PHYSIO/ANAT - ANS Flashcards
What are the 2 fuctnional divisions of the nervous system?
- somatic NS
- visceral NS
What does the visceral NS supply?
Internal organs/viscera
What are the divisions of the visceral NS?
- Visceral sensory/afferent
- Visceral motor/ ANS
What does the ANS innervate?
Smooth muscle
Cardiac muscle
What are the 2 divisions of the ANS?
Is the ANS controlled voluntarily?
What is a main difference between the structure of the ANS and the somatic motor system?
Somatic motor system - cell body is in CNS and one axon extends to muscle
ANS - a chain of 2 neurons (pre and postganglionic neurons)
What is a ganglion?
A group of cell bodies
Where does the preganglionic neuron run from ? SYMPATHETIC
Spinal cord -> ganglion
Where does the postganglionic neuron run from? SYMPATHETIC
Ganglion -> organ
Where are the cell bodies of presynaptic neurons found? SYMP
In the lateral horns of spinal cord segments T1-L2/L3
Where do the preganglionic axons of symp. division exit the spinal cord from?
Anterior roots of spinal nerves
How do preganglionic axons of symp system separate from spinal nerves?
Separate as white rami communicantes
What do white rami of symp division enter ?
Sympathetic chains
In the sympathetic NS, where can the preganglionic neuron synapse?
- Paravertebral ganglia/sympathetic chain
- Preverterbral ganglia
- Adrenal medulla
Where is the sympathetic trunk located?
Anterolateral to vertebral column from skull to coccyx
Is there the same amount of ganglia in the sympathitic chain as there are spinal nerves? Why/why not?
The ganglia fuse
Where are the ganglia located on the sympathetic chain?
3 in cervical area
11 thoracic
4 lumbar
4 sacrall
How are ganglia of the sympathetic trunk connected?
By the interganglionic trunk
What are the 3 ways for the postganglionic neurons to travel to target organs? SYMPATHETIC - SYNAPSING IN CHAIN OF GANGLIA
- Exit in grey rami comminucans and travel with somatic nerves
- Associate with large arteries to travel to head
- Run directly to thoracic organs
How do postganglionic neurons which synapse in the sympathetic trunk exit the sympathetic trunk? SYMPATHETIC
Via grey rami communicans
When postganglionic neurons which synapse in the sympathetic trunk run with spinal nerves, what do they innvervate? SYMPATHETIC
- Sweat glands
- Arrector pili muscles
- Peripheral blood vessels
When postganglionic neurons which synapse in the sympathetic trunk run with large arteries, what do they innvervate?
- salivary gland
- smooth muscle
- blood vessels in head
When postganglionic neurons which synapse in the sympathetic trunk run directly to organs, what do they innvervate?
Heart and lungs - THORACIC ORGANS ONLY