Histo - Respiratory Flashcards
What are the 3 features of the Respiratory System?
- Conducting portion
- Respiratory portion
- Ventilating mechanism
What are the major components of the Conducting Portion?
- Nasal cavity
- Nasopharynx
- Larynx
- Trachea
- Bronchi/reg Bronchioles/terminal bronchioles
- Most have respiratory epithelium
- Specialized epithelium = olfactory epithelium
- At bronchioles:
- changes –> simple columnar w/ cilia
- then changes –> simple cuboidal w/ cilia
What are the features of Nasal Cavities?
- Nares = stratified squamous keratinized (SSK)
- Vestibule = stratified squamous NOT keratinized (SSNK)
- Respiratory portion = respiratory epithelium
- superior, middle, inferior parts
- Roof of nasal cavity + superior conchae = lined by olfactory epithelium
What are the features of Paranasal Sinuses?
- in the frontal, maxillary, ethmoid & sphenoiod bones
- lined by respiratory epithelium
- Lamina propria = continuous w/ periosteum
- communicate w/ nasal cavities
When things go wrong…
- chronic inflammation of sinuses
- chronic congestion
What are the 5 major cell types of respiratory epithelium?
- Ciliated columnar cells
- Goblet cells
Brush cells
- sparse microvilli (hard to see)
- chemosensory receptors
- synaptic contact w/ afferent nerve endings on basal surface
- dont all reach surface
Small granule cells
- dense core granules
- enteroendocrine cells (APUD; DNES)
- secrete into blood supply directly
Basal cells
- stem cells for respiratory
What are the 3 major cell types (and APUD cells) in olfactory epithelium?
Olfactory neurons
- bipolar neurons
- apical part of dendrite
- cilia projecting from basal bodies
- cilia = NONmotile
- chemoreceptors
- axons = form fila olfactoria
- can regenerate from stem cells
- (can regain sense of smell)
- Supporting cells
- Basal Cells
- amine uptake and decarboxyation - enteroendocrine cells
- secrete directly into blood supply
Respiratory vs. Olfactory Epithelium
- thinner
- goblet cells
- regular cilia (motile)
- location = conducting portion
- thicker
- NO goblet cells
- regular + immotile cilia
- location = superior conchae
What are the 2 major components of the Olfactory Region?
- Olfactory epithelium
Lamina propria
Bowman’s glands
- serous secretion
- fluid
- helps w/ smell
Swell bodies
- veins
Fila olfactoria
- __nerves
Bowman’s glands
What are the components of the olfactory region that can be seen in this image?
What are the 2 major components of the Respiratory Passages?
- posterior to nasal cavity
- respiratory epithelium
- throat
- caudal to nasophyarnx
- pharyngeal tonsil
- opening of Eustachian tubes
- elastic limiting layer (seen in image)
What can be seen in this image?
- btw pharynx & trachea
- prevents food from entering larynx
Vestibular folds (VF)
- respiratory epithelium
Vocal folds (VC)
- Phonation
- moved by vocalis muscle (VM)
What are the characteristics of the trachea & bronchi in the conducting portion of the respiratory system?
- C-shaped hyaline cartilage rings
- Trachealis muscle & fibroelastic tissue
- interact w/ edges of rings
Bronchi: (branches off of Trachea)
Extrapulmonary bronchi
- cartilage plates
- NO lung parechyma surrounding
Intrapulmonary bronchi
- cartilage plates
- lung parenchyma surrounding
- bronchi = cartilage
- bronchioles = NO cartilage
What structures are seen in this image?
- C-shaped cartilage
- Trachealis muscles & fibroelastic tissue
What is in this image?
Extrapulmonary bronchi
- plate of hyaline cartilage
- has fat + CT ouside of it
- can see nearby lymphnode
What is in this image?
Intrapulmonary bronchi:
- overlapping cartilage
- respiratory epithelium
- nearby lung tissue/alveoli