Embryo - Heart Development Flashcards
What layer does the Heart develop from?
- splanchnic layer of lateral mesoderm
Other Facts:
- Earliest organ to develop (~day 18)
- Heart beats (~day 21-22)
- detected by sonography (~week5)
What is cardiogenic mesoderm and what does it split into?
- horseshoe shaped region of mesoderm
- extending from anterior of embryo –> both sides of foregut
Approx 18 days:
- Cardiogenic Mesoderm = cranial to precordal plate (mouth)
Pericardial coelom splits it into:
- somatic part (dorsal)
- splanchnic part (ventral)
- primordial heart tubes dev. from this layer
Pericardial coelom eventually is divided by folds to form:
- pericardial space (heart)
- pleural space (lungs)
- peritoneal space (abdomenal structures)
What is the importance of flexion and folding?
- Folding & flexion –> migration of developing heart into normal anatomical position
- ventral to foregut
- proximal to diaphragm
Longitudinal Folding:
Brings everything caudal into correct place
- Heart tube = now caudal to head & ventral to foregut
- Septum transversum = caudal to heart
- future diaphragm
- Secondary Yolk sac —> forms gut/GI structure
Lateral folding:
- fuses heart tubes together
- parietal pericardium
- forms from somatic layer of mesoderm
- visceral pericardium
- forms from splanchnic layer of mesoderm
- phrenic nerve found in folds
Pleural cavitites lie along the sides of the foregut
- airways develop from foregut
- Peritoneal cavities lie dorsally at sides of gut
- Pericardial cavity moves to position vental to foregut
What are the 5 subdivisions of the Single Heart Tube in early embryonic development?
Sinus venosus –> Primordial Atrium –> Primodial Ventricle –> Bulbus Cordis –> Truncus Arteriosus
Embryological fates of the heart tube components?
Truncus arteriosus gives rise to?
Ascending aorta & pulmonary trunk
Bulbus cordis gives rise to?
Smooth parts (outflow tract) of left and right ventricles
Endocardial cushion gives rise to?
- Atrial septum
- Membranous interventricular septum
- AV & semilunar valves
Primitive atrium gives rise to?
Trabeculated part of left & right atria
Primitive ventricle gives rise to?
Trabeculated part of left & right ventricles
Primative pulmonary vein gives rise to?
Smooth part of left atrium
Left horn of sinus venosus gives rise to?
Coronary Sinus
Right horn of sinus venosus gives rise to?
Smooth part of the right atrium (sinus venarum)
Right common cardinal vein and Right anterior cardinal vein give rise to?
Superior vena cava (SVC)
What is Cardiac Looping ?
What defect can arise?
Cardiac Looping:
- Primary heart tube loops to establish left-right polarity/heart laterality
- begins at week 4 of gestation
- D-Loop (normal)
- apex = left
When things go wrong:
Dextrocardia (L-loop)
- apex = right
- Seen in Kartagener syndrome
- primary ciliary dyskinesia
Complete situs inversus
- all organs = reversed
What is involved in Left-Right Partitioning?
- ALL of the heart tube MUST BE PARTITIONED:
Partitioning = accomplished by the growth/dev of:
- Endocardial cushions (AV cushions)
- neural crest cells = important for this formation
- Interatrial septum
- Interventricular sepum
- muscular & membranous parts
- Spiral (aortico-pulmonary) septum
Separation of the Atrial chambers involves what 5 steps?
Atrial Chambers in Utero:
Septum primum grows toward endocardial cushions
- narrows foramen primum
Foramen secundum forms in septum primum
- foramen primum disappears
- Septum secundum develops as f_oramen secundum_ maintains right-to-left shunt
Septum secundum expands and covers most of foramen secundum
- opening btw septum secundum + septum primum = foramen ovale
- Remaining portion of septum primum forms valve of foramen ovale
After Birth:
- Septum secundum & septum primum fuse to form the atrial septum
Forman ovale usually closes due to ↑ L.A. pressue
- fossa ovale = reminant that can be seen in R.A.