Physio - Cardio Circuitry + Hemodynamics Flashcards
What is cardiac output?
- Cardiac output of the left heart = cardiac output of the right heart.
Right Side:
Pulmonary blood flow
- Cardiac output from the right side of the heart
Left Side:
Systemic blood flow
- Cardiac output from the left side of the heart
What are the 9 steps that explain the direction of blood flow?
- Lungs –> left atrium via the pulmonary vein
- Left atrium –> left ventricle via the mitral valve
- Left ventricle –> aorta via the aortic valve
- Aorta –> systemic arteries & systemic tissues (i.e., cerebral, coronary, renal, splanchnic, skeletal muscle, and skin)
- Tissues –> systemic veins & vena cava
- Vena cava (mixed venous blood) –> right atrium
- Right atrium –> right ventricle via the tricuspid valve
- Right ventricle –> pulmonary artery via the pulmonic valve
- Pulmonary artery –> lungs for oxygenation
What are the patient signs and clinical signs of Left Ventricular Failure?
Patient signs:
- pulmonary edema
- lung crackles, dullness on percussion
Difficulty sleeping
- orthopnea/paroxymal noctunal dyspnea
- Shortness of breath, fatigue, weakness
Clinical Signs:
↑ Left Atrial Pressure (LAP)
- measureed by pulmonary cap wedge pressure (↑PCWP)
Irregular or Rapid Pulse; Palpitations
- sympathetic response
ECG changes
- S3 gallop
What are the patient and clinical signs for Right Ventricular Failure?
Patient Signs:
Leg edema, ascites
- back-up in the large veins, peripheral edema
- increase venous return w/ leg elevation
Shortness of breath, fatigue, weakness
- mechanical impingment on diaphragm
Clinical Signs:
↑ Central Venous Pressure (CVP)
- ↓ pulmonary capillar wedge pressure (PCWP)
Irregular or rapid pulse, palpatations
- sympathetic response
Congestive Heart Failure
- __back up of fluid in the heart
- B/c closed system, left heart failure will eventually lead to right heart failure + vice versa
What is the relationship of Volume & Pressure related to
Mean Systemic Pressure?
- All forces exerted by the individual blood molecules in motion added together = make up the fluid, or blood pressure.
Mean Circulatory Filling Pressure (Mean Systemic Pressure (MSP):
- If you stopped the heart & let pressure in CV system equalize
- Measure fluid pressure ~7mmHg
Adding/Removing Volume:
(+) volume = ↑ pressure
- Volume overload = PCWP ↑, CVP ↑
(-) volume = ↓ pressure
- Hypovolemia = PCWP ↓, CVP ↓
Applying force:
(+) force = ↑ pressure
- SV↑ = arterial Ps ↑
- Volume and Pressure = directly proportional
How does Blood Volume distributed throughout the CV system?
- Blood volume in arteries = “Stressed”
- Blood volume in veins = “Unstressed”
Distribution of Blood Volume:
- Heart = 8 - 11%
- Lungs = 10 - 12 %
- Systemic arteries = 10 - 12 %
- Capillaries = 4 - 5 %
- Systemic veins = 60 - 68 %
- ** accomodate a lot of blood!**
What is blood flow and how is it calculated?
- Blood Flow (Q) aka Rate
- Amount of fluid passing per time interval
Blood flow depends on pressure difference!__
- flows DOWN a pressure gradient
- Q ~ change in P
- Blood flow (Q) across the circuitry = Cardiac Output (CO)
- CO ~ mean aortic/arterial pressure
- Proportional average of systolic & diastolic
- systolic = short (1/3)
- diastolic = long (2/3)
How do we calculate Velocity of Blood Flow?
- Velocity is dependent on area & blood flow
- As vessel diameter (A) ↑, blood flow (Q) ↓
v = Q/A
- Q = blood flow
- A = cross-sectional area (πr2)
Small area + high velocity = fast delivery of blood
- ↓ A, ↑ Q = FAST
All Capillaries:
High area + low velocity = slow; time for exchange
- ↑A, ↓ Q = SLOW
- Structure helps w/ function and efficiency
How do we calculate Resistance to Blood Flow?
- Blood flow is dependent on change in pressure & resistance
R = change in P / Q
- P = Pressure
- R = Resistance
- MAP = Mean arterial pressure
- RAP = Right artrial pressure
- TPR = Total Peripheral Resistance
Systemic Distribution:
- Aorta/large arteries/long arterial branches = 19% TPR
- Terminal arteries & arterioles = 47% TPR
- **HIGHEST amount of resistance here**
- **Greatest pressure drop!**
How to calculate Organ Resistance?
- R = change in P / Q
- Organ Resistance = (P(organ artery) - P(organ vein)) / CO
- Derived from: TPR = MAP - RAP/ CO
Clinical Relevance:
Cirrhotic/carcinogenic liver
- ↑ intrahepatic R –> fluid backup –> leg edema
What is Poiseuille’s Law?
Poiseuille’s Law:
- Resistance = INVERSELY proportional to Blood Flow
R = 8nL/πr4
Derived from… R = change in P/ Q
- Q = πr4(change in P)/(8nL)
Derived from… R = change in P/ Q
- n = viscosity
- viscosity of blood ~ 3x of water
- L = length
- r = radius
- ** by far the most influential!
- Steady flow
- non-pulsatile
- Uniform flow
- long vessel w/ constant CSA
- Newtonian fluid
- consetant viscosity
- Laminar flow
- non-turbulent
- No-slip condition
- velocity near wall = very low
- None of these assumption are present in the body…but it nevertheless gives us a good estimation
How does vessel arrangement influence TPR?
- TPR depends on vessel arrangement
Series Resistance:
- Resistance = INCREASING (additive)
- Rtotal = Rartery + Rarterioles + Rcapillaries + Rvenules + Rvein
- total blood flow at each level = same
- ↑ R = ↓ Pressure (Q = P/R)
- total blood flow at each level = same
Parallel Resistance:
- Resistance = DECREASING
- 1/Rtotal = 1/Ra + 1Rb + … + 1/Rn
- total blood flow thru each organ = fraction of total flow
- ADDING a resistance = DECREASES Rtotal
- ie: opening a traffic lane
What is the differece between Laminar Flow and Turbulent Flow?
Laminar Flow:
- Quiet
- Flow in layers, along streamlines
- Reynolds #: NR < 2000
Turbulent Flow:
- Noisy
- Random 3D fluid motion
- Reynolds #: NR > 3000
- Blowing, gurgling, whooshing, rasping sounds
- Produced by turbulent flow thru heart valves or carotid sinus
- Vascular murmurs
Clinical relevance:
- ↑ NR (turbulent flow) can be caused by:
blood clot/stenotic valve
- ↑ velocity
- ↓ viscosity
blood clot/stenotic valve
What is Shear?
Highest shear stress = at Vessel Wall
- velocity difference btw adjacent blood layers & wall = greatest
Highest shear stress = Arterioles & Capillaries
- greatest ratio of wall:blood
How does Compliance differ in blood vessels?
- At low pressure, veins = more compliant than arteries
- At high pressure, pressure is similar in both
- Cv = change in V/ change in P
At a given change in volume:
- the higher the compliance, the smaller the pressure change
- adding blood to veins does not add much to MSP
- veins act as a low pressure reservoir
At a given change in pressure:
- the lower the compliance, the less volume the vessel can hold
- arteries do not hold much blood, but have a high pressure
- adding blood significantly changes MSP