Physio - Neural & Chemical Control Breathing Flashcards
Where is the location of α‐motoneurons responsible for contraction of the diaphragm, internal and external intercostal muscles?
Spinal Respiratory α‐motoneurons
Phrenic motoneurons
- C3-C5
- input from contralateral inspiratory neurons of caudal medulla oblongata
External intercostal motoneurons
- thoracic segments
- input from contralateral inspiratory neurons of caudal medulla oblongata
Internal intercostal motoneurons
- thoracic segments
- input from contralateral expiratory neurons of caudal medulla oblongata
What is the collections of neurons in the brainstem (medulla oblongata and pons) responsible cyclical inspiratory and expiratory neural activity?
Inspiratory neurons:
- Discharge during inspiration
- Dorsal respiratory group (DRG)
- Ventral respiratory group (VRG)
Expiratory neurons:
- Discharge during expiration
- Ventral respiratory group (VRG) ONLY!
- If you have a stroke in this region, know what would get messed up if DRG/VRG or both get messed up.
What are the types of central or peripheral inputs that modulate the activities of brainstem respiratory neurons?
Active during inspiration:
- Pre‐Bötzinger complex
- Rostral VG
- respiratory patter generator
- Diaphragm
- Thoracic inspiratory muscles
Active during expiration:
- Bötzinger complex
- Caudal VRG
- Thoracic expiratory muscles
Modulate respiratory pattern:
Pneumotaxic center
- same as medial parabrachial nucleus (Kölliker‐Fuse)
- pons
- Influences transition btw inspiration & expiration
Nucleus Solitarus
- Dorsal medulla
- Cyclic firing of medulla oblongotta
What are the different types of pulmonary receptors?
Pulmonary stretch receptors (PSRs)
- slowly adapting PSRs
- lung parenchyma
- myelinated fibers
- increase discharge (as lungs inflate)
- contribute to cessation of inspiration
- negative feedback control
- may not play a large role during quiet eupneic breathing
Rapidly adapting PSRs
irritant receptors
- stimulated by noxius chemicals, smoke, dust
- myelinated fibers
- larger airways
- respond to abnormal stretch of lung tissue + chemicals
- unmyelinated fibers (c-fibers)
- responsible for sensation of dyspnea
- shortness of breath during inflammation
- Vagal afferent = senses stretch
- Phrenic efferent = does something about it
- slow PSR provide neg feedback to terminate inspiration
Where are the sites which have chemoreceptors sensitive to arterial
concentration of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and H+, and cerebrospinal fluid concentration of carbon dioxide and H+?
Peripheral Chemoreceptors
- Detect changes in arterial PO2 & PCO2 & pH
Carotid bodies
- afferent fibers in glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
- project to NTS (next to DRG)
Aortic bodies
- afferent fibers in vagus nerve (CN X)
- project to NTS
Carotid bodies
- If you increase PCO2 –> pH will increase!
What is the chemical control of breathing related to Hypoxia?
Peripheral chemoreceptors
- respond to ↓ in arterial PO2 (below 60 mmHg)
- leads to ↑ in minute ventilation
- response enhanced by ↑ arterial PCO2
- we need to decrease pp of O2 significantly to see increase in chemoreceptors
- greater pp of CO2 –> activate chemoreceptors
What is the chemical control of breathing related to Hypercapnia?
Peripheral chemoreceptors:
- respond to ↑ in arterial PCO2
- elicits ↑ in minute ventilation
- response enhances by ↓ in arterial PO2
- What happens when CO changes…
- if we ↓ in PP of CO2, we see a ↓in minute ventilation in alveoli
- Respiratory sys needs to respond to pp of CO2
- b/c can lead to vary deg of hypoxia
- ↑ PCO2 –> ↓ventilation
What happens to chemical control of breathing during Acidemia?
Peripheral chemoreceptors:
- responds to ↓ in arterial pH ( ↑ H+)
- linked w/ changes in CO2, hydration of CO2 by carbonic anhydrase
- leads to ↑ minute ventilation
- as we increase [H+] –> to ↑ in minute ventilation;
- chemical control of breathing!
What are central chemoreceptors?
Central chemoreceptors:
- Ventral aspect of medulla oblongata
- Detects changes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), CO2, pH
- ↑ PCO2 –> ↑ minute ventilation
- ↓ pH –> ↑ minute ventilation
- NOT stimulated by hypoxia
How can we illustrate the neural control of ventilation via concept map?
What are the contributions of peripheral and central chemoreceptors to an abrupt increase in carbon dioxide?
Response to abrupt ↑ in CO2:
- peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation
- ↑ in minute ventilation
Delayed response:
- central chemoreceptor stimulation
- maintain ↑ in ventilation
What are the factors that contribute to the marked increase in ventilation occurring during exercise?
Ventilation during exercise:
- exercise = powerful stimulus to breathing
- breathing (minute ventilation) will ↑ (proportion to intensity)
- PO2 stays constant
- strenuous exercise leads to ↓ PCO2
- ↑ [H+]
- Feed-forward & feed-back pathways –>
- regulate arterial PO2 (and lesser extent PCO2)
What are the ventilatory adjustments to high altitude?
Decrease barometric pressure!
- Stimulation of peripheral chemoreceptors by ↓PO2
- ↑Minute ventilation
- ↓ Arterial PCO2 and partial return of arterial PO2
- Hyperventilation
Midterm adjustment (days)
- Initial ↑ in CSF pH (basic)
- ↓ central respiratory drive
- due to ↓ stimulation of central chemoreceptors
- ↓ bicarb in CSF
- due to active transport of bicard from CSF
- ↑ renal excretion of bicarb
- so blood gets more acidic
- meanwhile…continued stimulate of peripheral chemoreceptors = ↑ minute ventilation
Long term adjustment
- ↑ synthesis of Hb –> polycythemia