I/O Flashcards
Position Analysis Questioner PAQ
Worker Job Analysis Compare worker activities for jobs
Justice DIP
Distributive-fairly distributed Interactional - things are communicated Procedural-how fair procedures are being used
Total Quality Management TQM
Employee involvement/improvement Survey, data, satisfaction
Aptitude test
OK predictor of job performance
Low predictor of job performance low validity turn of applicant
General Mental ability test example positive negative
(wonderlick) example risk adverse effect increase most valid job performance scrunity used increase predict job success
Work Samples
decrease discrimination good criterion, relliability, validity
Interest test
low job prediction/performance of success high prediction job satisfaction/choice
Absolute measures
Subjective Measures -Critical Incidents -Forced Choice -Graphic Rating Scale -BARS
Relative measures
Subjective measures -Paired comparison -Forced distribution
Subjective Measures:
Rely on judgement of the rater. More useful for eval. complex contributors to job perf. such as motivation, leadership skills & decision making ability. List absolute and relative
Leniency/Strictness/Central Tendency/Biases aka distribution errors
Everyone gets high/low/average ratings
Halo Bias (error)
positive or negative one thing controls all
Control for Halo Bias
-Train raters -Forced Choice -BARS
Contrast bias (Error)
Think Compare and Constrast -your rating is affected by the person rating before you ex. he was great so mine will be great
Similarity Bias
rate employees higher, the more similar to us ex I love how we are always on the same page
Control for rater bias
No comparison of employees -critical inicident technique -BARS (based on critical incidents) type of graphic rating scale -Graphic rating scale -Train raters aka Frame of reference training (everyone is on the same page Compare employees -Forced distribution (preferred for leniency&halo) -Paried comparison technique
Adverse impact aka Disparate Impact
4/5s rule 80%
Causes for Adverse impact
-differentintial validity-differential validity coeffiecients for different groups (very rare) -test unfairness-similiar validity coefficients between minority and majority groups (parallel regression line occurs)
Interest test examples good/bad
examples kuder occupational, holland bad-bad predictor of job success, not good predictor of job performance good-good predictor of job choice/satisfaction
Aptitude test good/bad
decent predictor of job performance
Biodata good/bad
bad-not good predictor job choice, lacks face validity, applicants are not interested good-good predictor of job success, second best predictor of job performance (after general mental abilities test)
General Mental Abilities Test (cognitive abilities) wonderlic personnel test
bad-risk for adverse impact good-Most valid predictor of job performance, most *frequently used, good- predictor of job satisfaction
Letters of recommendations
bad can be misleading poor validity
Structured interviews
- bad- first impression-swayed by the initial impression
- bad-negative information bad-contrast effect (previous candidate shadows next person interview)
- bad-person prejudices
- bad-halo effect
- good-better criterion-related validity if structured vs unstructed interview
Personality Test
Good and Bad
- bad-poor predictor of job performance
- good-useful as screening tools for stressful jobs
- BIG 5 OCEAN Conscience has been the best predictor of job performance
Employee Selection Procedures
Think MMM Multiple regression-only 1 compensatory low on 1 can compensate for another ex EPPP Multiple Cutoff-non compensatory must meet the minimum or past cutoff will be considered- everyone gets all parts of test ex minimum sat math and reading 600 for ivy college Multiple hurdle-non compensatory make it past first predictor in order to continue to the next hurdle (preferred over multi cutoff) because you do not have to spend money administering it all to everyone
Hollands Personality Job Fit
- RIASEC differentiation=increase on one type and low on all others congruence= how much of a match exists between personality and work environment
- Realistic-doers-outdoors, vet tech, construction worker
- Investigative-thinkers-math, science, independent, doctor, historian
- Artistic-creators-unstructured, imagination, photographer, musician
- Social-helpers-teach, train, concerned w/welfare of others, therapist, nurse
- Enterprising-persuaders-lead, manage, outgoing, energetic, lawyer, executive
- Conventional-organizers-working at desk, careful, carry out in detail, librarian,
Super Career and Life Space
Think Super Self-Concept and Life Career Rainbow
Career Maturity
Super aka adaptability-person achieves career tasks each stage of lifespan
Super Self Concept
how you see yourself in a situation job satisfaction/success when self concept and job align
Life career rainbow
super 8 life roles child, student, parent, citizen 5 major life stages growth 0-15 exploration 15-24 establishment 25-44 maintenance 45-64 decline 65+
Career Decision Making Model
Tiedeman & O’Hara 2 parts TIED to career decision think about anticipating the tides (tiedeman) and implementing/adjusting before you hit 1)-anticipation-explore careers and choose one 2)-implementation/adjustment -start job become proficient self-awareness is key linked to Erickson-ego identity
Social Learning theory of Career development
- Krumboltz (think crumbled cookie) we will crumble without socialization, modeling and reinforcement
- Genetics-talents, attributes
- Environment-social influence
- Learning-importing learning experiences
- Task Approach Skill-work habits problem solving
- -related to Bandura and reinforcement theory
Decision Dynamic Career Model
Brousseau & Driver LETS DRIVE Linear-upward movement-does not switch jobs often Expert-Master your job-specialized Transitory-not motivated but will work for $ 2 do hobby Spiral-motivation is continuing learning-lifelong learner change jobs every 5-10 years
Herzberg 2 Factory Theory aka Motivator Hygiene Theory
extension of Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Job Content=Upper level-motivators-satisfiers Job enrichment aka vertical loading-RICH-job expansion
Job satisfaction/dissatisfaction (upper)
upper level needs are met result in satisfaction and motivation upper level needs not more does not cause dissatisfaction
Job enlargement aka horizontal loading
enlarge-gets bigger but no special stuff (icing) -increase variety of tasks (not responsibility) -increase satisfaction (not performance)
Job satisfaction/dissatisfaction (lower)-hygiene
lower level needs not meet=disatisfaction lower level needs met does not cause satisfaction
Clinical prediction
compensatory subjective decision from people who know the job and think other applicant can do it (-) susceptible to bias
Multiple regression
statisical way to combine scores each thing is weighted with prediction and criterion then weighted scores come in
0-1.0 closer to 1 less measurement error increase consistency of scores predictor is reliable when consistency measures consistency
is predictor measuring what is supposed to measure
Content Validity
predictor adequately samples knowledge and skills to measure ex job knowledge, work samples
Construct validity
predictor measures construct (hypothetical trait) it was designed to measure -correlating scores, ex I.Q.test and personality test need adequate validity
Criterion-related validity
-1 to +1 closer to 0 decrease validity -predictor correlates with scores on the criterion -predictor & criterion scores correlated to get validity
Incremental Validity
add to already existing increase decision-making accuracy by adding
Selection rate
% job applicants plan to hire #2B hired/ # of applicants low selection rate is best
Base rate
% applicants hired & considered successful base rate increase, new predictor will not help base rate decrease means another problem like inadequate training
Best time to add to base rate
moderate rate (.50) increase inaccuracy
Taylor Russell Table
estimate predictors for incremental Validity for combination coefficients, base rates, and selection ratios
Differential validity
selection test or procedure has significantly different validity coefficients for members of different groups example coeffencient for men .70 vs women .20
Adverse impact present by court 4 different ways it may apply
1)modify procedure to eliminate adverse impact 2) Business necessity (tight rope walker example) 3) Bone fid occupational qualification (BFOQ) ex nun 4) Applies to gender, age, religion, national origin, but not race
Utility analysis
economic return on investment #of people highered test validity coefficient SD of job performance in $ cost of testing
Needs analysis aka needs assessment
identifies training needs
Organizational analysis
identify job goals if employee doesnt perform why? (training, selection (wrong person) or other
Task (job) analysis
identify (KSAO’s) to do the job Knowledge Skill Ability Other Characteristics
Person Analysis
identify employees who need more training
Demographic Analysis
identify training needs for a specific group (younger workers or older workers)
Training Methods
On the job training-watch and learn Job Rotation-rotate between jobs (mangers) Cross-Training- teach employee how to perform essential tasks of another job (usually union, factory) Off job training- lectures, simulation, behavior modeling
Training Methods positive and negative
+ less costly, alleviates problems w/ job transfer - potential for error, decrease shadow or disruption of productivity
a) Career function -mentor states and organizations -mentor mentee w/behaviors for advancement (sponsor) b) Psychosocial Functions -bond between mentor & mentee -engaging in behaviors to promote growth
-encourages employee to be responsible achieve and sustain goals treat as partners
Coaching activities
a) coaching analysis -identify employee satisfactory/unsatisfactory performance b) coaching discussion -direct communication mentee/coach to max performance
Coaching vs Mentoring
Coaching Mentoring -task oriented Relationship -decrease performance focus career focus -decrease shorter duration longer -needs of employee/job needs employee only
Performance coaching
help on all levels of job requirement
Executive coaching
leadership to achieve short/long term goals
Team coaching
improve ability of team to achieve goals
Factors that affect learning
Distributed (speed) Massed -more effective learning all in one session -multiple learning sessions
learning beyond mastery recalled without thinking important when errors have big consequence
symptoms- physical and psychological when athlete over trains include a decrease in performance, tired, continuous muscle pain, soreness, GI issues, apathy (lack of interest) depression, anxiety
Factors that affect the transfer of training
Identical elements aka physical & psychological fidelity -stimulus variability (variety of stimulus) -support-offer training support
Formative Evaluation
FORMED-development & improvement -needs assessment, determine needs & how to meet -evaluability assessment, evaluate the effectiveness -process evaluation, how a program is implemented&planned
Summative Evaluation
SUMMARY-results of program and goals -outcome evaluation, did program achieve its goals -input evaluation, find intended/unintended effects -economic evaluation, cost-effectiveness/benefit of program
Confirmative Evaluation
CONFIRM- done lonnnnnnnnnnng after training confirm utility of training
Ongoing during & after formative and summative & confirmative -purposeful for assessing reliability/validity
Job Maturity
Hersey & Blanchard-employee “readiness” “think I am ready for a Hershey kiss” willingness & motivation to do the job ex. maturity level how lucy/ethel handled job at hersey factory
Situational Leadership Model
Hershey & Blanchard Telling-not willing, & not able (LEAST READY) ex you need to be told to screen for suicide Selling-not able but willing (i.e. motivated) ex reminded notes can/b subpoenanaed follow my my way Participating-able but not willing (i.e. not motivated) ex we are good on staff, lets make a flextime plan 4u Delegating-able and willing (i.e. motivated)(MOST READY) ex. boss already knows you stay on top of your tasks and work hard
Rational Economic Model of Decision Making
AKA Classical/Traditional Approach-AKA Optimizing Style/Principle (Harrison) look at all of the options before choosing “optimal”
Bounded Rationality
aka Administrative Model of Decision Making aka Behavioral Approach aka Satisficing Style/Principle (SIMON) -Satisficing-first good option TAKE IT -used 4 ambiguous unclear problems “ain’t nobody got time for that”
Foundation for Leadership
Theories X,Y and Z (McGregor) combines scientific with human relations -Theory X-people r lazy need threats&coercion 2 work -Theory Y-w/right conditions people will work hard and seek increase responsibility and challenge -Theory Z- workers seek ways to participate in management, motivated by teamwork and share responsibility
Leadership power (Who) and position, personal, incremental, compliance
French and Raven reward, coervice & legitmate are position power referent & expert are personal power referent & expert are incremental power reward & legitimate are compliance
5 types of leadership power
- legitimate-formal right to make demands (boss’ boss)
- referent-worthiness, right2respect (admire)
- expert-superior knowledge or skill
- reward-ability to compensate for compliance
- coercive-ability to punish 4 noncompliance most - associated w/satisfaction
Transactional/transformational Leadership
-BASS -Transactional=$, reinforcement, rewards/punishment2motivate, stability/not change -Transformational= intellectual/inspirational2motivate, empower employees
Goodness of fit
Holland -most productive and increase of congruence w/personality & work -personality/work match=most predictive job outcome
high score on one personality (Holland), low on others
Vocation Identity
clear and stable goals, interest and tasks well informed, feel more confident after making career choice
Leadership Ohio state University
Initiating structure-task oriented, increase productivity, Consideration-person oriented, respect/trust, increase motivation/satisfaction
Big five Personality
Costa& McCrae Openness–correlated to creativity Conscientiousness- job success Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism (also least stable over time)
Personality traits antisocial
antisocial= +neuroticism, - agreeableness and - conscienctiousness
Leader effectiveness
extraversion and conscientiousness largest correlation
Group Tasks in Organizations
additive-added to provide combined effect disjunctive-most effective member (dis others) conjunctive-aka pink eye, worst (least eff member) compensatory-inputs are averaged
Relationship satisfaction/job performance satisfaction/job longevity alternated work schedule
satisfaction/performance=positive and weak satisfaction/longevity=positive and moderate alternate work schedule=increase morale not performance
Needs Analysis aka needs assessment
-identify training needs organizational Job Demographic person
Social facilitation vs Social inhibition
Social Facilitation-performs well in presence of others Social Inhibition-challenges performing well presence of others if the task is new or difficult
Flextime Rotating shifts Swing shifts
Flex-+satisfaction/productivity, decrease absenteeism Rotating-worse, - health, highest rate accidents/injuries Swing Shifts- negative impact on social relationships
Assessment centers
determine which upper-level management should be promoted ex in basket technique or leaderless group discussion
Job burnout
feeling exhausted depersonalization-sense of feelings ones behavior/thoughts/feeling feeling inefficacious-unable to produced desired effect
Type A Behavior
increase heart disease
know it beyond mastery important for infrequent tasks, decrease errors for big consequences
physical & psychological too much athlete decreased performance, tired, muscle pain/soreness GI issues, apathy (lack of interest), depression, anxiety
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) (Selye)
think Generals ARE GASsy Alarm-fight or flight (cortisol/ fight/flight) Resistance-stressor persists (cortisol remains elevated) exhaustion-stress no resolve-body is exhausted/body cannot sustain fighting
Social Loafing (aka Ringelmann effect)
people don’t work as hard in a group ex- people tip less in a group than together
Ability/success male and female
male success due to ability female on male task due to luck female on female tasks due to ability
highly cohesive seeking consensus do not want to disagree with the majority dismiss critical thinking
Group/Response Polarization
tendency people w/similiar views become extreme ex. risky shift-group take more risk than doing alone
Quality Control Circles (QCC)
Maslow, McClelland and Herzberg increase production/satisfaction, decrease absenteeism/turnover increase responsibility work and participation with the work group
Mentoring relationship
provides support, guidance for mentees and professional development
Two functions of mentoring relationships
career function mentor status in organization and influence help mentee w/behaviors 4 advancement/sponsorship Psychological Functions bond mentor/mentee -behaviors promote personal & professional growth
Behavior Modeling-Bandura
observe and perform task get feedback, reinforcement while practice
Stimulation training
similar to site done when it maybe too costly ex police/fire training
Vestibule training
simulate learning through actual tool or materials ex space camp + control environment, increase # peop trained, variety - cost more, skills may not transfer
Dessinger-Moseley Full Scope Evaluation
Formative Evaluation-development of training/needs Summative Evaluation-after training-assess reactions Confirmation Evaluation-done later-long term effects Meta Evaluation-ongoing-purpose for assessing reliability and validity
Kirkpatrick evaluation model
Reaction criteria-assess impression (did they like it) Learning Criteria-assess learning of trainee (learning) Behavior Criteria-level job performance improved w/training
Taylors Scientific Method
Maximize org efficiency & productivity 1) scientific method, find best way to do job 2) workers are scientifically trained & selected 3) Equal division of labor-organize & plan work, implement 4)Cooperate w/workers-support workers get it done right
Webers Bureaucracy
impersonal & rational way to endure operation are efficient
Bureaucratic Organization
Division of labor Hierarchy of authority rules of procedures employment decisions written records separation owner management
Mays Human Relations
Hawthorne Plant of Western Electric Human relations approach-alter work conditions to identity & amblify job productivity Hawthorne Effect-work harder when watched Binging-letting a coworker know production is too high
Social Factors vs Physical conditions
Social factors are more important than physical conditions for productivity and motivation
Katz & Kahn Open System Theory
Organizations are open systems A)cycle of events b) maintain homeostates c) avoid negative entropy d) function with equifinality and multifinality
Principle of equifinality
system achieve same goal multiple ways
Principle of multfinality
system achieve dissimilar goals for same INITIAL condition
Open Systems
- input-throughput-output cycle
- Input-org take in informations/resources
- throughput-transform resource to product/service
- Output-sendout product/services
Models of Unplanned Change (Lewin)
3 step model
3 step model
- unfreezing-identify (increase or decrease) status quo
- changing-implement change to move to equilibrium
- refreezing-integrate change to org values & traditions
General Model of Planned Change (Cummings & Workys)
A) entering&contacting-identify problem, ways2fix B)diagnosing-collect data/information provide feedback C)Planning&implementing-org readiness 2 change D) Evaluating&institutionality-evaluate implementation & results, continue, modify, suspend, change
Survey Feedback
Overseen by consultant 1) data collection-survey/get attitudes 2)provide feedback-take info, share/identify problem 3)Develop action plan-offer recommendations, offer action plan
Process Consultation
consultant does not provide answers/solutions helps org become self reliant communication
Self Managed work team
-group has total control of own work -no supervisors -leadership changes over time -person w/expertise at the time leads
Technostructural Intervention
-focus on change technology or structure to: improve work method improve work content & employee relationship reduce cost
Intervention-Business Process Reengineering
increase org efficiency radical redsign org financial communication
Interventon-Job Enrichment
Herzberg -opportunity for responsibility, challenge, advancement -motivator (job content) factors that increase worker satisfaction and motivation
Intervention-compressed work week
Effects of absenteeism unclear
increase job satisfaction decrease tardiness decrease absenteeism increase job satisfaction *strongest effect on absenteeism
Total Quality Management techiques
Quality Circles (QC) small group/identify problems/offer solutions to fix problems Benchmarking- measure product/service against the competition, identify how to improve the organization Six Sigma-quality management provide training stat analysis, project management problem solving to decrease rage of the defective product
4 D cycle
Discovery-appreciate “what is” Dream-envision “what could be” Design-determine “what should be” Deliver/destiny- sustain “what will be”
Leader Intelligence and Personality
meta-analysis correlation coefficient .27 between intelligence and effectiveness intelligence better predictor, leader stress level decrease, and leader directive style Big 5 -largest correlation: extraversion & concientiousness
Leader Behavior
Leaders increase-> initiating structure-task oriented & focus on achieving goals Leaders increase-> consideration are person-oriented focus on fostering trust & respect
Leader Gender
men and women do not differ in leadership style -are perceived as more effective in traditional roles -style- female- adopt participative (democratic),transformational males-adopt more directive (autocratic) style
Favorable of the situation
influence over subordinates 1) leader-member relations (good or poor) 2) task structure (structured or unstructured) 3) Position power (strong or weak)
Leadership style is:
stable, leader will change the situation to fit his style
(House) Path-Goal
how “ready” employees 2 perform employee and employer pick best PATH -supportive-relationships in & out of work (care) -Achievement oriented-expect employee meet goals -Participative-include employee in decision making -Directive aka instrumental-tell them what you want
Decision Making Model aka Normative Model aka Contingency Model aka Vroom Yetton & Jago
- think vroom vroom
- Decision tree-find best leadership strat w/best decisions
- Decision Matrices-leader thinks of own expertise Leadership
- style -autocratic leader makes all 1) w/employee, 2)w/o employee -
- consultive:leader gets input from individual, group
- group leader - consults w/employee & collaborate & agree 2 make decision
Leader Member exchange
leader effectiveness & subordinate outcomes In-group members-more attention from leader and part of decision making given interesting & challenging task Out-group members- formal relationships w/leader given direct orders
Vrooms expectancy theory
Expectancy-expect effort lead 2 success (i will pass) Instrumentality-believe success->rewards (licensure) Valence-Value value reward
Equity Theory (Adams)
social comparison theory equal input (contribution)/outputs (pay/reinforcers) (fairness) -more motivated when things are unfair underpayment=more work less pay overpayment=less work more pay