gambling addiction in the Entorhinal Cortex. building (adjacent to Hippocampus)
Limbic System
- damaged-degeneration of cells linked2 Alzheimers
- abnormalities-in hippocampus linked to
- depression
- bipolar
- Schizophrenia
- Spatial navigation
- impaired episodic memory
Brain regions
Cerebral Cortex
outer layer of brain
2 hemispheres
4 lobes
Cerebral Cortex
Frontal Lobe
- Brocas area
- prefrontal
- supplemental
- premotor
- primary motor cortex
Cerebral Cortex
Broca’s Area
- major language dominant frontal lobe
Brocas Aphasia
- expressive aphasia & nonfluent aphasia
- comprehension strong (they know they are not saying things correctly get frustrated)
- only speaks in nouns and verbs
- left frontal lobe
- anomia-cant identify people/objects by name
Cerebral Cortex
Prefrontal Cortex (PFC)
- executive functions-higher order working memory
- prospective memory (future event)
- attention
- emotion regulation
Prefontal Cortex
Dorsolateral (PFC)
- dysexcutive syndrome
- deficits working memory & judgements
Prefrontal Cortex
Orbiofrontal PFC
- dysinhibited syndrome
- disinhibition
- distractability
- emotional lability
Prefrontal Cortex
Mediofrontal PFC
- apathetic-akinetic syndrome
- ↓ motor balance
- ↓ verbal output
- ↓ initiative
- ↓ motivation (abulia
Supplemental Motor Cortex
- self initiated complex movements
- somatopically organized-each part of body is controlled by specific cortical area
Premotor Cortex
planning and coordinating movements by sensory stimulate
Primary Cortex
- sends signals to muscles
- contralateral-opposite side of body
Temporal Lobe
- auditory cortex and Wernike area
Temporal Lobe
Wernicke’s area/aphasia
- area-major language usually left temporal lobe
- aka receptive/fluent/sensory/impressive aphasia
- impaired comprehension & fluent speech
Temporal Lobe
Conduction aphasia
- arcuate fasiculous
- intact comprehension
- fluent/spontaneous speech
- many more errors
- impaired repetition
Parietal Lobe
somatosensory cortex
- touch
- pressure
- temp
- pain
- body
Parietal Lobe
tactile agnosia
cant recognize by touch
Parietal Lobe
not aware of lack interest in own body parts
Parietal Lobe
No illness
aint nothing wrong with me
hemispatial neglect
- aka unilateral neglect
- aka contralateral neglect
- neglect opposite side of body where damage in brain occurs
- only shave one side of face, dress one side of body
Parietal Lobe
Gerstmann Syndrome
- caused damage to left side of fingers
- cannot tell left from right
- agraphia difficult writing
- acalculia difficulty with math
- right/left finger agnosia
- disorientation
Parietal Lobe
Ideomotor apraxia
- cannot follow motor commands (comb hair)
Temporal Lobe
- sleep disturbance because hypothalamus is located here and remember it controls sleep
Parietal Lobe
Idealitional Apraxia
- cant plan & execute sequence of steps (make a sandwich)
Parietal Lobe
loss of writing
Parietal lobe
loss of number skills
Occipitial Lobe
visual cortex
Occipital Lobe
- loss of color vision
- cortical blindness
Occipital Lobe
cant recognize faces of familia people or pets
I am supposed to know ya
Occipital Lobe
can lead to hallucinating
Brain Laterization
- left hemisphere
- written
- spoken
- logical
- analytical thinking
- science & math
- positive emotions
Brain Lateralization
Left hemisphere
- speech difficulty
- expression/comprehension
- depression
- anger
- 90-99% right handers 50-70% left handers are left hemisphere dominant
Brain Lateralization
Right hemisphere
- nondominate
- holistic
- intuition
- understand space
- creativity
- negative emotion
- art awareness
- imagination
Brain Lateralization
Right Hemisphere Damage
- damaged can cause
- indifference
- depression
- euphoria
- impulsivity
Corpus Callosum
- bridges both hemispheres of the brain
- allow the brain to share information
- can be surgically severed to treat epilepsy
- everything minus olfaction is experienced opposite of where it is presented
Corpus Callosum
Split Brain Patient
- see in LEFT Hemi you can POINT/PICK UP
- see in RIGHt Hemi you can SAY what you see
Dichotic Listening
- speech lateralization
- 2 different words/same time
- language is lateralized to left hemisphere for most right handed people
Nervous System
Name 4 components
- central nervous system
- peripheral nervous system
- somatic nervous system
- autonomic nervous system
Nervous System
Central NS
brain and spinal cord
Peripheral NS
transmits signal from brain to rest of the body
Somatic NS
- sensory receptors to CNS & CNS skeletal muscles
- communicates w/sense organs & voluntary muscles
Autonomic NS
- transmit from smooth to skeletal & back
- communicates w/internal organs & glands
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
sympathetic and parasympathetic
- sympathetic-prepare body for action fight/flight
- arousing, all systems go↑
- parasympathetic-sleep & relaxation & return to pre-emergency state
- everything slows down
- parachutes
- ex parasympathetic-erection
- sympathetic-ejaculation
Somatic Nervous System
Sensory and Motor
- Somatic Motor
- Sensory Afferent
- Motor-efferent
- soMatic-Motor
- Muscles, Movement, send Messages
- Sensory-afferent
- nervous system-sensory input
- Motor-efferent
- nervous system-motor output
Structure of Neuron
- dendrites-receive information from cells
- axon-transmits information from other cells
- mylin-speeds up conduction of information through axon-transmits information to information to cells
Conduction of Neurons
conduction & action potentials
- 2 processes-conduction and transmission
- conduction-neuron resting state is (-) when stimulation is caused (+) charged sodium ions enter the cell to make ↓- aka depolorized
- action potential-min threshold, depolarization and trigger*all or nothing
- measured by frequency or # of action potential, not intensity
Transmission between neurons
synaptic transmission
- chemical
- action potential
- ↓
- action terminal
- ↓
- synaptic cleft
- ↓
- presynaptic neuron (inactive)
Transmission between neurons
excitatory ↑ ap (action potential) in postsynaptic neuron
inhibitory ↓ ap in postsynaptic neuron
- ↑ ↓ functions
- ↓ dopamine subtantia nigra-Parkinsons
- ↑ caudate nucleus leads to -Tourettes
- dopmaine hypothesis ↑ dopamine schizophrenia & hyperactivity in dopamine receptor
mesolimbic pathway
- reward circuit
- reinforces cocaine, amphetamines, nicotine, alcohol, and opiates
mesocortial pathway
- starts at ventral tegmental area
- ↓
- ends at prefrontal cortex
- involves emotions and executive functions